Python Documentation Blows!

Jorge Godoy godoy at
Wed Mar 31 19:50:39 EST 2004

On Qua 31 Mar 2004 10:23, Peter Hansen wrote:

> francois lepoutre wrote:
>> As was mentioned in a recent thread python is definitively
>> the tool for applications with complex code and no or little UI.
>> For UI-intense apps, win32 C# and delphi are still hard to beat
> Do you say this because of the design tools, or for some
> other reason?

One thing my partner always complain about is the lack of database classes
and navigators such as the ones available in Delphi. Specially the ones
that allow you going forward and back in a table with the records without
having to code that by hand. And no, ODBC isn't a good solution according
to him due to several variations of ODBC libraries and changes between

I don't know Delphi... 

Godoy.      <godoy at>

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