emai - Multiple recipenets in "To:"

Larry Bates lbates at swamisoft.com
Tue Mar 9 14:49:58 EST 2004

Normally 2nd and subsequent people to get
email should go in the CC: (or BCC:) field
but apparently you can do it by putting a
newline at the end of each entry in the
To: field.

See suggested change in your code below.


"Miki Tebeka" <miki.tebeka at zoran.com> wrote in message
news:c2l3g5$h0f$1 at news2.netvision.net.il...
> Hello All,
> Our nightly build system is supposed to send email notification on build
> status to several developers. Using SMTP and email packages I can post
> email to one user at a time, then I try to add multiple email addresses
> in the "To" field only the 1'st person gets the email.
> A lot of this code is taken from the email demo.
> ---
> VERBOSE = False
> def inform(msg):
>      if not VERBOSE:
>          return
>      print "*", msg
>      stdout.flush()
> def sendmail(msg, to, attachments=None, **kw):
>      '''Send email
>          msg - Message
>          to - To address
>          attachments - List of files to attach
>          kw - Other keyword arguments
>      '''
>      main = MIMEMultipart()
>      subject = kw.get("subject", "Email Message")
>      inform("Subject = %s" % subject)
>      main["Subject"] = subject
>      _from = kw.get("from","%s at zoran.co.il" % getuser())
>      inform("From = %s" % _from)
>      main["From"] = _from

I think you can also change the following line,
At least that is how the code in the SmtpWriter.py
module I use does it.

>      to = ",\n    ".join(list(to))

>      inform("To = %s" % to)
>      main["To"] = to
>      main.epilogue = ""
>      main.attach(MIMEText(msg))
>      if attachments:
>          for path in attachments:
>              if not isfile(path):
>                  continue
>              # Guess the content type based on the file"s extension.
>              # Encoding
>              # will be ignored, although we should check for simple
>              # things like
>              # gzip"d or compressed files.
>              ctype, encoding = guess_type(path)
>              if ctype is None or encoding is not None:
>                  # No guess could be made, or the file is encoded
>                  # (compressed), so
>                  # use a generic bag-of-bits type.
>                  ctype = "application/octet-stream"
>              maintype, subtype = ctype.split("/", 1)
>              if maintype == "text":
>                  inform("Attaching %s as text file" % path)
>                  fp = open(path)
>                  # Note: we should handle calculating the charset
>                  msg = MIMEText(fp.read(), _subtype=subtype)
>                  fp.close()
>              elif maintype == "image":
>                  inform("Attaching %s as image file" % path)
>                  fp = open(path, "rb")
>                  msg = MIMEImage(fp.read(), _subtype=subtype)
>                  fp.close()
>              elif maintype == "audio":
>                  inform("Attaching %s as audio file" % path)
>                  fp = open(path, "rb")
>                  msg = MIMEAudio(fp.read(), _subtype=subtype)
>                  fp.close()
>              else:
>                  inform("Attaching %s as generic file [%s]" %  \
>                          (path, ctype))
>                  fp = open(path, "rb")
>                  msg = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
>                  msg.set_payload(fp.read())
>                  fp.close()
>                  # Encode the payload using Base64
>                  encode_base64(msg)
>              # Set the filename parameter
>              msg.add_header("Content-Disposition", "attachment",
>                      filename=basename(path))
>              main.attach(msg)
>      s = SMTP()
>      server = kw.get("server", "mail.zoran.co.il")
>      inform("Connecting to %s..." % server)
>      s.connect(server)
>      msgstr = main.as_string()
>      inform("Sending %d bytes..." % len(msgstr))
>      s.sendmail(main["From"], main["To"], msgstr)
>      s.close()
> ---
> Thanks.
> Miki

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