Saving search results in a dictionary
Paul McGuire
ptmcg at
Thu Jun 17 13:56:45 EDT 2004
"Lukas Holcik" <xholcik1 at> wrote in message
news:Pine.LNX.4.60.0406171557330.16166 at
> Hi everyone!
> How can I simply search text for regexps (lets say <a
> href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>) and save all URLs(1) and link contents(2) in a
> dictionary { name : URL}? In a single pass if it could.
> Or how can I replace the html &entities; in a string
> "blablabla&blablabal&balbalbal" with the chars they mean using
> re.sub? I found out they are stored in an dict [from htmlentitydefs import
> htmlentitydefs]. I though about this functionality:
> regexp = re.compile("&[a-zA-Z];")
> regexp.sub(entitydefs[r'\1'], url)
> but it can't work, because the r'...' must eaten directly by the sub, and
> cannot be used so independently ( at least I think so). Any ideas? Thanks
> in advance.
> -i
> ---------------------------------------_.)--
> | Lukas Holcik (xholcik1 at (\=)*
> ----------------------------------------''--
Lukas -
Here is an example script from the upcoming 1.2 release of pyparsing. It is
certainly not a one-liner, but it should be fairly easy to follow. (This
example makes two passes over the input, but only to show two different
output styles - the dictionary creation is done in a single pass.)
Download pyparsing at .
-- Paul
# URL extractor
# Copyright 2004, Paul McGuire
from pyparsing import Literal,Suppress,CharsNotIn,CaselessLiteral,\
import urllib
import pprint
# Define the pyparsing grammar for a URL, that is:
# URLlink ::= <a href= URL>linkText</a>
# URL ::= doubleQuotedString | alphanumericWordPath
# Note that whitespace may appear just about anywhere in the link. Note
# that it is not necessary to explicitly show this in the pyparsing grammar;
# default, pyparsing skips over whitespace between tokens.
linkOpenTag = (Literal("<") + "a" + "href" + "=").suppress() + \
( dblQuotedString | Word(alphanums+"/") ) + \
linkCloseTag = Literal("<") + "/" + CaselessLiteral("a") + ">"
link = linkOpenTag + CharsNotIn("<") + linkCloseTag.suppress()
# Go get some HTML with some links in it.
serverListPage = urllib.urlopen( "" )
htmlText =
# scanString is a generator that loops through the input htmlText, and for
# match yields the tokens and start and end locations (for this application,
# are not interested in the start and end values).
for toks,strt,end in link.scanString(htmlText):
print toks.asList()
# Rerun scanString, but this time create a dict of text:URL key-value pairs.
# Need to reverse the tokens returned by link, using a parse action.
link.setParseAction( lambda st,loc,toks: [ toks[1], toks[0] ] )
# Create dictionary from list comprehension, assembled from each pair of
# tokens returned from a matched URL.
dict( [ toks for toks,strt,end in link.scanString(htmlText) ] )
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