New to Python.

Roy Smith roy at
Wed Mar 17 22:02:47 EST 2004

In article <sg3i50l1utn3drvqaggrm2rqf7n2erbu8h at>,
 droog <droog at> wrote:

> Hello!
> I have just started learning python and encountered a problem.
> All I wanted to do, was to open a text file search and count the
> number of occurances of a single word and print that count.
> Thanks for help.

Well, I'll point you in the right direction.

To open a file, use the "open" function.  You can loop through the lines 
with something like "for line in file:". Depending on exactly how you 
define "word", you might want to look at the split() string method, or 
maybe some regular expression matching with the "re" module.

There, that should be enough to get you started with your homework 
assignment :-)

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