June 2004 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Jun 1 01:13:33 EDT 2004
Ending: Wed Jun 30 23:53:54 EDT 2004
Messages: 4256
- HTTP Proxy server in python
Muhammad Ali
- exceptions
Jacek Generowicz
- SimpleXMLRPCServer performance issue in MSWin
danu kusmana
- py2exe: setting packages from setup script
David Fraser
- problems with module Cookie
Manlio Perillo
- problems with mmap under windows nt
Manlio Perillo
- mod python confusion
David Fraser
- 2.3.4 ./configure failure: error: cannot run C++ compiled programs
Holger Joukl
- Will there be Function/class decorators in Python 2.4??
David Fraser
- Unification of Methods and Functions
Duncan Booth
- Norton AntiVirus a détecté et mis en quarantaine un virus dans un message que vous avez envoyé.
NAV pour Microsoft Exchange-KLEEGROUPMAIL
- how to bail if stdin is empty
Antoon Pardon
- Am I asking too much from datetime?
thehaas at binary.net
- Fortran-compiled DLLs in Python
Pierre Schnizer
- need help
David Fraser
- PyAC 0.0.2
David Fraser
- Python for AI: OWL and CLIPS anyone?
Edward Hartley
- Python with TestDirector
Golawala, Moiz M (GE Infrastructure)
- OT: Cryptography puzzle
Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou
- question on garbage collection for python
Terry Reedy
- launching Adobe Reader from wxHTMLwindow
- terminological obscurity
- Python 2.3.4c1 -- nasty threading bug (Linux) [resend]
Anthony Baxter
- Authentication for socket communication ...
- [Vanpyz] Vancouver Python User's Group meeting Tuesday, June 1
Martin Bliemel
- Is there any way to make Python play well with stow?
Tim Bradshaw
- Print String
Peter Otten
- Your message to gpul-traduccion awaits moderator approval
gpul-traduccion-bounces at ceu.fi.udc.es
- Regexp: unexspected splitting of string in several groups
- noddy example, writing C modules for python
Torsten Mohr
- Problem with smtplib: 550 'Administrative prohibition'
Wayne Pierce
- Python Crypto Question
- Any Python modules for manipulating JFIF file contents?
Kenneth McDonald
- Autoflush in python cgi
Andrew Dalke
- strange socket behaviour
Joe Wong
- extension modules in C for python, check for korrekt Object
Heiko Wundram
- Table of Python Packages
Mike C. Fletcher
- What Help Authoring program do you recommend?
Miki Tebeka
- Could python help to create hundreds of NT accounts ?
Harald Massa
- Converting Hex to decimal
Holger Türk
- getting mimetype of a file
Matteo Merli
- having serious problems getting a python CGI to work
Cameron Laird
- Canvas-Widget .... Color at position x,y
Eric Brunel
- swig and list in python
Boštjan Jerko
- preftree 0.3 released
David Fraser
- [].index
Piet van Oostrum
- 2d lists
Piet van Oostrum
- memory error
Heiko Wundram
- Is this just for readability to the developer? python
David Stockwell
- PythonMagick compilation problem
Juho Saarikko
- C-program->Python->mxDateTime Problem
Michael R Seefelt
- last chance for online EuroPython registration!
Martijn Faassen
- crypt and decrypt IP address for a php project
danielle d'avout
- 2.2 <-> 2.3 surprise
Roman Suzi
- How to demonstrate bigO cost of algorithms?
Rusty Shackleford
- Iteration weirdness
Dave Opstad
- Python Only 30% Slower than C In Certain Cases
Michael Geary
- distutils sdist and MANIFEST files
"Martin v. Löwis"
- scoping questions
Phil Frost
- oracle database module
Bernard Delmée
- Adding objects to __builtins__
Peter Hansen
- Jython Forum
Karl Ulbrich
- file fragmentation project
Bart Nessux
- python applets?
Doug Holton
- a question on __slots__ (and example from Nutshell)
Porky Pig Jr
- MSIE6 Python Question
calfdog at yahoo.com
- Idea: Python Shorthand (was Re: Why a class when there will only be one instance?
Cameron Laird
- Problem building Python 2.3.4 on RedHat Enterprise; tcl not found
Russell E. Owen
- ANN: PyGMP 0.9 (Python GNU Multiple Precision Library wrapper)
Paul Rubin
- Execute a command from a cgi script
- pyPgSQL and SUSE 9.1
John fabiani
- two silly questions
bill ramsay
- Error in small code
Miki Tebeka
- Idle Won't Start - Solution
Franz Steinhaeusler
- jython 2 cpython bridge
Nicolas Lehuen
- question regarding Guido's main article
Christopher Baus
- Symantec AVF detected an unrepairable virus in a message you sent
mailadmin at openandirect.com
- Client side network programming
Anand Pillai
- VTK 4.2.6 + Python 2.3.4 and VTK Examples problem
Charl P. Botha
- Triple quoted repr
Denis S. Otkidach
- Import weirdness
Remy C. Cool
- automatic naming of variables to create objects
Peter Otten
- python uid uname manipultaion/fetching
Matthew Thorley
- instantiation inside __init__
Jeff Epler
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 2)
Cameron Laird
- printing something without a newline OR a space after it?
Matteo Dell'Amico
- newbie question about import
- How to run email-unpack.py from the Email Message Module.
Chuck Amadi
- Why did no one invent Python before?
- Logging module, a few questions
Vinay Sajip
- Optimizing multiple dispatch
Jacek Generowicz
- Background of editor in eric3
- anything in python to aid generation of html for CGI?
Larry Bates
- How to pickle a subclass of tuple?
Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou
- Python email-dir.py help
Chuck Amadi
- cgi parameters lost because os.exec!
Mathieu Drapeau
- Case-insensitive globbing
Eddie Corns
- gtk.TextView and insert_at_cursor - why doesn't it work?
- ANNEVOLVE Releases its First Graphical/GUI Program
Michael Livsey
- reStructuredText Cheat Sheet
David Goodger
- Perlish dictionary behavior
Robert Brewer
- Problem with LargeFile support (Debian, Woody)
Eddie Parker
- Anybody seen a misspelled variable name finder tool?
Robert Oschler
- Newbie: What's wrong with this 6-line script?
Brent W. Hughes
- Indirect Memory Addressing
chris grebeldinger
- View Talks - Buy 'Zen of Python' Tshirt - Free with PyCON by 17th
Steve Holden
- walking a MIME encoded multipart email [python]
- httplib and proxies
Colin Brown
- variables in string.count
- partial / wildcard string match in 'in' and 'list.index()'
Josiah Carlson
- NNTP binary attachment downloader with asyncore and generators
Josiah Carlson
- undefined symbol: PyObject_GenericGetAttr when trying to embed Python
Andreas Jung
- Share a Oracle connection
- Class methods on user types
Heiko Wundram
- ScanMail Message: To Sender virus found and action taken.
Surveillance du système
- DTML Zope (element of list?)
Holger Butschek
- Python reference
Heiko Wundram
- Need parser for C-like grammar
- Simple Python script to read and output MailBox body to a file
Chuck Amadi
- simplify printing of a list
Jeff Epler
- Which is the most mature Soap module?
John J Lee
- executing a python script from another python script.
Cameron Laird
- python-list at python.org
Chuck Amadi
- Doomsday devices considered harmful (Was: walking a MIME encoded multipart email [python])
Tim Jarman
- Case-Sensitive Sarch and replace
Thomas Philips
- I got the mail portion working [python]
David Stockwell
- Pop3 autosave attachment.
- heredoc and variables
Peter Otten
- Setting the default precision in mxNumber
Thomas Chassaing
- wxAssertFailure (tbar95.cpp(582))
AnToine van Maarle
- why uses tempfile.mktemp() "@" ?
Peter Otten
- MVC and TreeViews
- urllib2.urlopen(req) error........
John F Dutcher
- ANN: Vancouver Python Workshop - Registration open!
Brian Quinlan
- Need help resolving accidental (honest!) language pissing match
- Fetching the stdout & stderr as it flows from a unix command.
Matt Leslie
- pygarmin eTrex Legend comm problems
Robert Brewer
- ANN: Vancouver Python Workshop - Speaker incentives
Brian Quinlan
- Orlando Florida-python users group
- Curried functions
Holger Türk
- FTPS ( FTP over SSL) Problem with Python's builtin SSL
- python vs awk for simple sysamin tasks
Steve Lamb
- Can python control complicated classes/objects written in C++
Phil Frost
- UML Tools
Alan Gauld
- C compiler written in Python
Michael Hudson
- [OT] Preventivo per un software
Francesco Banconi
- BayPIGgies: June 10, 7:30pm
- SPA - Best way of implementation
Jeff Epler
- write a bitmap using python
- Minor problems with python
- urllib2 - closing sockets
John J. Lee
- PythonWin event handling
Michael Butscher
- #! shbang for pyc files?
Fredrik Lundh
- print problem
- Parsing
Skip Montanaro
- repr of floating points
Noam Raphael
- Jython in a signed applet
- xchat plugin - stuck
- A little help had anyone used the email-dir.py Email Module
- exec throws an exception...why?
Nick Jacobson
- Dynamically adding methods to objects?
Holger Türk
- if does not evaluate
Tor Iver Wilhelmsen
- My python pacman program will not initialise
Conor Kavanagh
- bug in inspect (was cgitb vs traceback)
Robin Becker
- what is gc.set_debug() for
Humpty Dumpty
- Using function parameters to determine method kind
Humpty Dumpty
- debug print shortcut?
Roel Schroeven
- "intermodule-global" variables
Humpty Dumpty
- Embedded window in wxPython app
Richard Townsend
- POP3 and email
Paul Schmidt
- Problem with Python xrange
Christian Neumann
- installing ppgplot (using OS X 10.3 / gcc 3.4 / python 2.3b)
Dennis Hore
- Python COM and Microsoft Word
Adrian Smith
- AttributeError: cannot find method in module?
Erlend Fuglum
- staying inside pdb.py upon an exception in a program run via it
Jon Perez
- py2exe/wxpython demo
- Virus Alert
antivirus at lexisnexis.co.nz
- generic functions in python
Howard Stearns
- This is very simple question
Al Schapira
- simple script to read and parse mailbox
- how to get memory info from python?
- Creating an RPM which works with multiple Python versions?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- file.encoding doesn't apply to file.write?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- tix suite of applications
- Python on a thumbdrive
Iwan van der Kleyn
- ANN : filestruct and splitter
- urllib.urlopen() freezes unexpectedly
Christodoulos Fragoudakis
- r'\' - python parser bug?
Duncan Booth
- Python Wiki & wiki Hosting?
Paul Boddie
- list interval index
- HPUX Installation error
- FTP, Proxy and urllib2
Martin Brodbeck
- My Experiences Subclassing String
- python -- question with list.pop(0)
Terry Reedy
- OSX IDE usability issues
Lothar Scholz
- I think i figured out the list problem [python]
Mark Seven Smith
- Negative look-behind
Paul McGuire
- Balanced tree type coming in next Python?
Thomas Guettler
- Run child process with stdout and result on Win32?
Duncan Booth
- Destructors and exceptions
Terry Reedy
- PythonWin 2.3.2 (#49) problem with win.quit callback
- Python and threaded environments
- Misunderstanding about closures
Hung Jung Lu
- How to bind to a tag in Tkinter
Dowding George A
- ideas Python / Network Admin
- Decoding 'funky' e-mail subjects
Skip Montanaro
- Storing files in a BLOB field via SQL
Irmen de Jong
- ANN: reminder for Bay Area Python Users Group meeting this week, June 10,2004
Danny Yoo
- PyArg_ParseTuple, test for SEVERAL possibilities
Torsten Mohr
- Python 2.3.3 signals, threads & extensions: signal handling problem
Dieter Maurer
- [ANN] HTMLTemplate 1.0.0
David Bolen
- left-quote ( ` ) on International keyboards [Prothon]
Christophe Cavalaria
- Legitimacy of deepcopy
David Bolen
- Python 'Lets Me See The Forest'
David Bolen
- makepy support for versioning
Jim Kerr
- [OT] Pythonesque
Jarek Zgoda
- wxPython DnD stops working after SetSizeHints
Brett Calcott
- yes, confirm Jing Jing to me (was: BayPIGgies: June 10, 7:30pm)
Ducky Sherwood
- Need a hint on customizing import of modules
- Brain Dead Singleton
Peter Otten
- tp_getattrfunc, access members that are a list
Torsten Mohr
- win32all - determine wrkstn vs. server
Peter Maas
- simple script to read and output Mailbox body to file.
Chuck Amadi
- how to use __str__ and __repr__?
Erik Max Francis
- Calling Python Script from MS Excel?
Giles Brown
- About a plugin framework!
Peter Otten
- Python 2.3.3 signals, threads & extensions: signal handling problem[Resolved]
Holger Joukl
- Ideas for yielding and exception raising
Peter Hansen
- Catching a traceback
Terry Reedy
- how to use pythonwin to debug multi-thread program?
- any simple and multiplatform database?
Skip Montanaro
- Callbacks to generators
Dominic Fox
- Encapsulation and GUIs
- how to add breakpoint at multithread program in pythonwin?
- Citing Python
Brian Gough
- Python Speed Question and Opinion
beliavsky at aol.com
- Testing whether imported function failed
Robert Brewer
- Fw: any simple and multiplatform database?
Ray Cote
- registering entities with sax parser
Ralf Schmitt
- BayPIGgies REMINDER: June 10, 7:30pm
- Tkinter wait_variable problem: hangs at termination
Peter Otten
- [python] Is there a python written fax program out there?
William Park
- Python "header" files
beliavsky at aol.com
- Using ConfigParse
A. Lloyd Flanagan
- Error checking using regex ?
Guy Robinson
- unknown encoding
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 8)
Peter Otten
- Passing parameters using **kargs
Terry Reedy
- Is a 'bugfix' version of jed's pymode.sl editor config file available anywhere?
Kenneth McDonald
- Delphi run python script from file
- pywin32 support for CreateTypeLib2
Roger Upole
- dropping into pdb on an exception
Jon Perez
- Code snippet: Natural string sorting
C. Barnes
- Interfaces and Exceptions
Hung Jung Lu
- MIME attachments, and alternatives
bill ramsay
- compiling python with unix
- list of tuple
steph bagnis
- Any good python crypto toolkit ?
Simon Roses Femerling
- Constructor overloading
John Roth
- whatsnew 2.4 about itertools.groupby:
G?nter Jantzen
- Embedding Python in C
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- ['securiQ.Watchdog': error during virus check>]
'HUASMTP01_-_'securiQ.Watchdog'_Demon' at raiffeisen.hu
- installing cx_Oracle
Rodrigo Daunaravicius
- promoting [] by superclass?
Peter Maas
- hotshot profiler: how to distinguish between cpu time and wait (idle) time?
Irmen de Jong
- Exception classes with properties
Gus Tabares
- Is Windows + Python + Ming (SWF/Flash) Possible ?
- .idlerc directory - windoze
Batista, Facundo
- Quicker way to copy()?
- Python IDLE Question
vincent wehren
- division bug?
Steven Rumbalski
- parsing in python
Paul McGuire
- Auth API in Python
Jan Dries
- creating factory methods in C extension modules.
Patrick Stinson
- dropping into the debugger on an exception
Peter Hansen
- How to write dos newline in unix?
Inyeol Lee
- strange __del__ behavior
Bernhard Herzog
- Can (should) this be rewritten without exec?
Berthold Höllmann
- Priting Out in COLOURS
Jorge Godoy
- Dicts 5x Faster than Sets
David Wilson
- str(list)
Fredrik Lundh
- PyArg_ParseTuple
Jeff Epler
- Python Scripting in Windows MSIE 6.0
Claudio Grondi
- Newbie Copy Question
- My simple script parse output screen and to a new file!
David Fisher
- Python "aha" moment
Guy Middleton
- Passing file descriptors
Josiah Carlson
- How to get process info from python
Donn Cave
- logical puzzle: how to generate reasonable archive file names from file and directory names
- importing embedded dynamic lib
Miki Tebeka
- simple mapi
Niki Spahiev
- Finnish Pythonistas in Espoo (Nokia Workshop) on Friday 11.6.2004?
Ville Vainio
- lenght of char buffers in PyArg_ParseTuple
Duncan Booth
- PythonWin: WM_GETMINMAXINFO modify LPPOINT doesn't work?
- Norton AntiVirus detected and quarantined a virus in a message yo u sent.
NAV for Microsoft Exchange-ADMIN
- Recoding closures in C
Jacek Generowicz
- xml.dom.minidom help!
Paulo Pinto
- Doc strings for a standalone app??
Peter Hansen
- Information
nirarbel at yifan.net
- Creating True Global Functions by Modifying Builtins
Peter Hansen
- great xxx!
sebastien.chaumat at ens-lyon.fr
- Message
candycane1828 at hotmail.com
- Message
candycane1828 at hotmail.com
- Needing help with m2crypto and certificates
Alan Sheehan
- Thanks!
shiran at jps.net
- Search for a file
Thomas Guettler
- Notify about your e-mail account utilization.
noreply at python.org
- ello! =))
jceasar at tmp.org
- python.org CMS
Anthony Baxter
- does python have useless destructors?
Robert Brewer
- Problems installing pymat - missing libraries
John Hunter
- passing PyIntType objects by reference
Larry Bates
- Compiling pymat: invalid conversion from `const maybelong*' to `int*'
Roy Yves
- Distutil question
Chris Green
- reference counting and PyTuple_SetItem
Tim Peters
- [python] -- interesting use of the webbrowser module
David Stockwell
- Python function for building .NET 2003 Solutions
David Blume
- Needed, symbolic math in Python
Paul Rubin
- Q: Making Python use no shared extension modules?
- Source Code Generation Tool
- [script] dis/assembling mbox email
William Park
- Zope NewBie loosing hairs on python
- Access atributes of different class..
- C API for new-style classes
- ANN: 'rex', a module for easy creation and use of regular expressions
Kenneth McDonald
- finding the right data structure...?
Robert Brewer
- Deeply-nested class layout suggestions wanted
Kirk Strauser
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA26_1086914112_ESRIMAIL_1 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA27_1086914119_ESRIMAIL_1 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA28_1086914126_ESRIMAIL_1 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- webrowser and linux (also os.execv)
Tim Newsham
- OleLoadPicturePath and IID_IPicture
- tempfile broken in 2.3.4?
- automated response
Peter Lukas
- python and microsoft visio
Gerrit Muller
- Listar command results: -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
- replace a line in a text file
Luis Solís
- pystone: pydotorg's RPM scores better than Fedora 2's RPM
Zhi Min
- Functional test web site using python com and Internet Explorer
Chris Cottee
- bogus OverflowError: python bug?
Duncan Grisby
- sax EntityResolver problem (expat?)
Ralf Schmitt
- Zope, Squid and manage_workspace
Eddie Butcher
- Bug in strptime in Python 2.3.3
- The __unicode__ method in the C API, and other __-methods
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- get name and size of attached pieces...
- lua: any comments
- split
Joachim Bauch
- Old times
jph at emilia.engr.sgi.com
- Python and XML processing with SAX
Munna D
- ANN: GDmodule 0.53 released
Chris Gonnerman
- [python] struct module round off error?
Peter Hansen
- distutils options
Thomas Heller
- property file
Larry Bates
- Choosen Keyboard Language - win32
- executing python script from wxpython GUI (button click)..
David Bolen
- Empty directories with zipfile
- Virus Found in message "Hello"
- raw Strings from XML attributes
Karen Loughran
- urllib IOError Exception
Bart Nessux
- regex query
- Can someone explain this weakref behavior?
Tim Peters
- class.print method illegal
Diez B. Roggisch
- Best Method of Error Handling
- How do you write test suites for GUI components?
- Is this an Bug in python 2.3??
- Insecure Pickling
- Bad install of 2.3.4 on Solaris 8
Bob Swerdlow
- win32file.AllocateReadBuffer
Robert Brewer
- Inheritence confusion (was Re: Deeply-nested class layout suggestions wanted)
Robert Brewer
- dynamic import with heritage
- [PyOpenGL] How do I save runtime on drawing HUGE polylines (120 000 vertices)?
Mike C. Fletcher
- Anonymous file closing
Sergey Krushinsky
- Inheritence confusion
Robert Brewer
- Import Problem
John Roth
- url normalization?
ytrewq1 at eml.cc
- Problem with urllib.urlretrieve
- fast list search?
Phil Frost
- Request to mailing list Lesstif rejected
lesstif-admin at lesstif.org
- Unbind initial bind on basic widget (text)
- string to object?
Peter Otten
- Exec Multiple Lines?
Peter Otten
- python+kinterbas+gui+web+boa
- API : constness ?
Andrea Griffini
- New Online Judge System for functional languages
Esmeralda Weatherwax
- New Online Judge System accepting Python solutions
Esmeralda Weatherwax
- How to get decimal form of largest known prime?
Grégoire Dooms
- A faster way of finding historical highs/lows
Eamonn Sullivan
- Doc error on super(cls,self)
David MacQuigg
- dict of arrays
Terry Reedy
- Newbie array question
Fernando Perez
- does python supported in WinCE/pocket pc?
- Oddity with function default arguments
Heiko Wundram
- LDAP Server
- How to detect list versus string
Donn Cave
- datastructures
- accumulators
Paul Rubin
- Language Suitablilty
Michael Sparks
- Teaching Python
Hank Fay
- setlocale returns error
- kid wants to know more about color on the screen
Eric at Zomething
- does python supported in WinCE/ProcketPC?
Chris S.
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA139_1087089289_ESRIMAIL_1 wa s generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- speed problems
Martin Maney
- time.strftime Timezone issue
Allen Unueco
- Howegrown wordcount
Keith P. Boruff
- python23_d.lib
- Good IDE for Python
Colin J. Williams
- asyncore module
Markus Franz
- Limits on number of classes?
Tim Peters
- ANN: PyMedia 1.2.2( Python mutlimedia framework )
Dmitry Borisov
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Richard James
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Markus Zywitza
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Eric at Zomething
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Ben Sizer
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Edward Diener
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Ryan Paul
- Searching for the best scripting language,
David Eppstein
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Lothar Scholz
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Carl Banks
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Max M
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Eric S. Johansson
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Cameron Laird
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Peter Hickman
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Nick Vargish
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Steve Lamb
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Richard James
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Peter Hansen
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Roy Smith
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Carl Banks
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Peter Hansen
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Cameron Laird
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Hung Jung Lu
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Reinhold Birkenfeld
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Christian Tismer
- Searching for the best scripting language,
Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou
- using shelve module to create web databases....problems?
- new to the list and...
Ryan Paul
- Finding "hidden" syntax errors
- How to get VIM indentation and Python playing nicely?
Ryan Paul
- python/c++/swig: some more problems.
Bo Peng
- Gonçalo Carvalhal
Gonçalo Carvalhal
- python array data structure
- Help with os.system
- zope 2.7 + debian + py2.3.3 + zlib
fowlertrainer at anonym.hu
- pycaml (was: Searching for the best scripting language,
Graham Breed
- win32com.client passing a list of values to a C++ COM object.
Tim Golden
- How to Access Unix Shell
- Does a Python Sound Library exist?
Matthias Huening
- Silly question; best way to run a python program from Vim?
- ANN: PyGUI 1.3 released (Greg's Pythonic GUI Framework)
- Unix fold command in python
- help
Miki Tebeka
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 14)
Peter Otten
- xmodem or ymodem in python
Backhaus Willy
- [python] mailbox -- Question on usage
David Stockwell
- This is a recording... [Re: E-vykort!]
Britt-Mari Andersson
- wxPython online documentation is no more accessible
Mike Rovner
- setattr using invalid attribute names - bug or feature?
- [slightly OT] German Python Workshops on IRC
Heiko Wundram
- Using maskededit controls with xrc and wxpython
Dave Williams
- Writing Numeric Data to a File
Markus Zywitza
- MsInternetExplorer CGI problem
- Mod_python licensing?
Leif K-Brooks
- Debugging Python with Emacs
Peter Milliken
- http file post
Dave Yerrington
- Pythin createprocessasuser -- OpenProcessToken, 'Access is denied.'
Roger Upole
- A good threading pool ?
- Generic database dictionary access
Edward Diener
- Using metaclasses to play with decorators.
Jeff Epler
- Searching for the best scripting language
Lothar Scholz
- PyGUI broken link fixed (Re: ANN: PyGUI 1.3 released)
Greg Ewing
- RELEASED: pynits 040615
François Pinard
- Finding Function Args?
Chris S.
- python+py2exe+pygame licensing ?
Pete Shinners
- what about unsigned and signed 8 bits number, 16 bits, etc??
David Fisher
- How do you feel ?
David Fisher
- inspect: get the calling command
Hans Georg Krauthaeuser
- Num Array problem with Embedding python in C
youngdubliner at hotmail.com
- [Zope] zope 2.7 + debian + py2.3.3 + zlib
Holger Joukl
- Idle 2.3.4 won't start on Windows
Sven Erik Knop
- Curses module on windows
Abhijit Soman
- inspect: get the calling command (solved)
Hans Georg Krauthaeuser
- XML: Doctype http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd
Thomas Guettler
- Interfacing Python crypto library
- Newbie question: what is causing my socket error?
google account
- Q: attribute access and comparisons of two different objects
- searching strings using variables
Larry Bates
- Eclipse and Python
- queues and things
Eddie Corns
- ANN: Vancouver Python Workshop - Talk deadline extended
Brian Quinlan
- redirect output from embedded C module
vincent wehren
- Python IDLE GUI
- [ANN] Release 0.1.1 of Dabo
Ed Leafe
- Arjen Jongeling, een oude bekende
Irmen de Jong
- [ANNOUNCE] Fifteenth release of PythonCAD now available
Art Haas
- paying job - to mentor
John fabiani
- Administration
manoj_tamhankar at hotmail.com
- Don`t worry, be happy!
- NumTut for OS X (10.3.4)
Kevin MacKenzie
- Proper way to kill child processes
Mathias Waack
- Hide module function definitions
A. Lloyd Flanagan
- ANN: IbPy 0.4 - Interactive Brokers Python API
Troy Melhase
- popen2.Popen3 process destruction
Donn Cave
- Is it possible to have instance variables in subclasses of builtins?
Larry Bates
- Any easy way to get more RE-friendly error messages from Python?
Peter Hansen
- import numarray problems
youngdubliner at hotmail.com
- Combined natural and unnatural list sorting
Terry Reedy
- python with Java API
Brendan J Simon
- Was: Is this an Bug in python 2.3?? Reflective relational operators
Dan Bishop
- ocaml extension
- Looking for a different version of sort
David Eppstein
- (OT) Boa Constructor and Python 2.3.4
Terry Reedy
- attribute access and comparisons of two different objects
Jean Brouwers
- overlapping regex
Kenneth McDonald
- ANN: Spineless game engine 0.0.1
Jussi Lepistö
- OSCON 2004 - Python 12 early-bird registration discount ends June 18th!
Kevin Altis
- newbie question-multidimensional arrays
Miki Tebeka
- Bug or Feature: self.__varname only as self._ClassName__varname
Grégoire Dooms
- Making classes from Metaclasses globally available
Peter Otten
- computer names and samba shares
Tim Golden
- Learning Python - Resources Needed
Miki Tebeka
- interpreting hotshot results
Rodrigo Daunaravicius
- cross-tabulation pointers
- Making statements (was Re: does python have useless destructors?)
Slawomir Nowaczyk
- test - ignore
Jacek Generowicz
- Enthought Python + Cygwin
Jason Tishler
- wxpython
- Here is the document
taj at kde.org
- bindings in Tkinter
Jeff Epler
- Call backs
Anand K Raydu
- Anyone know a good Pygresql Tutorial for Interfacing between Python &Postgresql
John fabiani
- how to become a really good Python programmer?
Grant Edwards
- A little help with child processes.
- Something simular to java's hsqldb for python??
Timo Virkkala
- PIL: How to use a palette?
Antoon Pardon
- event type as a string with tkinter
Stéphane Conversy
- [ANNOUNCE] Sixteenth release of PythonCAD now available
Art Haas
- Dynamic module importing with McMillan installer
Sion Arrowsmith
- list to dict
Bart Nessux
- python -- figured out how to parse command line args
David Stockwell
- Need help adding flash content to a plone site
- PEP 327 (Decimal data type) updated
Batista, Facundo
- Request for Comments -- shell features and documentation
William Park
- Secure File Transfer
Lucas Raab
- What ought to persist after a program is run?
Peter Hansen
- FW: Good IDE for Python
- Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL) bindings for Python?
Dennis Benzinger
- Need some help with Python/C api and threading
Steve Menard
- Easiest way to port Python program to PDA
Jeffrey Barish
- Sharing objects between sub-interpreters
- Parse ASCII log ; sort and keep most recent entries
Nova's Taylor
- squeezeTool help, making pyz files
rob at schellgames.com
- thread help
Roger Binns
- cannot pass a variable from a function
Doug Jordan
- win32com and vb
- Regular expression, "except end of string", question.
Peter Hansen
- Regular expression, "except end of string", question.
Derek Basch
- Regular expression, "except end of string", question.
Derek Basch
- Regular expression, "except end of string", question.
David Fisher
- Regular expression, "except end of string", question.
Doug Holton
- Regular expression, "except end of string", question.
Peter Hansen
- Regular expression, "except end of string", question.
Peter Otten
- breaking a list into smaller lists
Terry Reedy
- Constructor documentation assigned to class or __init__?
Leif K-Brooks
- python-dev Summary for 2004-05-01 through 2004-05-31
- "unkown type" problem with EXIF.py from gene cash
- Its me
christian_dumenil at moiroud.com
- Your product
bug-groff at gnu.org
- So sieht die Wahrheit aus!
akuchlin at acm.org
- datetime, calendar, time intervals
David Eppstein
- Automatic thread safety for classes
C. Barnes
- Scrolling Entry Fields...
- very large dictionaries
Matteo Dell'Amico
- variables is regexp
Manlio Perillo
- [MailServer Notification] To Recipient a virus was found and acti on taken.
System Attendant
- somewhat OT: function to produce n as distinct colors as possible
- Question
ppp-request at zzz.org
- Excel file
sitesales at winzip.com
- Python interceptor package
Peter Otten
- Chat server
Daniel Dittmar
- Bug in psyco ?
Michael Hudson
- Add methods to int?
Michael Hudson
- Parsing ascii file
Eddie Corns
- getting arguments off the command line
Peter Otten
- Q: Static extension of Python using SWIG
Helmut Zeisel
- Help - email library not working as expected
- regexp substitution - a lot of work!
Lukas Holcik
- Just testing
David Fraser
- Unnatural behaviour in Pickling
Pekka Niiranen
- Python Quick Vote
T. Kaufmann
- importhook default behavior
Pete Shinners
- Python & Mayavi Problem
- isdn caller id
Aljosa Mohorovic
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA52_1087485400_ESRIMAIL_1 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- Rationale for core Python numeric types
Dave Brueck
- RELEASED: pynits 040617
François Pinard
- How to download a file from an HTTP server given the URL?
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- Check this out kid!!!
- Bug in popen2.Popen3?
Donn Cave
- bus error / crash using https
- Parsing by Line Data
Eddie Corns
- Saving search results in a dictionary
Paul McGuire
- [MailServer Notification] To External Recipient: a virus was foun d and action taken.
System Attendant
- How to make an immutable instance
Peter Otten
- ANNOUNCE: SiGeFi v0.1
David Fraser
- align on char
Batista, Facundo
- [python] Figured out how to go from email.Message.Message to string
David Bolen
- JPype...where to post questions?
Raaijmakers, Vincent (GE Infrastructure)
- Code density
- SQL99 database engine based on Jython
Maurice LING
- Why does one work, but not the other?
- missing arg for complex number
Dan Bishop
- Simplified timeit
Connelly Barnes
- String buffer
Connelly Barnes
- Automatic thread safety for classes (fixed bug w/ exceptions)
Connelly Barnes
- Bug in New Style Classes
Michael Hudson
- ßdo0ßi4grjj40j09gjijgpüdé
alvinb7616 at aol.com
- Sharing access to ComObject between interpreters
- Python mentioned
Lars Heuer
- conversions.py
Lucas Raab
- Pid
Lutz Horn
- Using multiple "*"-style arguments
Dave Opstad
- Need to pass variables from mod_python publisher to standalone script.
Anthony Raj
- Hello
feedback at gamespyarcade.com
- Hello
bugs at blazengraphx.cjb.net
- Hello
bugs at blazengraphx.cjb.net
- Hello
feedback at gamespyarcade.com
- Using Fortran libraries from Python?
- Your text
visa at visakopu.net
- Here
0gk500b4gd0888 at cougar.noc.ucla.edu
- Here
0gk500b4gd0888 at cougar.noc.ucla.edu
- python-cdb windows binary
- Subclassing array.array
Peter Otten
- How to use a palette?
Fredrik Lundh
- [ANN] XPN 0.3.0 released
- Equation style
Russell Blau
- E-currency ATM debit cash cards
- [Python-Dev] (no subject)
François Pinard
- calculate a colour gradient
Scott David Daniels
- Read the rest of this message... (88 more lines)
Will Stuyvesant
- Interfacing with clipboard (from Tkinter or whatever) - newbie quetion
Mark 'Kamikaze' Hughes
- can i define a new method at runtime?
Reinhold Birkenfeld
- Saving search results in a dictionary - why is pyparsing better than regexp?
Jean Brouwers
- Templating engine?
Leif K-Brooks
- Natural string sorting
Peter Hansen
- Automatic thread safety
Peter Hansen
- [ANN] isrealfile function
Peter Hansen
- How to extract complete file path from traceback info
Peter Hansen
- Am I crazy regarding the style guide for function names?
Leif K-Brooks
- test if PyObject * points to real python object
David McNab
- [MailServer Notification]To Recipient file blocking settings matc hed and action was taken.
System Attendant
- Remove spaces and line wraps from html?
- Game - Map data structures
Dan Bishop
- Help with parsing web page
- Help needed: optimizing dictionary creation/access
Peter Otten
- comp.os.ms-windows.networking.misc, misc.invest.mutual-funds, comp.lang.python, comp.os.magic-cap, comp.sources.games.bugs
- is there a python icq bot?
- asyncore: limiting connections?
- mutable default parameter problem [Prothon]
Rob Williscroft
- Newbie Help
- str() for containers
Edward C. Jones
- Another MSIE Python Question
Michael Geary
- kinfxdb - current maintainer?
Eugene Oden
- Access keyboard
Justin Shaw
- swig/python problem: passing vector of objects.
Bo Peng
- Access SSL websites with Python?
Irmen de Jong
- Compiling the Python sources with a C++ compiler (aCC)
Michael Geary
- Robot
Miki Tebeka
- [python] using try: finally: except
Miki Tebeka
- Your website
pwrpossem at aol.com
- Delivery failure notice (ID-000025C8)
rwyvill at fivestartech.com
- Graph API / framework
Larry Bates
- OT: Chat server
Paul Rubin
- ANN: Vancouver Python Workshop - Talk deadline reminder
Brian Quinlan
- Hi
jceasar at tmp.org
- hi
shooby at gnome.hu
- hi
shooby at gnome.hu
- Text over multiple lines
- python-dev Summary for 2004-06-01 through 2004-06-15
Brett Cannon
- Your mail to tcm-users-request at listserv.cs.utwente.nl
tcm-users-request at cs.utwente.nl
- Attention, hyperlinkers: inference of active text
John Seal
- Success Natively Compiling Python-2.3.4 in Mingw?
A. B., Khalid
- ASP Response.BinaryWrite in Python
Mark Hammond
- ANN: PyGUI 1.4
Greg Ewing
- docstrings vs language comments
Terry Reedy
- [ANN] pyparsing 1.2 released
Paul McGuire
- cmp ??
Anand K Raydu
- StringToDict and DictToString
- Collecting Python's responses.
Jacek Generowicz
- Bericht an Absender
- wxPython on GTK
Miki Tebeka
- Cannot install PythonWin
Thomas Heller
- ConfigParser Keys
Peter Otten
- Mozilla, XUL and the snake
Jakub Fast
- DocumentationTools (docstring --> html)
Paul McGuire
- shared file access in python
Lev Elblert
- sys.stdout.write() question
Reinhold Birkenfeld
- "RuntimeError: Calling Tcl from different appartment"
Peter Saffrey
- [pylibpcap] Sniffing with multiple pcapOjbects
Fabiano Sidler
- Creating subclassess (newbie)
Duncan Booth
- Watershed Python Versions
- (OT) wxPython & resizers, html text (code included)
- Document
blacksunprod at hotmail.com
- Document
0gk500b4gd0888 at cougar.noc.ucla.edu
- Document
0gk500b4gd0888 at cougar.noc.ucla.edu
- Document
blacksunprod at hotmail.com
- Listening socket not seen outside of localhost
Diez B. Roggisch
- Spellcheck on outside application - newbie
Evan McPeters
- PyQT, automatically creating GUI for configuration options
Anthony Baxter
- Strange problem with interactive mode, possible bug in Python?
Steve Menard
- ANN: kronos, a task scheduler
Irmen de Jong
- wxPython on GTK [Apologies - Probably OFF-TOPIC]
C Johnson
- References and copies
Thomas Philips
- XUL like languages for addressing the Python GUI problem (was Re: Mozilla, XUL and the snake)
Jon Perez
- Readable Persistance?
David Bolen
- Catching errors in attribute names at assigment
Heather Coppersmith
- Unicode perplex
Ivan Voras
- Reference implementation of an import hook
Noam Raphael
- Howto use email module and write the get_payload to a file
chuck amadi
- Running the makepy tool automatically from a python script
Roger Upole
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 21)
Peter Otten
- Tkinter, scale widget, and mouse clicks
John Fouhy
- Windows XP - cron or scheduler for Python?
Peter Hansen
- zope acquistion
Tim Peters
- Spellcheck an application (from below)
- threads, sockets, pyopengl, pickle (and tkinter...)
Rod Stephenson
- Howto use email module and write the get_payload to a file without headers only body msg
chuck amadi
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OA797_1087888843_PLUTO_1 was g enerated
GroupShield for Exchange (PLUTO)
- [PEP] auto keyword for automatic objects support in Python
Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou
- Curses and resizing windows
Thomas Dickey
- windows/python compatability
Frithiof Andreas Jensen
- useless destructors
Roy Smith
- Using write function within email Module to write get_payload to a file.
Chuck Amadi
- pysnmp/shell
Axel Scheepers
- RV: How to make an immutable instance
Batista, Facundo
- statistics
- plot dates, print plotted data
Harry George
- Python and MP3
A. Lloyd Flanagan
- meta confusion new.instance() argument 1 must be classobj, not type
Brad Clements
- Cannot create a new file
Peter Hansen
- Remove font in python
Gianluca Trombetta
- Working xrange() replacement proposal
Chris King
- deepcopy in new-style classes
Donnal Walter
- Python 2.3.4 hangs when run from modern cygwin/bash in WinXP, but is otherwise fine
Jason Tishler
- win32serviceutil - remove service
Roger Upole
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
Irmen de Jong
- Python intro questions
Daniel Yoo
- Stopping a thread from another one
Fabiano Sidler
- Mailing list
Ezequiel, Justin
- Improving upon the Decorate-Sort-Undecorate idiom
Paul McGuire
- parse output screen ok but cant get desired output new file!
chuck amadi
- get screen output to file using get_payload()
chuck amadi
- Newstyle Types Confounding!
Pete Shinners
- why is there no more activity with this group
Miki Tebeka
- Regex question
Jonas Galvez
- Can anyone confirm this modulefinder bug?
Roger Binns
- wxPython version of Shtoom?
David Fraser
- FFT with Python
Jeremy Sanders
- How to do special encode in string ?
fowlertrainer at anonym.hu
- python terminal
Manuel Huesser
- on TDD (was Re: how to become a really good Python programmer?)
Richie Hindle
- libxml2 and node identity
Victor Ng
- Python intro questions (was: <no subject>)
Cameron Laird
- Testing for membership speed
brianc at temple.edu
- How to call Java from Python?
Harry George
- Parsing C Preprocessor files
Bram Stolk
- ANN: SIP v4.0 Released
Phil Thompson
- import pythoncom
Olaf Meding
- python-list to news gateway down?
Terry Reedy
- Encryption with Python
Paul Rubin
- http knowledge sought
Scott David Daniels
- Python for TCLer
Bhushit Joshipura
- how to obtain its ip address ?
- Setting X properties in tkinter or wxPython
Chris King
- Queue module and Python Documentation Rant
Roger Binns
- Tix
Eugene Van den Bulke
- Writing binary to stdout
Paul Watson
- strange behaviour with remove
brianc at temple.edu
- wxPython widgets
- Efficiency of str.replace?
Leif K-Brooks
- vb mixed python programming
Leif K-Brooks
- Bug in __del__ function
David MacQuigg
- Getting the source of a remote webpage
Grant Edwards
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OB3_1088051497_ESRIMAIL_3 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- public and private members of the module
Lev Elblert
- Obtaining Webpage Source with Python
Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud
- checking user defined types
David Eppstein
- Python memory use (psyco, C++)
Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy)
- Faster 'if char in string' test
Reinhold Birkenfeld
- Re: <5664ddff?$??§2>
weedyriddim at hotmail.com
- Check if file is overwritten
Tim Golden
- Have Zope a querystring parse routine ? (plus others)
Max M
- Determining caller's file and line number
David Abrahams
- Applications for ipaq and Palm Pilot
Evan McPeters
- Except MySQL error
Batista, Facundo
- python service problem
Larry Bates
- saving the text on python dos window.
Larry Bates
- Private/public module members
Duncan Booth
- rdff-backup / python linux fat32
Tim Gahnstrom
- eZ80 - correction [z80 vs Python thread]
Janusz U.
- Delphi extension
Donald L. Dietmeyer
- Keyword arguments and user-defined dictionaries
Christopher T King
- Classic and New Style Classes?
Chris S.
- How do I run routines where timing is critical?
Tim Lesher
- debugging extension module
Stefan Seefeld
- [python] -- Thanks for the help -- 1st app does: email,error, sql
David Stockwell
- asyncore module for loading websites
Andrew Bennetts
- ALERT - GroupShield ticket number OB5_1088094300_ESRIMAIL_3 was generated
GroupShield for Exchange (ESRIMAIL)
- processes
- Python COM - limit on size/complexity of returned object?
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- networking with pyro
- Interactive use of DISLIN
Troy Melhase
- Test
56104586 at oxy.edu
- String help
- a small-gui for python/win32 ?
- Delivery Protection
cbgranada at telefonica.net
- Global variables?
Peter Hansen
- popen2 problems
P at draigBrady.com
- Python Color Printing
- Pil and freeze
- Tkinter and "jumpiness"
- jython __init__.py and jar files
Todd Moyer
- SNMP Toolkit
Mike C. Fletcher
- Script to condense the review page
Skip Montanaro
- IDE's and wxPython widgets
- How to draw points of a curve
- Cut and paste to X clipboard?
Stephen Boulet
- Python Instant Messenger Example
Evan McPeters
- ScanMail Message: To Recipient virus found or matched file blocki ng setting.
MAIL-SA at gcc-sg.org
- Compilers/Interpreters books?
Daniel Yoo
- Code: Rolling a Container Into a String
Oliver Pieper
- Prevent pyc or pyo compiled output
Duncan Booth
- RSA library
Ajay Brar
- Retrieve FTP directory with hidden files
Lothar Scholz
- Redirecting I/O in embedded Python
Bertram Scharpf
- question about cx_Oracle .thanks
Steve Holden
- python image library making dotty gifs
Steve Holden
- profiling and performance of shelves
Eric S. Johansson
- static compile frozen file for i386
- win XP + wxPython + py2exe
Steve Zatz
- Odd behaviour of os module with a Win2k shared directory
Larry Bates
- mysql vs sqlite vs hsql
stan k.
- A better popen2
P at draigBrady.com
- Parameterized Functions without Classes
Christian Tismer
- __getitem__ and classmethod/staticmethod
Karl Chen
- Is there a Python Audio Library?
Christos TZOTZIOY Georgiou
- Problem f2py
Cláudia Cristina dos Santos
- Python Magazine exists!
Tyler Eaves
- WxPYTHON GetValue from wxGrid HELP
- OSAF announces open source Chandler subproject - PyLucene
Ted Leung
- z80 vs Python
Paul Rubin
- Python Magazine exists! (was: Python intro questions)
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- (std)input
Larry Bates
- Referring to a list
Dave Kuhlman
- Seems like the cgi module does not read the QUERY_STRING when METHOD is POST
Irmen de Jong
- Zero-fill shift
Eli Stevens (WG.c)
- SocketServer Problem
Ergin Aytac
- Html Edit Control for Windows ( Pythonwin or wxPython / SWIG / COM ) ?
Larry Bates
- Problems with range
Chris Share
- httplib.HTTPResponse question
Christopher Baus
- python spyce-based portal system
Scott Hathaway
- class with __len__ member fools boolean usage "if x:" ; bad coding style?
John Roth
- creating bitmasks (for bloom filters)
Aaron Straup Cope
- (no subject)
User Vpopmail
- Bug in Getsource?
Chris S.
- Persisting Dynamic Objects?
Chris S.
- any trick to allow anonymous code blocks in python?
Peter Otten
- msg.walk()
Samuel Wright
- how to search directories under <PATH>
Haim Ashkenazi
- new to this
- Python version of Net Peep?
Brad Clements
- Is there a more elegant way to do this?
Jeff Epler
- Case insensitive dictionary?
Elbert Lev
- i have a big dictionary...:)
- Run your own Auction Site, Pay per click directory, Google groups email harvestor, Email spider now
Auction software
- How to trim n characters from right end of a string?
Paul Bissex
- MySQL error from Python
Paul M
- QPushButton with pixmap problem
Christopher Stone
- ANN: PyGUI 1.5
- WideStudio gui builder
Bill Dandreta
- wxPython Tutorial
- suse 9.1 and 64
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Implementing a QFilePreview Class with PyQt
- help with creating a mysql query string
Sean Ross
- Timeout on file write?
Mathias Waack
- py2exe & gadfly
- ImportError: No module named functional
Maurizio Colucci
- ANN: 'rex' 0.5, a module for easier creation and use of regular expressions.
- ANN: Talk deadline for Python track at OSDC 2004 is closing
Graeme Cross
- Lisa & Maggie Simpson secretly make love with Homer
- know how to install GMP properly for usage by programs ?
- Can you make this faster?
alejandro david weil
- Learning Pyrex with libxml2
Victor Ng
- Pythonwin version puzzle
Paul Keating
- exchange data between events
Ferry Dave Jäckel
- alerte zonepro (z)> antivirus [votre courriel : "Re: Your document"]
zonepro-antivirus at sylvain.zonepro-serveurs.net
- iterator support (in ext. module)
Helmut Jarausch
- Wow, THAT never happens in C!
- sending signals to the calling function
Haim Ashkenazi
- wxPython syntax
- re.subn error - please help
Helmut Jarausch
- string concatenation
Reinhold Birkenfeld
- serial, parallel and USB port
Josef Dalcolmo
- static freeze
- unpickle error
- what editor do you use?
Steven Rumbalski
- Non-programmer needs help on Mac/Wx installation
Tony Clarke
- AttributeError
Tim Golden
- socket problem (send infinite...)
Alberto Vera
- Class Chaos
Paul McGuire
- a timer for benchmarking
Tristan Seligmann
- embedding and extending issues (with Boost.Python)
Faheem Mitha
- Help formatting a mysql query string
- python desktop
Sridhar R
- if statement
Andrea Griffini
- Question about alpha blending and low level drawing on widgets
Gabriele Farina *DarkBard*
- wxPython woes
- starting/killing a process on windows?
Jani Yusef
- Drawing with python.
Michel Claveau/Hamster
- IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
Jay Donnell
- Speed of str(positive_integer)..
alejandro david weil
- Fwd: Re: Speed of str(positive_integer)..
alejandro david weil
- Symantec Mail Security detected a virus based on a message you sent (SYM:28899901510656293048)
admin at na.org
- file compression
Gerrit Muller
- What is the meaning of static and class methods ?
Neil Benn
- Tkinter and Listbox questions
paul kölle
- Display vtkRendererWidgets
Sean Richards
- Get Rid Of Tkinter Canvas Border
Jørgen Cederberg
- Optional use of logging library module
Vinay Sajip
- unicode and shelve
Guy Robinson
- exec example - I don't understand
Peter Otten
- How important is Python 1.5 compatibility?
Christopher T King
- Does Python optimize regexes?
Peter Otten
- Introspection, importing and Flash
Vsevolod (Simon) Ilyushchenko
- ANN: python-ldap-2.0.1
Michael Ströder
- sending of mail (smtp) - connection refused - but smtp server is
Alex Hunsley
- creating graphs from lists
Luis P. Mendes
- sending of mail (smtp) - connection refused - but smtp server is running!
Tim Williams (gmail)
- Writing an NLP System in Python
- Simple Practice Programs
Cousin Stanley
- Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jun 29)
Peter Otten
- actual time performance measurement
Eric S. Johansson
- win32 pyserial requires javax.comm for py2exe?
Thomas Heller
- UnboundLocalError on shadowed import
Mathieu Fenniak
- embedded python?
Alexander May
- Problem with Python on MAC OSX
Reinhold Birkenfeld
- poplib for multihomed machines
Donn Cave
- wxPython: wxGrid vs. wxListCtrl
- setting icon using py2exe?
Grant Edwards
- Stderr and Pythonw
- Listing functions in a file IN ORDER
Ian Sparks
- html POST in python
John J. Lee
- urlib - automatic cookie handling
John J. Lee
- Subscribe request result (Kuser ML)
Kuser-admin at kde.gr.jp
- Pythonic Nirvana - towards a true Object Oriented Environment [visionary rambling, long]
Ville Vainio
- threading
- wxPython support non-GUI classes from wxWidgets?
Peter Hansen
- Doing a partial rebuild of Python?
Roy Smith
- does not work on freeBSD but works on linux, and windows
John fabiani
- Is this the "right" way to do rexec?
Paul Miller
- maintaining session/context
- ²¡ ¶¾ ¾¯ ¸æ
VIRUS-SCANNER at ipmotor.com
- Modal dialog of a foreign window
Alexander Eisenhuth
- making mpegs with python?
vincent wehren
- Dynamically add function to module (embeded) ?
Ilariu Raducan
- Non GPL Python MySQL Client Library.
Sion Arrowsmith
- Status of PEPs?
John Roth
- PY_LONG_LONG problem
Alex Hunsley
- BayPIGgies: July 8, 7:30pm
- using python with HTML and parameters
Peter Maas
- sort accented string
Peter Otten
- Multithreaded Telnet sessions
Richard Bird
Josef Meile
- Python-list Digest, Vol 9, Issue 422
David Stockwell
- how to do html parms with python
David Stockwell
- Getting User Display Information
Christopher T King
- script to download Yahoo Finance data
Terry Reedy
- finding the same package in multiple places
Skip Montanaro
- Python Bounties
- call py from py
Alberto Vera
- pywin32 custom i/f COM servers do not support variable or optional args
Philip Rittenhouse
- Just a reminder Jython Forum
A Evans
- ANN: Pyana 0.9.1 Released
Brian Quinlan
- Using Python with SyBase
John J. Lee
- zip asterisk syntax
Christopher T King
- Python exceptions through COM custom interface
Philip Rittenhouse
- Function not available after importing module
Stephen Boulet
- ANN: lfm 0.91
Iñigo Serna
- Time delay loop - better way?
- distributing executable embedding Python
Dennis Reinhardt
- reflection
carlo v. dango
- Any list larger than any number by way of dimensions?
Paul Miller
Last message date:
Wed Jun 30 23:53:54 EDT 2004
Archived on: Sun Oct 27 18:28:08 EDT 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).