Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche

Charlton Wilbur cwilbur at
Mon Mar 29 02:14:42 EST 2004

>>>>> "CL" == Cameron Laird <claird at> writes:

    CL> Try 'em both briefly, choose one that makes a
    CL> good impression, and get back to your engineering work.
    CL> You'll be glad you upgraded to a 'P' language.  

You, sir, have written a clear, fair-minded, and reasonable post.  The
Backbone Cabal will be revoking your Usenet license shortly.

(I concur, by the way: Python has a couple of traits that would drive
me, with close to 10 years of Perl experience, bonkers; but they don't
drive everyone bonkers, and they obviously suit some people, or they
wouldn't be in the language.  The OP ought to spend a couple weeks
playing with each language and pick the one that seems to suit his
style better.)


cwilbur at chromatico dot net
cwilbur at mac dot com

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