Questions about mathematical and statistical functionality in Python
John Krukoff
jkrukoff at
Thu Jun 14 17:53:40 EDT 2007
On Jun 14, 4:02 pm, "Talbot Katz" <topk... at> wrote:
> Greetings Pythoners!
> I hope you'll indulge an ignorant outsider. I work at a financial
> software
> firm, and the tool I currently use for my research is R, a software
> environment for statistical computing and graphics. R is designed with
> matrix manipulation in mind, and it's very easy to do regression and time
> series modeling, and to plot the results and test hypotheses. The kinds
> of
> functionality we rely on the most are standard and robust versions of
> regression and principal component / factor analysis, bayesian methods
> such
> as Gibbs sampling and shrinkage, and optimization by linear, quadratic,
> newtonian / nonlinear, and genetic programming; frequently used graphics
> include QQ plots and histograms. In R, these procedures are all available
> as functions (some of them are in auxiliary libraries that don't come with
> the standard distribution, but are easily downloaded from a central
> repository).
> For a variety of reasons, the research group is considering adopting
> Python.
> Naturally, I am curious about the mathematical, statistical, and
> graphical
> functionality available in Python. Do any of you out there use Python in
> financial research, or other intense mathematical/statistical computation?
> Can you compare working in Python with working in a package like R or S-
> Plus
> or Matlab, etc.? Which of the procedures I mentioned above are available
> in
> Python? I appreciate any insight you can provide. Thanks!
> -- TMK --
> 212-460-5430 home
> 917-656-5351 cell
> --
It is worth noting that there's a bridge available to allow python to
integrate cleanly with R, the Rpy project:
Which should allow you to use python for whatever it is you need without
abandoning R for your mathematical/statistical work.
John Krukoff
jkrukoff at
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