Ranting about the state of Python IDEs for Windows

Kjetil Torgrim Homme kjetilho at yksi.ifi.uio.no
Wed Sep 15 04:25:08 EDT 2004

[Carlos Ribeiro]:
>   I've once installed a freeware app that supported virtual desktops
>   in Windows. It's useful, but it misses one feature of my wish
>   list: persistence, or the ability to restart working exactly when
>   I left things some time later.

this might be nice, but is it really worthwhile?  I only restart my
session a couple a times per year, and I'm not sure it is a good idea
to recreate the clutter of windows when I log back in.  sometimes
going back to a clean slate is healthy.  most of the applications I
use _do_ have session support, but I haven't enabled it.
Kjetil T. (speaking from a Unix viewpoint)

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