#! shbang for pyc files?

Jeff Epler jepler at unpythonic.net
Sat Jun 5 11:13:03 EDT 2004

On Linux, you can use binfmt_misc to recognize pyc/pyo files by magic
number and execute them directly.  This was mentioned in some long-ago
release notes.  The magic number is different in newer versios of

    - The interpreter accepts now bytecode files on the command line even
      if they do not have a .pyc or .pyo extension. On Linux, after executing

      echo ':pyc:M::\x87\xc6\x0d\x0a::/usr/local/bin/python:' > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register

      any byte code file can be used as an executable (i.e. as an argument
      to execve(2)).

Long ago I wrote and submitted a patch to make Python recognize files
with a #! line followed by the magic number, but there seemed to be no

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import myapp
really won't spend much time byte-compiling, so normally it's not worth
worrying about.

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