any trick to allow anonymous code blocks in python?

Christian Tismer tismer at
Fri Jun 25 22:39:57 EDT 2004

Doug Holton wrote:

> Is there any metaclass trick or something similar to allow anonymous 
> code blocks?
> I'd like to be able to let users do something like this fictitious example:
> b = Button()
> b.OnClick =:
>     print "you clicked me"

What exactly do you want to do?
Why is defining a function too much for you?
I can't see it is your problem since you are a Python programmer
(or you would not ask for metaclass tricks) :-)

Looks like a problem with an interface for users.
Do you want to make the definition
of actions in a GUI simpler for your users?

In the latter case, it is probably simplest to define
a smallish sub-language by a few rules, and create
proper Python functions at initialization time?

Feel free to contact me in private email if I'm right.

ciao - chris

p.s.: But please give me a real email address. I have no time
to guess.
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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