Ligmail bug?
Steve Holden
steve at
Sun Aug 12 07:06:32 EDT 2007
No.23 wrote:
> yes, repeatable:
> Shell:~ >: date
> Sun Aug 12 17:42:10 GMT 2007
> Shell:~ >:
> .....
> Shell:~ >: date
> Sun Aug 12 18:21:22 GMT 2007
> Shell:~ >:
>> Is the error repeatable? How many times over what period of time have
>> you experienced it?
>> No.23 wrote:
>> [way too much, ending with]
>>> File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/", line 1076, in do_open
>>> raise URLError(err)
>>> urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error (-3, 'temporary failure in name resolution')>
>>> other information:
>>> Shell:~ >: uname -a
>>> OpenBSD 4.1 ob41#0 i386
>>> Shell:~ >: python
>>> Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Mar 8 2007, 20:46:47)
>>> [GCC 3.3.5 (propolice)] on openbsd4
>>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>>>> import libgmail
>>>>>> print libgmail.Version
>>> 0.1.6
>> So why does a temporary failure in name resolution seem like a library
>> bug? This is just the library reporting back an error from the network
>> or transport layer.
>> Is the error repeatable? How many times over what period of time have
>> you experienced it?
[Please reply via the list when a response is made via the list. You may
now have detached the follow-ups from your original question, but at
least if you use the list there's a chance someone else will help you if
I give up or don't have time. Note I have sent this response to the
list; you are Cc'd to make sure you pick it up even though it may not
appear in the same thread.]
Well, now you need to do some investigation of the problem.
The easiest way to do this is to make a local copy of the library that
is reporting the error (in this case urllib2) - put it in the same
directory as your program, so it will be picked up in preference to the
library module, then insert prints at appropriate places to tell you
what is actually going on as it fails. I think to start with you may
want to look at the value of the "host" variable, since it appears that
it may not be resolving, and see of you can resolve the same host
yourself. It's possible someone is just using or referencing a bogus
domain name, but you need solid information before deciding whether it's
a bug or a feature.
If you come across more puzzling behavior that you need the list's help
with then please try to use short code samples, and avoid including
thousands of lines of output that don't add anything to the description
of the problem.
Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Skype: holdenweb
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