simple http server

Gelo Ilzi geloilzi at
Wed Mar 17 10:43:32 EST 2004

I'm trying to implement a very simple http server with cgi functionality.
The code is simple:

   import CGIHTTPServer, BaseHTTPServer
   httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('',8000),

I've created a subdir 'cgi-bin' which contains a python script. Now when I
enter this directory, i.e., go to the url http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/  my
browser shows:

   Error response
   Error code 403.
   Message: CGI script is not a plain file ('/cgi-bin/').
   Error code explanation: 403 = Request forbidden -- authorization will not

Plain html pages are ok.

It seems I misunderstand something very basical. Could somebody help me

Thank you in advance.

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