Take the $million challenge: Prove 911 conspriracy theorists are wrong
Eric_Dexter at msn.com
Eric_Dexter at msn.com
Fri Dec 1 20:38:05 EST 2006
The proper edicate would be to write software in python and then link
to your point of view. It is common practice in music software. I
tend of think of you like ufo people, if there is a conspiracy of some
sort they use you to discredit it.
st911 at rock.com wrote:
> I found this nice dialog on the internet:
> =====================================
> > Well, if you want to convice me, just answer these questions:
> If you can prove that the official explanation is correct, what's
> keeping
> you from collecting a MILLION dollars? Even if you're too wealthy to
> bother, you could donate the proceeds to the Aryan Nation or the John
> Birch
> Society.
> > 1. How much explosives were used and what type?
> Thermate/thermite have been discovered in chemical tests, and evidence
> of
> its use is plainly visible in photographic an video evidence from the
> buildings on 9/11. Thermate does not cause millions of tones of
> concrete to
> become pulverized into dust in mid-air (as video evidence clearly
> shows), so
> another high-energy explosive must have also been used. Now that we
> have
> positive proof that explosives were used, and once the secondary
> compounds
> have been discovered, the quantities and placement can be estimated
> from
> examinations of the video and photo evidence.
> > 2. How many people were needed to prepare the building for demolition?
> Irrelevant to the established fact that explosives were used. Will be
> determined in the new investigation. BTW: It's "buildings," not
> "building."
> Did you realize that *three* WTC towers collapsed on 9/11/01, despite
> only 2
> buildings being hit by jets? Most Americans don't realize this obvious
> fact. Why?
> > 3. How long did it take to prepare the buildings for demolition?
> Irrelevant to the established fact that explosives were used. Once the
> identities of the conspirators are discovered in a new investigation,
> the
> timeline can be established. (That's what investigators do.)
> > 4. How many people had to be bribed and how much were they bribed to
> > keep silent about the preparations?
> Irrelevant to the established fact that explosives were used. Those
> conspirators (whether bribed or not) that are still alive must be
> discovered
> and convicted for their crimes, which may include conspiracy to commit
> treason. The only way to bring the criminals to justice is to open a
> new
> investigation which will examine *all* relevant evidence, including
> sequestered videos, audio tapes, and classified documents.
> Everybody with an IQ above room temperature knows that the 9/11
> Commission
> report was a whitewash, which didn't even attempt to lay blame at the
> feet
> of military and civilian officials who were asleep at the wheel on
> 9/11/01.
> It proves that Bush is not serious about national security.
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