Result of ``a is b''

Axel Boldt axelboldt at
Tue Mar 16 15:55:59 EST 2004

David MacQuigg <dmq at> wrote 

> >>> x = 'akdijfkdienlskfi'
> >>> y = 'akdijfkdienlskfi'
> >>> x is y
>  True
> >>> x = 'a b'
> >>> y = 'a b'
> >>> x is y
>  False

Wow. So it seems that the action of "is" on immutables is unspecified
and implementation dependent, thus useless to the programmer.

Maybe one could redefine "is" on immutables as follows: for strings
and numbers it acts as "==", for tuples it acts as componentwise "is".
That would be a more useful operator IMHO.


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