Python Scripting in Windows MSIE 6.0
Claudio Grondi
claudio.grondi at
Fri Jun 11 18:10:54 EDT 2004
Is there really noone who uses Python
for scripting in HTML pages in Windows
with Microsoft Internet Explorer???
>From what I have read about Python yet,
I have got the feeling, that most Python
experts prefere to work on MS Windows,
am I wrong?
"Claudio Grondi" <claudio.grondi at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:2ipfiaFphmh5U1 at
> I wonder why the subject (Python scripting within HTML) is not
> occuring in any past postings - do I miss something very obvious?
> I try to run Pythons scripting in Windows MSIE 6.0 in the
> <script language="Python">...</script> section, but it doesn't
> work at all.
> \Python23\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\axscript\client\
> runs ok, registry entries seems also be ok.
> I have the latest Python 2.3.4 installed.
> What do I wrong?
> Runs anyone of you (inspite of the security concerns) successfully
> Python as scripting language in Windows MSIE 6.0 HTML pages
> using it like JavaScript or VBScript ?
> Thank you in advance for any help.
> Claudio
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