Generating list of possible configurations
mensanator at
Thu Jul 3 17:49:40 EDT 2008
On Jul 3, 2:52 pm, Terry Reedy <tjre... at> wrote:
> Mensanator wrote:
> > On Jul 3, 2:13�am, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
> > 42.desthuilli... at websiteburo.invalid> wrote:
> >> Terry Reedy a �crit :
> >>> This has been added to itertools at least for 2.6/3.0
> >> Great !
> > Well, it will be great at some point in the future
> > when Python 2.6/3.0 have actually been released and
> The betas 'have actually been released' and I am happily using 3.0.
But you're not using it for production work. Unless you're ignoring
the recommendations.
> The
> core features that I care about have mostly been untouched and where
> they have, they work.
That's not the issue.
> > third party extensions such as gmpy have caught up.
> Not my personal concern.
Right. Which is why your 3.0 specific advice is worthless.
Those ARE personal concerns of just about everyone else.
> And certainly not a direct concern for nearly
> all uses of itertools.product.
> > Until then, such solutions are worthless, i.e., of no value.
> Why are you so anxious to generalize your personal negative views to
> everyone else.
Not to everyone else, to the new and inexperienced Pyhton users.
Maybe you don't remember what it was like being a new user where
you need to have such things pointed out to you. And I'm not being
negative, just realistic. If I ask a question today, I want an
answer I can use tomorrow, not one I can use six months from now.
> Worthless to you, worthwhile to me.
The OP's opinion is the only one that matters. What do you suppose
is the percentage of posts on this newsgroup by those using 3.0?
> And for someone who
> does not need cross-products today or in the next few months,
> potentially valuable information for when the final releases do arrive,
> maybe in September.
That's fine for them. It's been said here that they will be a minority
for a long time.
> tjr
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