what's the point of rpython?

Luis M. González luismgz at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 10:46:16 EST 2009

On Jan 18, 8:56 am, andrew cooke <and... at acooke.org> wrote:
> Since this is a PyPy bashing thread, maybe it's an appropriate place
> to suggest that the project has got a little bit waylaid by exploring
> cool things instead of releasing a useful final result?
> I am not questioning rpython directly - the case for something like
> that is obvious.  But there's a question of balance.  It's possible to
> go on building ever more complex systems which are theoretically
> justified, but which postpone ever finishing the job.  At some point
> there has to be a "good enough".
> To some extent I am playing devil's advocate here, but as an outside
> who looked at PyPy a while back, my uninformed and naive impression
> was that the project was suffering from the kid of issues I have
> caricatured above....
> Andrew
> PS I guess you are aware of worse is better etc?  I think this may
> also be a US/Euro culture issue...

It's worth adding that, regarding the goal of having a faster python,
we have had for a long time a solid and useful proof-of-concept in
psyco. Pypy rolls up on this concept and adds many more useful
features, not all of them related to speed but to flexibility.
I have no doubt the project will be succesful. The question is how
long we will have to wait...


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