Voting (was Re: PEP 318

Ville Vainio ville at
Tue Mar 23 01:35:30 EST 2004

>>>>> "Skip" == Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:

    Skip> It will probably be a BDFL pronouncement.  After all, that's
    Skip> why he's the

Of course it will - still, that didn't stop us from voting before :-).

There should be a kind of "standard voting system" for PEPs, w/o
administration overhead of occasional seperate vote. It would be a
data point, if nothing else. The result of the vote could be stored
together w/ the accepted/approved pep.

Actually, any third party could whip out the voting system, but the
illusion of authority would be more convincing if PSF was involved.
It would be fun, esp. if it was easier than the conditional expression
vote of yore :-).

FWIW, I prefer 

def f(x,y) [wrapper,wrapper...]:


def f(x,y) as iterable:

and would oppose

def f [wrapper, wrapper...] (x,y):

Like others, I want to see the param list right next to the function

Ville Vainio

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