Silly question; best way to run a python program from Vim?
Ryan Paul
segphault at
Sat Jun 12 01:46:25 EDT 2004
On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 04:35:26 +0000, Kenneth McDonald wrote:
> However, I can't quite figure out how one 'should' excute
> the Python program one is currently working on in Vim. I'm
> aware of the :python and :pyfile commands, but they seem to
> be oriented towards running scripts which are intended to
> do editing tasks, i.e. which interact with Vim. I simply want
> to do something like
I've been using python/vim for about a year now, I think. I wrote a
vim/python script that lets me easily redirect stdout to a vim buffer. I
can execute a python script, and have the output appear in a nofile
buffer. This is a bit kludgy, but its extremely useful. I have other key
bindings set up so I can use this for all sorts of things, not just python.
Here is the relevant excerpt from my vimrc - I hope you find this
""" Python Stuff
python << EOF
import vim
from vim import *
import sys,commands
def first(c,l):
for x in l:
if c(x): return x
txtsplit = '-'*20
CB = lambda: current.buffer
io = sys.stdout,sys.stderr
getBuf = lambda x:first(x,buffers)
pybuf = lambda x:x[0].startswith('Program Output')
prepend = lambda l,t: l[:len(l)-len(l.lstrip())] + t + l.lstrip()
def rep(t,l):
for x in l.items():
t = t.replace(x[0],x[1])
return t
def getSel(l1,l2):
return '\n'.join(current.buffer.range(int(l1),int(l2))[:])+'\n'
class vBuf:
def __init__(s,b=None):
s.buf = b and b or getBuf(pybuf)
if not s.buf:
command(':bel new')
command(':set bt=nofile')
s.buf = current.buffer
def write(s,t):
if '\n' in t: map(s.buf.append,t.split('\n'))
else: s.buf[-1]+=t
def clear(s):
s.buf[:] = None
s.buf[-1] = 'Program Output Buffer'
def redirbuf(b=None):sys.stdout = sys.stderr = vBuf(b)
def resetbuf():sys.stdout,sys.stderr = io
def PyValOut(r):
print txtsplit
def PyExOut(r):
print commands.getstatusoutput(r)[1]
print txtsplit
def FileDir(x): return '/'.join(x.split('/')[:-1])
def ToFileDir(): command('lcd '+FileDir(
"""" Python Stuff
command! -range Pval py PyValOut(getSel(<f-line1>,<f-line2>))
map <leader>c :py vBuf().clear()<cr>
autocmd BufEnter *.py map <Leader>, :py PyExOut('python '+CB().name)<cr>
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