process wrapper?

Donn Cave donn at
Mon Mar 29 16:55:06 EST 2004

In article <2pWdnQuWrvGhE_Xd38DK-g at>,
 "Steve @ Waypath" <steve at> wrote:
> For reasons not clear to me, I get the error:
>       bad interpreter: No such file or directory
> when I include the path to the python interperter. I've tried a number of
> approaches:
>   #!python
>   #!/usr/bin/python
>   #!/usr/bin/env python
> (I've got the x bit set on the test files, so it's not a permissions
> problem. ) This, I'm guessing, isn't a python problem, and would seem to be
> my roadblock. I've done some preliminary searches for an answer, but nothing
> has panned out so far; if anyone has any ideas...

The first one wouldn't work for sure.  Second one works if python
is in /usr/bin, third one works if python is in some directory in
PATH and env is in /usr/bin.  Assuming your own shell is bash,
try "type python" and "type env" to see where those programs are.

[re zombie processes]
> I've read other posts (many yours, I think :) indicating something like
> this, but I confess I don't understand the relationship between waitpid()
> and spawnv(), how I would use the former with the latter.

spawnv returns a process ID, if you use os.P_NOWAIT.  It returns
the process exit status if you use os.P_WAIT.  If you look at the
code, in, you will see that this second variation is essentially
implemented by applying waitpid() to the first.

   Donn Cave, donn at

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