XUL behavior in Python via XPCOM, Mozilla
Terry Hancock
hancock at anansispaceworks.com
Sat Nov 12 17:55:45 EST 2005
On Sat, 12 Nov 2005 15:27:01 -0500
Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun at divmod.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Nov 2005 14:25:51 -0600, Terry Hancock
> <hancock at anansispaceworks.com> wrote:
> >I recently saw a claim that Mozilla XUL behaviors
> >(normally scripted in Javascript) can (or perhaps will)
> >be scriptable in Python.
> >
> >Also, "other languages such as Java or Python are
> >supported through XPCOM", said about Mozilla (from Luxor
> >website).
> I'm not sure which claim you read, but perhaps it was in
> reference to PyXPCOM?
> <http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Downloads/Komodo/PyXPCO
> M/>
> I'm not quite sure if you are looking for the product
> itself or the announcement about it. Anyway, hope this
> helps.
Really, I'm just fact-checking. It was the Brenden Eich
article that Fredrik Lundh pointed to that I had found
before, I was trying to recover it (turns out "python xul
mozilla" + "I feel lucky" does NOT find it ;-), though it is
on the first page, I admit).
I wanted to get an idea of
1) When it would *really* be available
2) What developers or users would need to install in
order to actually use a Python/XUL/Mozilla application.
3) Whether there was a version available that anyone here
had tried, and what their experience was like.
4) Can you do this now, using PyXPCOM and the regular
I'm refering to this in an article in press for Free
Software Magazine, and I wanted to see just how close this
really was to happening. If it's likely to be released in
the next month or three, then it will probably come out
before the article goes to press. It's not a huge point, but
I hate to get stuff like this wrong.
Terry Hancock (hancock at AnansiSpaceworks.com)
Anansi Spaceworks http://www.AnansiSpaceworks.com
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