What's the perfect (OS independent) way of storing filepaths ?

Cousin Stanley cousinstanley at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 10:31:19 EDT 2008

> [2] And they are right to do so. Programs that dump config files and 
> directories, hidden or not, in the top level of the user's home directory 
> are incredibly rude. It may have been a Unix standard for as long as 
> there has been a Unix, but it's still the programming equivalent of 
> coming into somebody's house and throwing your tools all over their 
> living room floor.

  Personally, I feel the same way about dumping files
  into the python  site-package  directory ....

  For example, I've never understood why kde and qt packages
  don't use a sub-dir to house their  xxxx.so  libs ....

  Moving the  xxxx.egg-info  files into sub-dirs or their own tree
  would also clean up the  site-packages  dir ....

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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