Function not available after importing module

Stephen Boulet stephendotboulet at motorola_._com
Wed Jun 30 17:02:50 EDT 2004

This must be a dumb error on my part.

I'm creating a module called "".

When I do an "import wxMessageBox" I don't see my "askopenfilename" 
function in the wxMessageBox namespace.

When I do a "python -i" it's there and seems to work fine.

Here's the (short) code:

def askopenfilename(startdir, filetypes="All files (*.*)|*.*"):
....import wx = wx.PySimpleApp()

....dlg = wx.FileDialog(None,
........message="Choose a file",
........wildcard=filetypes, | wx.CHANGE_DIR)

....path = -1
....if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
........path = dlg.GetPath()	

....return path

def showerror(caption, message):
....import wx = wx.PySimpleApp()
....dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,

if __name__ == '__main__':
....#showerror('Error!', 'No text on clipboard')
....print askopenfilename(startdir="C:\\")

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