Python intro questions

Daniel Yoo dyoo at
Tue Jun 22 20:16:37 EDT 2004

Skip Montanaro <skip at> wrote:

: (moving over from webmaster mailbox)

:    scott> I'm sorry for bothering you, but I've tried to post to the Python
:    scott> Tutor Mail List, tried to get someone from Bay PIggies to
:    scott> respond, but no one is responding to my questions. If you don't
:    scott> want to answer my questions, I'd appreciate an e-mail stating
:    scott> that. My questions are as follows:
: A better place to post this would be to python-list at (I've cc'd
: that list).  Please post followup questions there.  Another place to post
: questions is help at  I've never followed the tutor list.

Yeah; Tutor is having issues at the moment.  We're still backlogged
from Friday, and I'm not sure when our mailing list traffic will get
back to normal.  I get the feeling that there's some denial-of-service
being applied against our mail server.

: has been severely stressed for the past several days

Ok.  That explains it.

:    scott> 3. Does Python CGI pages come with the same limitations as Perl
:    scott>    CGI pages.  From what I heard CGI pages are a bit more clunky
:    scott>    than JSP pages. Again, any information regarding that would be
:    scott>    appreciated.
: CGI is an older technology/protocol than JSP, so it's not surprising that it
: has some limitations.  That your CGI scripts are written in Python or Perl
: doesn't matter.  CGI forces you to do things certain ways (like forking per
: request, so it's tougher to retain state across requests).

There are several approaches to avoid the cost of forking.  mod_python
is one such approach:

Good luck!

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