Python bytecode compatibility between interpreter versions

Jon Perez jbperez808 at
Sun Mar 21 09:32:17 EST 2004

Aahz wrote:

>>Right.  I am aware that freezing is the optimal way to distribute
>>apps written in Python today.  After trying out Java though, I have
>>to say I'm impressed with the way you can take a bunch of class
>>files archived in the exact same jarfile to *ANY* computer with a
>>JRE installed, type in java -jar jarfile and have it run _identically_.
> Really?  I'm sorry, I have just a tiny bit of difficulty believing that,
> considering all the stories i've heard about Java not being completely
> cross-platform and cross-version.  I am sure that simple cases work as
> you describe, but I'd like a cite for Java working as you describe in
> general.

Yes.  Java works like that and has for a long time already.  One of the
most notable examples i can give is the SVG viewer Batik (not a trivial
program).  Worked liked a charm on both Linux and Win32, and it does not
rely on an exact JRE on which it will run on properly.  Virtually all
the Swing apps you can try out will work just as reliably and identically
on different platforms as Batik.

The real problem for me is that Java's sound and graphics APIs are not
up to par.  Also, the language is clearly not as nice as Python.  But
Java _is_ pretty cool and it is a solid (albeit somewhat resource hungry)
piece of technology.

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