simple script to read and output Mailbox body to file.
Chuck Amadi
chuck at
Tue Jun 8 10:48:56 EDT 2004
Nice One I was thinking I was going mad at home this works .
But $ less /var/spool/mail/chuck produced no output.
I use scan+ to check and go thru users email folder . i.e
cd /home/User/Mail/Inbox <Folder in Question> say spam Folder
> scan +Lottery > show 1 example below:
chuck at sevenofnine:~/pythonScript> cd /home/chuck/Mail
chuck at sevenofnine:~/Mail> ls
:0 Chuck drafts Inbox mhnjVMtAk pete post2ic2cT post57nXqr
postG9QD2D postW78Qle Root spam
Beth chucksMail from mbox Operator Pete post2iybnf post8ReyCU
posthArGZR postz5FN1w rootMail trash
chuck context inbox mhn9VVBQf outbox Pick6 post4XPUvv postc6DZgu
postnnglMC Rhys sent-mail
chuck at sevenofnine:~/Mail> scan +spam
1 06/08 Woolwich Internet Attention aII Woolwich clients.<<This is a
multi-part message in MIME format.
chuck at sevenofnine:~/Mail> show 1
(Message spam:1)
part 1 text/plain
Does this explain my delemour.We use procmail , fetchmail and sendmail
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