[PyOpenGL] How do I save runtime on drawing HUGE polylines (120 000 vertices)?
f.geiger at vol.at
Fri Jun 11 12:11:47 EDT 2004
Posted to comp.graphics.api.opengl and comp.lang.python.
Hi all,
I have to draw huge polylines.
The OpenGL Canvas' OnPaint method calls
which is code of mine and looks like this:
def drawShapes(self):
print "# shapes =", len(self._shapes)
for S in self._shapes:
self._shapes isn't large, because I've stuffed all the vertices into an
array, which then is displayed by _ShapePolyline::draw():
def draw(self):
t = time.time()
apply(glColor3f, self._colorRGB)
for loc in self._locs:
x, y, z = loc[0]
glVertex3f(x, y, z)
# map(lambda x: glVertex3f(*x[0]), self._locs)
##### Doesn't perform much better
print "_ShapePolyline::draw(): Drawing of %d points took %s s" %
(self._numLocs, time.time() - t)
The above print statement shows, that 5 secs are consumed for about 120
000 (hundred-twenty-thousand) vertices. You guess, the whole GUI becomes
I am forced to redraw the polyline, because of a glClear call in
OnPaint(). W/o such a call the canvas would fill until nothing is
recognized anymore when I rotate it with the mouse, i.e. it's filled
with the shape's colors.
Yes, it's Python code, but I guess that's not the problem here. It seems
to be a fundamental problem, I'm doing something fundamentally wrong.
So I wonder, do I really need to draw those 120000 vertices over and
over again? Would glArrays perform much better? Or is this a case for
Display Lists? Any other idea?
Many thanks in advance and kind regards
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