How to access file last modified dates on each file in a directory

RAMohrmann at RAMohrmann at
Sun Oct 29 22:00:19 EST 2006


I am attempting to view all files in a directory and if those files
have not been modified within the last couple days I will remove them.
In order to do this I need to look at the file date modied and check
the date. I know how to look at each file name and I know how to remove
the file. I just can't figure out how to get access to the date last
modifed filed. Below is how I intend to access the file names in the

>>> import os,time,sys
>>> cachedirectory="c:\\informatica\\cache\\"
>>> v_filename_array=os.listdir(cachedirectory)
>>> x_len=len(v_filename_array)

v_filename_array[0] = first file name
v_filename_array[1] - second file name


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