Problem in the program flow...please help?

jatin patni jatinpatni at
Wed Jan 9 07:44:37 EST 2008

I am making a python application with a GUI using WXGlade which connects to
a website and extracts some information, this takes around 5-20 seconds of
time per website.

I have a button(GUI) which when clicked, calls a function connect( ) which
takes around 5-20 seconds to complete(As I mentioned Earlier)
The problem is, during this time the other part of the code is rendered
useless, I cannot access other parts of the code, for example a cancel( )
function to be called when cancel button is pressed, cannot be pressed until
the previous function is completed and moreover the GUI hangs(stops

I am planning to explore Threading and Asynchronous data transfer, next.
Please help me out if anyone has had a similar experience in the past.

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