Python too slow?

Ross Ridge rridge at
Fri Jan 11 09:37:41 EST 2008

Bruno Desthuilliers  <bruno.42.desthuilliers at> wrote:
>fact 1: CPython compiles source code to byte-code.
>fact 2: CPython executes this byte-code.
>fact 3: Sun's JDK compiles source code to byte-code.
>fact 4: Sun's JDK executes this byte-code.
>Care to prove me wrong on any of these points ? Don't bother: you can't. 
>So my first assertion that "CPython is compiled to byte-code, which is 
>then executed by a VM" is true, and since the same assertion also stands 
>for Java (ie: sun's JDK), then the "just like" qualifier is true too. 

No, the "just like" qualifier is false.  Python doesn't compile "just
like" Java, nor does it execute "just like" Java.  The "byte-code"
langauges are very different and they perform much differently.
Java compiles slower but executes faster.  Python's byte-code is ment to
quickly generated on the fly to save having to reparse the source code.
Java code is compiled using optimizations into a virtual machine languague
ment to be executed as fast as possible on a wide range of processors.
The similarities between the two are superficial, Python doesn't compile
and execute code "just like" Java.

Try all you want to try to reparse what you wrote in to a different
meaning, it doesn't change the fact your intent was to mislead.

						Ross Ridge

 l/  //	  Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU
[oo][oo]  rridge at
 db  //	  

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