Apache mod_python

Sizer sizer at nospam.com
Mon Apr 18 16:49:02 EDT 2005

Dan <dan at dontspammecauseidontlikit.com> wrote in 
news:np866115k5mee8odb7msitsr03npskcqjf at 4ax.com:

> My question is, how mature/stable is mod_python?  Is it suitable for a
> production environment?  The documentation is a bit lacking, and I've

I use mod_python for all my web stuff, including several live production 
sites - no problems so far. Admittedly, I don't use anything too 
complicated - usually just the handler and publisher syntax and a little 
bit of authentication. Plus MySQL on the back end.

>From what I've been told, the one gotcha is that you want to make sure that 
different on-server users aren't sharing the same copy of mod_python, since 
they'll have a shared context. Which would only a problem where you're 
running a server open for lots of people to set up their own pages. I own 
all the servers being used so it's not an issue.

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