Need a Progress Bar/Meter for Tkinter
klappnase at
Fri Mar 5 17:52:52 EST 2004
benjamin schollnick <bscholln at> wrote in message news:<040320041859589376%bscholln at>...
> Folks,
> I am really not having much luck...
> I thought the ContriD addon for Python MegaWidgets had a progress
> bar, but can't find the site any more... (It's been a long time since
> I did any Tkinter GUI work...)
> So far, I have had no luck with METER from TIX... Tix on Windows
> 2000 seems to be far from a suitable system. It is complaining that
> the TIX8183.dll can not be loaded....
> So far, I have also examined EASYGUI, and a few others and have not
> been able to find a simple Progress bar.
> Can anyone point me towards a working Tkinter based progress bar?
> - Benjamin
Hi Benjamin,
I wrote a simple progress bar widget for Tkinter a while ago I use as
a replacement for the Tix.Meter . It looks and behaves mostly like a
Tix.Meter widget. Here's the code:
import Tkinter
class Meter(Tkinter.Frame):
'''A simple progress bar widget.'''
def __init__(self, master, fillcolor='orchid1', text='',
value=0.0, **kw):
Tkinter.Frame.__init__(self, master, bg='white', width=350,
self._c = Tkinter.Canvas(self, bg=self['bg'],
width=self['width'], height=self['height'],\
highlightthickness=0, relief='flat',
self._c.pack(fill='x', expand=1)
self._r = self._c.create_rectangle(0, 0, 0,
int(self['height']), fill=fillcolor, width=0)
self._t = self._c.create_text(int(self['width'])/2,
int(self['height'])/2, text='')
self.set(value, text)
def set(self, value=0.0, text=None):
#make the value failsafe:
if value < 0.0:
value = 0.0
elif value > 1.0:
value = 1.0
if text == None:
#if no text is specified get the default percentage
text = str(int(round(100 * value))) + ' %'
self._c.coords(self._r, 0, 0, int(self['width']) * value,
self._c.itemconfigure(self._t, text=text)
You can use the set() method to change the "value"; if you don't want
any text inside the progress bar use the text="" option (default is a
string like "75 %").
I hope this helps
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