3D apps in Python?

Lee Harr missive at frontiernet.net
Tue Mar 23 16:48:16 EST 2004

>>     * ZOE is apparently written in Python, never played with it. 
>>       Claims
>>       to focus on wireframes and particle systems.
> ZOE is indeed all-Python, using PyOpenGL.  It's designed to be very
> minimal (you could certainly do non-wireframe stuff but that's not what
> I use it for).  It's really a very simple engine designed to allow you
> to create objects that know how to display themselves, group transform a
> bunch at a time, and create particle system behavior.  It's minimal
> enough that I can run it without hardware 3D acceleration with decent
> framerates.
> I created it so that I could do visualizations with some of my own
> projects, and decided to release it since it's generic.

ZOE (http://www.alcyone.com/software/zoe/) looks really nice.

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