file compression
Elaine Jackson
elainejackson7355 at
Tue Jun 29 03:07:27 EDT 2004
Maybe I'm just dense but I can't figure out how to UNzip a zip file with the
code from the zipfile module. Would you mind showing me what that would look
"Skip Montanaro" <skip at> wrote in message
news:mailman.257.1088478149.27577.python-list at
| Elaine> The files I'm working with are python modules and LaTeX source
| Elaine> files, and I need to make them into archives so I can store them
| Elaine> in my website.
| Check out the zipfile module and class:
| % pydoc zipfile
| ...
| class ZipFile
| | Class with methods to open, read, write, close, list zip files.
| |
| | z = ZipFile(file, mode="r", compression=ZIP_STORED)
| |
| | file: Either the path to the file, or a file-like object.
| | If it is a path, the file will be opened and closed by ZipFile.
| | mode: The mode can be either read "r", write "w" or append "a".
| | compression: ZIP_STORED (no compression) or ZIP_DEFLATED (requires
| ...
| Skip
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