Wed Development - Dynamically Generated News Index

Jean-Paul Calderone exarkun at
Sun Dec 18 02:52:28 EST 2005

On 17 Dec 2005 23:14:33 -0800, infidel02 at wrote:
>Hi to all,
>I am somewhat somewhat new to Python, but apart from this I am just not
>seeing lots of resources on what I am trying to do.  I have seen them
>in other languages like PHP and ASP.
>I am building a simple MySQL news database,  which would contain, a
>headline, a date, main story(body) and a graphic associated with each
>story.  I would like to generate an index of the pages in this database
>( ie a news index with links to the articles) an to have a news
>administrator upload and delete stories graphic etc.
>I have read many articles on Python CGI programming and I have Googled
>extensively, but have not seen any kind of examples of how this can be
>done in Python.
>I would be grateful for any assistance or pointers.

Using Nevow and Twisted Web, this might look something like (untested)...

  from nevow import rend, loaders, tags

  class NewsIndex(rend.Page):
      docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[

      def __init__(self, connpool):
          super(NewsIndex, self).__init__()
          self.connpool = connpool

      def _retrieveIndex(self):
          return self.connpool.runQuery(
              "SELECT articleId, articleTitle, articleImage FROM articles")

      def _retrieveArticle(self, articleId):
          return self.connpool.runQuery(
              "SELECT articleBody FROM articles WHERE articleId = ?",

      def render_index(self, ctx, data):
          return self._retrieveIndex().addCallback(lambda index: [
              for (articleID, articleTitle, articleImage)
              in index])

      def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
          return self._retrieveArticle(name).addCallback(lambda articleBody:

  class ArticlePage(rend.Page):
      docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[

      def __init__(self, articleBody):
          super(ArticlePage, self).__init__()
          self.articleBody = articleBody

      def render_article(self, ctx, data):
          return self.articleBody

  from twisted.enterprise import adbapi

  # Whatever DB-API 2.0 stuff you want
  cp = adbapi.ConnectionPool('pypgsql', ...)

  from twisted.application import service, internet
  from nevow import appserver

  application = service.Application("News Site")
  webserver = appserver.NevowSite(NewsIndex(cp))
  internet.TCPServer(80, webserver).setServiceParent(application)

  # Run with twistd -noy <whatever you name this file>

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