January 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 1 00:23:52 EST 2009
Ending: Sat Jan 31 23:39:15 EST 2009
Messages: 4889
- Overloading Methods
"%s at gmail com" % myname.lower " ",
- python is great
Méta-MCI (MVP)
- Re: When does python 3.1, 3.2 version out?
Méta-MCI (MVP)
- Free Download - Microsoft Windows 7 Beta
Méta-MCI (MVP)
- Windows Tablet RealTimeStylus in Python
Méta-MCI (MVP)
- Executing WinXP commands using os module
Méta-MCI (MVP)
- "The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect"
Méta-MCI (MVP)
- IFL 2009: Call for Papers
IFL 2009
- output problem
- Start Python at client side from web app
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
- OSCON 2009: Call For Participation
- sys.stdout.write()'s bug or doc bug?
- Understanding search queries, semantics, and "Meaning" ...aren't we all looking for meaning?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- pep-8 vs. external interfaces?
- Style of "raise" (was Re: message of Exception)
- REMINDER: OSCON 2009: Call For Participation
- Regular Expressions...
- Extracting real-domain-name (without sub-domains) from a given URL
- Python 3.0 urllib.parse.parse_qs results in TypeError
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
- pep 8 constants
- pep 8 constants
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
- what's the point of rpython?
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
- Python Style Guide Questions - Contd.
- I'm a python addict !
- How do I get my python program to get the root password ?
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
- seeking to improve Python skills
- Logging help
- Importing modules
- Swapping values of two variables
- FINAL REMINDER: OSCON 2009: Call For Participation
- Securing a database
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
- changing URLs in webpages, python solutions?
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Petite Abeille
- small python-cgi wiki?
Petite Abeille
- date format
Ahmed, Shakir
- A replacement to closures in python?
Noam Aigerman
- Switching user in a SSH connection
Shah Alam
- Switching user in a SSH connection
Shah Sultan Alam
- PyPlot
Shah Sultan Alam
- bigint to timestamp
Shah Sultan Alam
- Get thread pid
- Get thread pid
- Get thread pid
- Get thread pid
- Get thread pid
- Simple image manipulation question
- TEST=`which test` equivalent in python?
Jay Jesus Amorin
- AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open_workbook'
Jay Jesus Amorin
- [xlrd] sanitize the output and store in a 2d arrays
Jay Jesus Amorin
- Pexpect and telnet not communicating properly
David Anderson
- English-like Python
Tobias Andersson
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
- Problem with -3 switch
Aivar Annamaa
- Problem with -3 switch
Aivar Annamaa
- My last working day of 2007
- Generator metadata/attributes
- drive a desktop app from python?
- Regexp
- *Advanced* Python book?
Jean-Claude Arbaut
- multiprocessing vs thread performance
Arash Arfaee
- malloc (error code=12)
Arash Arfaee
- malloc (error code=12)
Arash Arfaee
- py2exe + SQLite problem
- py2exe + SQLite problem
- py2exe + data_files
- distutil problem ??
- py2exe + SQLite problem
- py2exe + SQLite problem
- ANN: Twisted 8.2 released
Christopher Armstrong
- parse/slice/...
Tim Arnold
- Printed Documentation
Tim Arnold
- drive a desktop app from python?
Tim Arnold
- python resource management
Tim Arnold
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Sion Arrowsmith
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Sion Arrowsmith
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Sion Arrowsmith
- initialising a class by name
Sion Arrowsmith
- mimetypes oddity
Sion Arrowsmith
- point class help
Sion Arrowsmith
- mimetypes oddity
Sion Arrowsmith
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Sion Arrowsmith
- drive a desktop app from python?
Ricardo Aráoz
- Formal specification and proof (was : Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?)
Ricardo Aráoz
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Ricardo Aráoz
- Code coverage to Python code
Hussein B
- Why this code is working?
Hussein B
- Why this code is working?
Hussein B
- Why this code is working?
Hussein B
- Am I interacting with the database correctly?
Hussein B
- How to start a transaction?
Hussein B
- Why I'm getting the date of yesterday
Hussein B
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Hussein B
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Hussein B
- using subprocess module in Python CGI
- A different kind of interface
- Detecting a GUI session
Leith Bade
- [ANN] SWIG 1.3.37
Haoyu Bai
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Giovanni Bajo
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Giovanni Bajo
- pep-8 vs. external interfaces?
Carl Banks
- reflection as in Java: how to create an instance from a classname
Carl Banks
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Carl Banks
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Carl Banks
- cPickle vs pickle discrepancy
Carl Banks
- Making a decorator a staticmethod
Carl Banks
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
Carl Banks
- Problem with -3 switch
Carl Banks
- Common path all PyObjects take on destruction?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Problem with -3 switch
Carl Banks
- Problem with -3 switch
Carl Banks
- Problem with -3 switch
Carl Banks
- Problem with -3 switch
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Carl Banks
- LGPL license for Qt 4.5
Carl Banks
- Python 3 isinstance
Carl Banks
- Python 3 isinstance
Carl Banks
- Python 3 isinstance
Carl Banks
- tp_base, ob_type, and tp_bases
Carl Banks
- problem in implementing multiprocessing
Carl Banks
- what's the point of rpython?
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- Why GIL?
Carl Banks
- Why GIL?
Carl Banks
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Carl Banks
- "The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect"
Carl Banks
- "The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect"
Carl Banks
- How to find the beginning of last line of a big text file ?
Barak, Ron
- How to find the beginning of last line of a big text file ?
Barak, Ron
- Nubie question: how to not pass "self" in call to seek() function ?
Barak, Ron
- Nubie question: how to not pass "self" in call to seek() function ?
Barak, Ron
- Is negative seek() from EOF of a GzipFile supported on Python 2.5.2 ?
Barak, Ron
- Relative performance of comparable regular expressions
Barak, Ron
- Relative performance of comparable regular expressions
Barak, Ron
- Could you suggest optimisations ?
Barak, Ron
- Could you suggest optimisations ?
Barak, Ron
- How to print lambda result ?
Barak, Ron
- How to print lambda result ?
Barak, Ron
- How to print lambda result ?
Barak, Ron
- How to execute a hyperlink?
Barak, Ron
- How to find the beginning of last line of a big text file ?
Sebastian Bassi
- How to store passwords?
Sebastian Bassi
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Johannes Bauer
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Johannes Bauer
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Johannes Bauer
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Johannes Bauer
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Johannes Bauer
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Johannes Bauer
- strange dict issue
Heston James - Cold Beans
- strange dict issue
Heston James - Cold Beans
- Using PythonPath under Windows Vista.
Morgul Banner Bearer
- buffer creates only read-only buffer?
Neal Becker
- mmap only supports string
Neal Becker
- mmap doesn't support weakref
Neal Becker
- strange error whilst porting to 2.6
Robin Becker
- strange error whilst porting to 2.6
Robin Becker
- strange error whilst porting to 2.6
Robin Becker
- strange error whilst porting to 2.6
Robin Becker
- strange error whilst porting to 2.6
Robin Becker
- fastest way to detect a user type
Robin Becker
- Which SOAP module?
Stefan Behnel
- Extending Python with C or C++
Stefan Behnel
- Any news on when some libraries will be ported to Python 3.0?
Stefan Behnel
- Problems in Using C-API for Unicode handling
Stefan Behnel
- changing URLs in webpages, python solutions?
Stefan Behnel
- Python and threads
Stefan Behnel
- Python and threads
Stefan Behnel
- Parsing XML: SAX, DOM, Expat, or Something Else?
Stefan Behnel
- search speed
Stefan Behnel
- search speed
Stefan Behnel
- Start Python at client side from web app
Lars Behrens
- reading file to list
Lars Behrens
- reading file to list
Lars Behrens
- Need help with os.system in linux
Thomas Bellman
- New Python 3.0 string formatting - really necessary?
Arlo Belshee
- Start Python at client side from web app
Arlo Belshee
- Re: When does python 3.1, 3.2 version out?
- Interpreter & Thread state & Frame structures.
- "python -3" not working as expected
- "python -3" not working as expected
- "python -3" not working as expected
- does exec ignore the locals parameter?
- Dictionary : items()
- How to get atexit hooks to run in the presence of execv?
R. Bernstein
- How to get atexit hooks to run in the presence of execv?
R. Bernstein
- syntax color lang source code in blogs or website
Lorenzo Bettini
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Roger Binns
- Any news on when some libraries will be ported to Python 3.0?
Roger Binns
- malloc (error code=12)
Roger Binns
- malloc (error code=12)
Roger Binns
- Iterating through a file significantly slower when file has big buffer
Roger Binns
- pyPEG parser-interpreter released
Volker Birk
- pyPEG parser-interpreter released
Volker Birk
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Dan Bishop
- Calling Python-tk code from C/C++
Rajorshi Biswas
- C-Python API problem
Rajorshi Biswas
- Re: Calling Python-tk code from C/C++
Rajorshi Biswas
- modify IDLE?
Brian Blais
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
Brian Blais
- Where to put configuration/data files
Jay Bloodworth
- How to "kill" orphaned threads at program exit
- Event Handling and Signal-Slot Mechanism
- select.select and socket.setblocking
Francesco Bochicchio
- yacc statement recognition [PLY]
Francesco Bochicchio
- Is there a better algorithm?
Francesco Bochicchio
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
Francesco Bochicchio
- Using PythonPath under Windows Vista.
Francesco Bochicchio
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Francesco Bochicchio
- pep 8 constants
Francesco Bochicchio
- file write collision consideration
Francesco Bochicchio
- Calling Python-tk code from C/C++
David Boddie
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
David Bolen
- Python Crashes
David Bolen
- is python Object oriented??
David Bolen
- How to write a simple shell loop in python?
Dietrich Bollmann
- How to write a simple shell loop in python?
Dietrich Bollmann
- ACL in python
John Boloshevich
- Python subprocess question
Duncan Booth
- if-else statement
Duncan Booth
- Python 3 isinstance
Duncan Booth
- Python 3 isinstance
Duncan Booth
- Python 3 isinstance
Duncan Booth
- Python 3 isinstance
Duncan Booth
- Differences between class and function decorator
Duncan Booth
- dynamic module import?
Duncan Booth
- Ordering attributes for dynamically generated class
Duncan Booth
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Duncan Booth
- SetUp functions for multiple test cases
Duncan Booth
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Duncan Booth
- Where to place imports
Duncan Booth
- How do I say "two classes up in the inheritance chain" in python?
Duncan Booth
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Duncan Booth
- ctypes with Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6B *.dll (Windows XP), passing of integer and real values
Duncan Booth
- lazy evaluation is sometimes too lazy... help please.
Boris Borcic
- lazy evaluation is sometimes too lazy... help please.
Boris Borcic
- why o/p is different ???
Pierre Bourdon
- output problem
Pierre Bourdon
- OCaml, Language syntax, and Proof Systems
Pierre Bourdon
- game engine (as in rules not graphics)
Aaron Brady
- SQL, lite lite lite
Aaron Brady
- If your were going to program a game...
Aaron Brady
- Testing if an index is in a slice
Aaron Brady
- Is there a better algorithm?
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- mmap only supports string
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- if-else statement
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- Standard IPC for Python?
Aaron Brady
- ctype problem
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Aaron Brady
- why cannot assign to function call
Aaron Brady
- Why this code is working?
Aaron Brady
- reverse dict lookup & Relation class
Aaron Brady
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Aaron Brady
- Convention vs. fascism
Aaron Brady
- reverse dict lookup & Relation class
Aaron Brady
- reverse dict lookup & Relation class
Aaron Brady
- reverse dict lookup & Relation class
Aaron Brady
- multiprocessing question/error
Aaron Brady
- English-like Python
Aaron Brady
- reverse dict lookup & Relation class
Aaron Brady
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Aaron Brady
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Aaron Brady
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Aaron Brady
- Ordering attributes for dynamically generated class
Aaron Brady
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Aaron Brady
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Aaron Brady
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Aaron Brady
- problem in implementing multiprocessing
Aaron Brady
- English-like Python
Aaron Brady
- English-like Python
Aaron Brady
- English-like Python
Aaron Brady
- English-like Python
Aaron Brady
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Aaron Brady
- English-like Python
Aaron Brady
- English-like Python
Aaron Brady
- English-like Python
Aaron Brady
- English-like Python
Aaron Brady
- subclass PyDictObject -- any gotchas?
Aaron Brady
- subclass PyDictObject -- any gotchas?
Aaron Brady
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Aaron Brady
- ob_type in shared memory
Aaron Brady
- ob_type in shared memory
Aaron Brady
- ob_type in shared memory
Aaron Brady
- ob_type in shared memory
Aaron Brady
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
Aaron Brady
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
Aaron Brady
- dicts,instances,containers, slotted instances, et cetera.
Aaron Brady
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
Aaron Brady
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
Aaron Brady
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Aaron Brady
- Readline and Python 2.6.1 on a Mac
James Brady
- Readline and Python 2.6.1 on a Mac
James Brady
- ftplib - 226 message not received
- ftplib - 226 message not received
- Lazy List Generator Problem
Gerald Britton
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Gerald Britton
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Richard Brodie
- is there a shorter way to write this
Vlastimil Brom
- parsing text from a file
Vlastimil Brom
- Empty string is False right?
Vlastimil Brom
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
Wesley Brooks
- RegEx issues
Sean Brown
- Is there a better algorithm?
Markus Brueckner
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
Eric Brunel
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
Eric Brunel
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
Eric Brunel
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
Eric Brunel
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
Eric Brunel
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
Eric Brunel
- Returning a string
Simon Brunning
- *Advanced* Python book?
Simon Brunning
- Why I'm getting the date of yesterday
Simon Brunning
- Odd syntactic NON-error?
Simon Brunning
- Overriding base class methods in the C API
Floris Bruynooghe
- cPickle vs pickle discrepancy
Zac Burns
- cPickle vs pickle discrepancy
Zac Burns
- Making a decorator a staticmethod
Zac Burns
- Making a decorator a staticmethod
Zac Burns
- cPickle vs pickle discrepancy
Zac Burns
- Making a decorator a staticmethod
Zac Burns
- Executing global code
Zac Burns
- Executing global code
Zac Burns
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
- How to Delete a Cookie?
Jose C
- How to Delete a Cookie?
Jose C
- How to Delete a Cookie?
Jose C
- Release of PyGreSQL 4.0
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Please show some restraint (Was: Why not Ruby?)
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- issue
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- How to print lambda result ?
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- How to print lambda result ?
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- file write collision consideration
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Rounding to the nearest 5
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- search speed
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Rounding to the nearest 5
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- accessing elements of a tuple
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Empty string is False right?
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- If your were going to program a game...
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Doubt on creating threads
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Python callback functions and static methods
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Defer problem
Jean-Paul Calderone
- ssl module - how can I accept SSLv3 and TLSv1 protocols only?
Jean-Paul Calderone
- subprocess.Popen stalls
Jean-Paul Calderone
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Jean-Paul Calderone
- wsgi silently swallows errors
Jean-Paul Calderone
- seeking to improve Python skills
Jean-Paul Calderone
- seeking to improve Python skills
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Where to place imports
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Where to place imports
Jean-Paul Calderone
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Jean-Paul Calderone
- socket.unbind or socket.unlisten? - socket.error: (48, 'Address already in use')
Jean-Paul Calderone
- A Twisted Design Decision
Jean-Paul Calderone
- A Twisted Design Decision
Jean-Paul Calderone
- A Twisted Design Decision
Jean-Paul Calderone
- A Twisted Design Decision
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Results of executing hyperlink in script
Jean-Paul Calderone
- persistent TCP connection in python using socketserver
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Get thread pid
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Announcing Pyflakes 0.3.0
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Get thread pid
Jean-Paul Calderone
- Odd syntactic NON-error?
Jean-Paul Calderone
- newbie OOP question (what's the analogue to java interfaces in Python?)
Larry Caruso
- Is this a bug in Python or something I do not understand.
- Python 3.0 nonlocal statement
- Python 3.0 nonlocal statement
- Python 3.0 nonlocal statement
- Py3 - converting bytes to ascii
- Regular expression that skips single line comments?
- mod_python: delay in files changing after alteration
Stephen Chapman
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
Stephen Chapman
- QT4
Stephen Chapman
- PyQt4 on Windows ?
Stephen Chapman
- Quickbooks
Stephen Chapman
- How to find the beginning of last line of a big text file ?
Tim Chase
- f.seek() unwanted output
Tim Chase
- figuring week of the day....
Tim Chase
- figuring week of the day....
Tim Chase
- Python tricks
Tim Chase
- efficient interval containment lookup
Tim Chase
- efficient interval containment lookup
Tim Chase
- issue
Tim Chase
- Regular expression that skips single line comments?
Tim Chase
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Tim Chase
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Tim Chase
- date format
Tim Chase
- Need script to download file from a server using python script
Tim Chase
- What's the business with the asterisk?
Tim Chase
- *.python.org broken?
Tim Chase
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Tim Chase
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Tim Chase
- Efficient multi-slicing technique?
Tim Chase
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Tim Chase
- Efficient multi-slicing technique?
Tim Chase
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
Tim Chase
- need help
Tim Chase
- need help
Tim Chase
- Results of executing hyperlink in script
Tim Chase
- is there a shorter way to write this
Tim Chase
- is there a shorter way to write this
Tim Chase
- parsing text from a file
Tim Chase
- Rounding to the nearest 5
Tim Chase
- Rounding to the nearest 5
Tim Chase
- accessing elements of a tuple
Tim Chase
- search speed
Tim Chase
- glob.fnmatch (was "search speed")
Tim Chase
- Searching a file for multiple strings
Tim Chase
- Searching a file for multiple strings (PS)
Tim Chase
- defining class functions
Astan Chee
- defining class functions
Astan Chee
- USB in python
Astan Chee
- USB in python
Astan Chee
- USB in python
Astan Chee
- USB in python
Astan Chee
- USB in python
Astan Chee
- USB in python
Astan Chee
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Adal Chiriliuc
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Adal Chiriliuc
- ctypes with Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6B *.dll (Windows XP), passing of integer and real values
Jon Clements
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Jon Clements
- How to execute a hyperlink?
Jon Clements
- bigint to timestamp
Jon Clements
- Number of bits/sizeof int
Jon Clements
- Number of bits/sizeof int
Jon Clements
- Unexpected behavior with dictionary keys containment and a user-defined class
Rob Clewley
- Unexpected behavior with dictionary keys containment and a user-defined class
Rob Clewley
- Is this pythonic?
Baby Coder
- Can webbrowser module get source code?
Muddy Coder
- How to execute a hyperlink?
Muddy Coder
- Results of executing hyperlink in script
Muddy Coder
- Easy-to-use Python GUI
Dotan Cohen
- python is great
Dotan Cohen
- Code Review request for the trash-cli project
Dotan Cohen
- image recogniton?
Dotan Cohen
- python is great
Dotan Cohen
- image recogniton?
Dotan Cohen
- python is great
Dotan Cohen
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Dotan Cohen
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Dotan Cohen
- English-like Python
Dotan Cohen
- English-like Python
Dotan Cohen
- Is there a best linux distro for a python hobbyist?
David Cournapeau
- [Python-Dev] compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
David Cournapeau
- [Python-Dev] compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
David Cournapeau
- Python 2.6 fails on compiling > Bug report
David Cournapeau
- Python Package Managment
David Cournapeau
- Profiling Python Apps on Mac?
David Cournapeau
- multiprocessing vs thread performance
Nick Craig-Wood
- Extending Python with C or C++
Nick Craig-Wood
- Extending Python with C or C++
Nick Craig-Wood
- Multiprocessing takes higher execution time
Nick Craig-Wood
- Multiprocessing takes higher execution time
Nick Craig-Wood
- Creating new instances of subclasses.
Nick Craig-Wood
- Extending Python with C or C++
Nick Craig-Wood
- Python tricks
Nick Craig-Wood
- ctype problem
Nick Craig-Wood
- initialising a class by name
Nick Craig-Wood
- Python 2.6's multiprocessing lock not working on second use?
Nick Craig-Wood
- Python 2.6's multiprocessing lock not working on second use?
Nick Craig-Wood
- [Python-Dev] compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
Simon Cross
- Is there a best linux distro for a python hobbyist?
Dave Crouse
- Is there a best linux distro for a python hobbyist?
David Crouse
- Regular Expressions...
Ken D'Ambrosio
- Regular Expressions...
Ken D'Ambrosio
- Why not Ruby?
Steven D'Aprano
- Why not Ruby?
Steven D'Aprano
- Why not Ruby?
Steven D'Aprano
- Why not Ruby?
Steven D'Aprano
- Triple quoted string in exec function ?
Steven D'Aprano
- type conversion
Steven D'Aprano
- list iteration if statement
Steven D'Aprano
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Steven D'Aprano
- Ideas to optimize this getitem/eval call?
Steven D'Aprano
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Steven D'Aprano
- math module for Decimals
Steven D'Aprano
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Steven D'Aprano
- Ideas to optimize this getitem/eval call?
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- Testing if an index is in a slice
Steven D'Aprano
- Take the first n items of an iterator
Steven D'Aprano
- Take the first n items of an iterator
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Steven D'Aprano
- Rich Comparisons Gotcha
Steven D'Aprano
- Rich Comparisons Gotcha
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- Code Review request for the trash-cli project
Steven D'Aprano
- If your were going to program a game...
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- Rich Comparisons Gotcha
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- How to deepcopy a list of user defined lists?
Steven D'Aprano
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
Steven D'Aprano
- Replying to list messages
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
Steven D'Aprano
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Steven D'Aprano
- Encrypted Logging in python
Steven D'Aprano
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- Detecting open files and forcing closure
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- Object help
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- efficient interval containment lookup
Steven D'Aprano
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Steven D'Aprano
- efficient interval containment lookup
Steven D'Aprano
- Unexpected behavior with dictionary keys containment and a user-defined class
Steven D'Aprano
- efficient interval containment lookup
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- initialising a class by name
Steven D'Aprano
- pep 8 constants
Steven D'Aprano
- initialising a class by name
Steven D'Aprano
- why cannot assign to function call
Steven D'Aprano
- sys.stdout.write()'s bug or doc bug?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- os system command not found
Steven D'Aprano
- Why this code is working?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- can someone tell me why this doesn't work please python 3
Steven D'Aprano
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
Steven D'Aprano
- initialising a class by name
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Python 3 isinstance
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- General direction
Steven D'Aprano
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Steven D'Aprano
- Convention vs. fascism (was: General direction)
Steven D'Aprano
- Executing global code
Steven D'Aprano
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Steven D'Aprano
- optimizing large dictionaries
Steven D'Aprano
- optimizing large dictionaries
Steven D'Aprano
- Convention vs. fascism
Steven D'Aprano
- Python Style Guide Questions
Steven D'Aprano
- Convention vs. fascism
Steven D'Aprano
- reverse dict lookup & Relation class
Steven D'Aprano
- Python 3 isinstance
Steven D'Aprano
- lazy evaluation is sometimes too lazy... help please.
Steven D'Aprano
- Skull Socks (was Re: Convention vs. fascism)
Steven D'Aprano
- dynamic module import?
Steven D'Aprano
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Steven D'Aprano
- dynamic module import?
Steven D'Aprano
- reverse dict lookup & Relation class
Steven D'Aprano
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Steven D'Aprano
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Steven D'Aprano
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Steven D'Aprano
- Difference between Python 2.2.2 and Python 2.5
Steven D'Aprano
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Steven D'Aprano
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Steven D'Aprano
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Steven D'Aprano
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Steven D'Aprano
- Getting OSError, Could someone suggest?
Steven D'Aprano
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Steven D'Aprano
- Difference between Python 2.2.2 and Python 2.5
Steven D'Aprano
- string formatting documentation
Steven D'Aprano
- Regular expression that skips single line comments?
Steven D'Aprano
- string formatting documentation
Steven D'Aprano
- function to find the modification date of the project
Steven D'Aprano
- urllib2 httplib.BadStatusLine exception while opening a page on an Oracle HTTP Server
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- pep 8 constants
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- function to find the modification date of the project
Steven D'Aprano
- English-like Python
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- English-like Python
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- English-like Python
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Dictionary : items()
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Stalled ticket in Python bug tracker
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Stalled ticket in Python bug tracker
Steven D'Aprano
- Where to place imports
Steven D'Aprano
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Steven D'Aprano
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Steven D'Aprano
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Steven D'Aprano
- Is (-1 ==True) True or False? Neither
Steven D'Aprano
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steven D'Aprano
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
Steven D'Aprano
- dicts,instances,containers, slotted instances, et cetera.
Steven D'Aprano
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
Steven D'Aprano
- Swapping values of two variables
Steven D'Aprano
- Swapping values of two variables
Steven D'Aprano
- is python Object oriented??
Steven D'Aprano
- Rounding to the nearest 5
Steven D'Aprano
- Rounding to the nearest 5
Steven D'Aprano
- Swapping values of two variables
Steven D'Aprano
- Tkinter - problem closing window
Collin D
- Tkinter - problem closing window
Collin D
- ifconfig in python
Nehemiah Dacres
- defining class functions
Nehemiah Dacres
- ifconfig in python
Nehemiah Dacres
- ifconfig in python
Nehemiah Dacres
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Éric Daigneault
- what gives with "'import *' not allowed with 'from .'"?
Darren Dale
- what gives with
Darren Dale
- Windows Tablet RealTimeStylus in Python
- If your were going to program a game...
Tokyo Dan
- If your were going to program a game...
Tokyo Dan
- logging multiple messages
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
Scott David Daniels
- How to get millisec/fractional seconds out of a time object ?
Scott David Daniels
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
Scott David Daniels
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
Scott David Daniels
- How do you write to the printer ?
Scott David Daniels
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Scott David Daniels
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Scott David Daniels
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
Scott David Daniels
- if-else statement
Scott David Daniels
- Python logging rollover
Scott David Daniels
- Python tricks
Scott David Daniels
- efficient interval containment lookup
Scott David Daniels
- Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?
Scott David Daniels
- Problems in Using C-API for Unicode handling
Scott David Daniels
- exec in a nested function yields an error
Scott David Daniels
- can someone tell me why this doesn't work please python 3
Scott David Daniels
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Scott David Daniels
- optimizing large dictionaries
Scott David Daniels
- lazy evaluation is sometimes too lazy... help please.
Scott David Daniels
- *Advanced* Python book?
Scott David Daniels
- Python and threads
Scott David Daniels
- uninstall before upgrade?
Scott David Daniels
- function to find the modification date of the project
Scott David Daniels
- what's the point of rpython?
Scott David Daniels
- How to write a simple shell loop in python?
Scott David Daniels
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Scott David Daniels
- English-like Python
Scott David Daniels
- is this pythonic?
Scott David Daniels
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Scott David Daniels
- what gives with
Scott David Daniels
- Adding a field to a 'foreign' object from the outside
Scott David Daniels
- seeking to improve Python skills
Scott David Daniels
- Two import questions in Python 3.0
Scott David Daniels
- Web authentication urllib2
Scott David Daniels
- RegEx issues
Scott David Daniels
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Scott David Daniels
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
Scott David Daniels
- I'm a python addict !
Scott David Daniels
- Counting number of objects
Scott David Daniels
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Scott David Daniels
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Scott David Daniels
- Python 3.0, 'Hello' < 42
Scott David Daniels
- search speed
Scott David Daniels
- Adding a positive number and a negative number
Scott David Daniels
- relpath problem on windows
Scott David Daniels
- Number of bits/sizeof int
Scott David Daniels
- Why do operators and methods of built-in types differ
Scott David Daniels
- Empty string is False right?
Scott David Daniels
- pySerial - accessing GSM module failed
Dave Dave
- Videocapture in python
- How to get millisec/fractional seconds out of a time object ?
- How to get millisec/fractional seconds out of a time object ?
- How do you write to the printer ?
- How do you write to the printer ?
- How do I get my python program to get the root password ?
- Rounding to the nearest 5
- understanding nested lists?
Vincent Davis
- understanding nested lists?
Vincent Davis
- print formating for matrix/table
Vincent Davis
- print formating for matrix/table
Vincent Davis
- print formating for matrix/table
Vincent Davis
- regular expression, help
Vincent Davis
- regular expression, help
Vincent Davis
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Vincent Davis
- regular expression, help
Vincent Davis
- change syntax coloring in IDLE
Vincent Davis
- change syntax coloring in IDLE
Vincent Davis
- change syntax coloring in IDLE
Vincent Davis
- program organization question
Vincent Davis
- question about Z=[[x for y in range(1,2) if AList[x]==y] for x in range(0,5)]
Vincent Davis
- Executing global code
Jakub Debski
- Is there a better algorithm?
Ned Deily
- having problems with a multi-conditional while statement
Ned Deily
- parallel and/or synchronous start/run/stop on multiple boxes
Ned Deily
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Ned Deily
- Python 2.6 fails on compiling > Bug report
Ned Deily
- Python 2.6 fails on compiling > Bug report
Ned Deily
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
Ned Deily
- Egg deinstallation
Ned Deily
- Readline and Python 2.6.1 on a Mac
Ned Deily
- tuple methods: documentation missing
Ned Deily
- tp_base, ob_type, and tp_bases
Ned Deily
- ifconfig in python
Ned Deily
- does exec ignore the locals parameter?
Ned Deily
- change syntax coloring in IDLE
Ned Deily
- change syntax coloring in IDLE
Ned Deily
- change syntax coloring in IDLE
Ned Deily
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Ned Deily
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
- spam on the list - how are things now?
Delaney, Timothy (Tim)
- Where to host a (Python) project?
Andrey Demidov
- [ANN] sqlkit 0.8.5
Sandro Dentella
- SQL, lite lite lite
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Why not Ruby?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Is there a better algorithm?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- why cannot assign to function call
Bruno Desthuilliers
- why cannot assign to function call
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- some question about python2.6 and python3k
Bruno Desthuilliers
- structuring a package?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- reflection as in Java: how to create an instance from a classname
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Is there some methods like 'datareader' in MySQLdb for handling mass data
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Creating new instances of subclasses.
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Making a decorator a staticmethod
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Making a decorator a staticmethod
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Making a decorator a staticmethod
Bruno Desthuilliers
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Default __nonzero__ impl doesn't throw a TypeError exception
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Making a decorator a staticmethod
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Best practice in organize classes into modules
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Default __nonzero__ impl doesn't throw a TypeError exception
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Best practice in organize classes into modules
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Why this code is working?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Why this code is working?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Why this code is working?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- A different kind of interface
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Adding a field to a 'foreign' object from the outside
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Idea to support public/private.
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- How do I say "two classes up in the inheritance chain" in python?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- I'm a python addict !
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Class behaving like a static class
Bruno Desthuilliers
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Python Application Server
Bruno Desthuilliers
- ORM recommendation when using "live"/predefined DB?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- how to optimize object creation/reading from file?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
Bruno Desthuilliers
- is python Object oriented??
Bruno Desthuilliers
- is python Object oriented??
Bruno Desthuilliers
- Noob question
Bruno Desthuilliers
- math module for Decimals
Mark Dickinson
- math module for Decimals
Mark Dickinson
- math module for Decimals
Mark Dickinson
- math module for Decimals
Mark Dickinson
- math module for Decimals
Mark Dickinson
- math module for Decimals
Mark Dickinson
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Mark Dickinson
- Unexpected scientific notation
Mark Dickinson
- Unexpected scientific notation
Mark Dickinson
- Unexpected scientific notation
Mark Dickinson
- nth root
Mark Dickinson
- nth root
Mark Dickinson
- nth root
Mark Dickinson
- nth root
Mark Dickinson
- nth root
Mark Dickinson
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Jeremiah Dodds
- Pythonic way to handle coordinates
Pierre-Alain Dorange
- s=ascii(hexlify(urandom(10)))
Pierre-Alain Dorange
- [MacOS] Multiple versions of a module
Pierre-Alain Dorange
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Pierre-Alain Dorange
- Profiling Python Apps on Mac?
Pierre-Alain Dorange
- Soap Client
- Soap Client
- FileCookieJar has not attribute "_self_load"
- FileCookieJar has not attribute "_self_load"
- FileCookieJar has not attribute "_self_load"
- FileCookieJar has not attribute "_self_load"
- Iowa Python Users Group Meeting (Jan. 5, 2008)
Mike Driscoll
- Iowa Python Users Group Meeting (Jan. 5, 2008)
Mike Driscoll
- Creating an application for Linux
Mike Driscoll
- Py2exe issue
Mike Driscoll
- python is great
Mike Driscoll
- How to Delete a Cookie?
Mike Driscoll
- LGPL license for Qt 4.5
Mike Driscoll
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Mike Driscoll
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Mike Driscoll
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Mike Driscoll
- pyAA for Python2.5
Mike Driscoll
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Mike Driscoll
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Mike Driscoll
- mod_pylite?
Graham Dumpleton
- mod_python: delay in files changing after alteration
Graham Dumpleton
- Parent module not loaded error
Graham Dumpleton
- Parent module not loaded error
Graham Dumpleton
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Graham Dumpleton
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Graham Dumpleton
- wsgi silently swallows errors
Graham Dumpleton
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
Graham Dumpleton
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Graham Dumpleton
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Graham Dumpleton
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Graham Dumpleton
- More mod_wsgi weirdness: process restarts on redirect
Graham Dumpleton
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Graham Dumpleton
- *Advanced* Python book?
Banibrata Dutta
- USB in python
Banibrata Dutta
- Why doesn't this work in Eclipse ? (Simple pexpect code that works in bash)
Gary Duzan
- __init__.py and package help
J. Cliff Dyer
- python is great
J. Cliff Dyer
- subclassing 'list'
J. Cliff Dyer
- Creating new instances of subclasses.
J. Cliff Dyer
- Creating new instances of subclasses.
J. Cliff Dyer
- Problem with -3 switch
J. Cliff Dyer
- Skull Socks (was Re: Convention vs. fascism)
J. Cliff Dyer
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
J. Cliff Dyer
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
J. Cliff Dyer
- I'm a python addict !
J. Cliff Dyer
- I'm a python addict !
J. Cliff Dyer
- I'm a python addict !
J. Cliff Dyer
- I'm a python addict !
J. Cliff Dyer
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
J. Cliff Dyer
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
J. Cliff Dyer
- Creating new instances of subclasses.
J. Clifford Dyer
- Skull Socks (was Re: Convention vs. fascism)
J. Clifford Dyer
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
J. Clifford Dyer
- bigint to timestamp
Ulrich Eckhardt
- why cannot assign to function call
Grant Edwards
- why cannot assign to function call
Grant Edwards
- why cannot assign to function call
Grant Edwards
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Grant Edwards
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Grant Edwards
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Grant Edwards
- Multiprocessing takes higher execution time
Grant Edwards
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Grant Edwards
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Grant Edwards
- Guaranteeing an n-byte data type?
Grant Edwards
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Grant Edwards
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Grant Edwards
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Grant Edwards
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Grant Edwards
- why cannot assign to function call
Grant Edwards
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Grant Edwards
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Grant Edwards
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Grant Edwards
- Ethernet packet size python
Grant Edwards
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Grant Edwards
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Grant Edwards
- [OT] Re: are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Grant Edwards
- Integrating awk in Python
Grant Edwards
- Finding the full path of an executable
Grant Edwards
- Finding the full path of an executable
Grant Edwards
- unzip array of arrays?
Grant Edwards
- USB in python
Grant Edwards
- How do I get my python program to get the root password ?
Grant Edwards
- How do I get my python program to get the root password ?
Grant Edwards
- Byte oriented data types in python
Grant Edwards
- Byte oriented data types in python
Grant Edwards
- Byte oriented data types in python
Grant Edwards
- Byte oriented data types in python
Grant Edwards
- Byte oriented data types in python
Grant Edwards
- Byte oriented data types in python
Grant Edwards
- USB in python
Grant Edwards
- USB in python
Grant Edwards
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Grant Edwards
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Grant Edwards
- Swapping values of two variables
Grant Edwards
- Adding a positive number and a negative number
Grant Edwards
- is python Object oriented??
Grant Edwards
- Swapping values of two variables
Grant Edwards
- Swapping values of two variables
Grant Edwards
- Empty string is False right?
Grant Edwards
- unittest, order of test execution
Yinon Ehrlich
- unittest, order of test execution
Yinon Ehrlich
- optparse with numpy.array?
Johan Ekh
- optparse with numpy.array?
Johan Ekh
- optparse with numpy.array?
Johan Ekh
- optparse with numpy.array?
Johan Ekh
- calling an external program and capturing the output
- calling an external program and capturing the output
- A different kind of interface
Max Erickson
- why cannot assign to function call
Dan Esch
- why cannot assign to function call
Dan Esch
- why cannot assign to function call
Dan Esch
- Work with Open Office
Dan Esch
- Work with Open Office
Dan Esch
- Pyggy Awards Judging Underway
Greg Ewing
- strange thing after call PyObject_CallMethod
- Why not Ruby?
Jürgen Exner
- Why not Ruby?
Jürgen Exner
- Why not Ruby?
Jürgen Exner
- Function Application is not Currying
Jürgen Exner
- Python Application Server
Adi Eyal
- Python Application Server
Adi Eyal
- Module/Library That is Able To Use Cookies + Proxies?
Justin Ezequiel
- Am I interacting with the database correctly?
John Fabiani
- mac osx how to use a specific python environment
Markus Falb
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
- Ldap Extended Operation python
Benny Fallica
- python3.0 MySQLdb
Daniel Fetchinson
- python3.0 MySQLdb
Daniel Fetchinson
- python3.0 MySQLdb
Daniel Fetchinson
- python3.0 MySQLdb
Daniel Fetchinson
- How do I say "two classes up in the inheritance chain" in python?
Daniel Fetchinson
- How do I say "two classes up in the inheritance chain" in python?
Daniel Fetchinson
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Ben Finney
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Ben Finney
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Ben Finney
- deleting a method
Ben Finney
- deleting a method
Ben Finney
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Ben Finney
- Regular Expressions...
Ben Finney
- Unexpected scientific notation
Ben Finney
- Distutils, bdist_XXX, rpmbuild issues
Ben Finney
- Replying to list messages (was: Unexpected scientific notation)
Ben Finney
- Replying to list messages
Ben Finney
- Python strings and coding conventions
Ben Finney
- Python tricks
Ben Finney
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
Ben Finney
- Convention vs. fascism (was: General direction)
Ben Finney
- Convention vs. fascism
Ben Finney
- Convention vs. fascism
Ben Finney
- Python Style Guide Questions
Ben Finney
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Ben Finney
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Ben Finney
- pep 8 constants
Ben Finney
- python for flash drives
Ben Finney
- How to write a simple shell loop in python?
Ben Finney
- A different kind of interface
Ben Finney
- A different kind of interface
Ben Finney
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Ben Finney
- How do I say "two classes up in the inheritance chain" in python?
Ben Finney
- Addition of multiprocessing ill-advised? (was: Python 3.0.1)
Ben Finney
- is python Object oriented??
Ben Finney
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
Ben Finney
- problem with program - debugging leading nowhere
Ben Finney
- problem with program - debugging leading nowhere
Ben Finney
- Empty string is False right?
Ben Finney
- Generator metadata/attributes
Gerard Flanagan
- writing pickle function
Gerard Flanagan
- list subsetting
- list subsetting
- Doubt on creating threads
Simon Forman
- Returning a string
Simon Forman
- changing URLs in webpages, python solutions?
Simon Forman
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Simon Forman
- changing URLs in webpages, python solutions?
Simon Forman
- Code Review request for the trash-cli project
Andrea Francia
- Code Review request for the trash-cli project
Andrea Francia
- why cannot assign to function call
Erik Max Francis
- why cannot assign to function call
Erik Max Francis
- why cannot assign to function call
Erik Max Francis
- why cannot assign to function call
Erik Max Francis
- English-like Python
Erik Max Francis
- English-like Python
Erik Max Francis
- English-like Python
Erik Max Francis
- Function arguments
Erik Max Francis
- Using equals operator without changing reference pointer
Erik Max Francis
- efficient interval containment lookup
Per Freem
- efficient interval containment lookup
Per Freem
- efficient interval containment lookup
Per Freem
- efficient interval containment lookup
Per Freem
- efficient interval containment lookup
Per Freem
- optimizing large dictionaries
Per Freem
- optimizing large dictionaries
Per Freem
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
R Fritz
- Why not Ruby?
- If your were going to program a game...
- If your were going to program a game...
- Why not Ruby?
- why cannot assign to function call
- mod_pylite?
- If your were going to program a game...
- FW: python import sys.path
- Is there a better algorithm?
- If your were going to program a game...
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
- vb2py status?
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
- Recommended SOAP library?
- Web authentication urllib2
- Web authentication urllib2
- Web authentication urllib2
- Web authentication urllib2
- reflection as in Java: how to create an instance from a classname
Quentin Gallet-Gilles
- [email/quoprimime.py] AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lstrip'
Gilles Ganault
- [http] Example with proxy + post + cookie?
Gilles Ganault
- [email/quoprimime.py] AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lstrip'
Gilles Ganault
- [urllib2] 302 -> can't get cookie
Gilles Ganault
- win32gui
- win32gui
- win32gui
- if-else statement
- is python Object oriented??
Veerendra Ganiger
- Understanding search queries, semantics, and "Meaning" ...aren't we all looking for meaning?
Jonathan Gardner
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Jonathan Gardner
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Jonathan Gardner
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Jonathan Gardner
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Jonathan Gardner
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Jonathan Gardner
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Jonathan Gardner
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Jonathan Gardner
- Making a decorator a staticmethod
Jonathan Gardner
- Tree views - Best design practices
Jonathan Gardner
- Tree views - Best design practices
Jonathan Gardner
- Tree views - Best design practices
Jonathan Gardner
- Tree views - Best design practices
Jonathan Gardner
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Jonathan Gardner
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Jonathan Gardner
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Jonathan Gardner
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Ron Garret
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Ron Garret
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Ron Garret
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Ron Garret
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Ron Garret
- Yaro vs WebOb
Ron Garret
- wsgi silently swallows errors
Ron Garret
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Ron Garret
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Ron Garret
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Ron Garret
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Ron Garret
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Ron Garret
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Ron Garret
- More mod_wsgi weirdness: process restarts on redirect
Ron Garret
- More mod_wsgi weirdness: process restarts on redirect
Ron Garret
- More mod_wsgi weirdness: process restarts on redirect
Ron Garret
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Ron Garret
- More mod_wsgi weirdness: process restarts on redirect
Ron Garret
- file write collision consideration
- Why not Ruby?
Don Geddis
- How to run Python in Windows w/o popping a DOS box?
- socket send help
Gabriel Genellina
- idle 3.0 unicode
Gabriel Genellina
- Is there a better algorithm?
Gabriel Genellina
- multiprocessing vs thread performance
Gabriel Genellina
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Gabriel Genellina
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jan 6)
Gabriel Genellina
- socket send help
Gabriel Genellina
- Why not Ruby?
Gabriel Genellina
- cPickle vs pickle discrepancy
Gabriel Genellina
- __builtin__ quote
Gabriel Genellina
- multiprocessing vs thread performance
Gabriel Genellina
- download timeout vs. socket timeout
Gabriel Genellina
- multiprocessing and SIGINT
Gabriel Genellina
- Is negative seek() from EOF of a GzipFile supported on Python 2.5.2 ?
Gabriel Genellina
- [urllib2] 302 -> can't get cookie
Gabriel Genellina
- [OT] Re: are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Gabriel Genellina
- efficient interval containment lookup
Gabriel Genellina
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jan 13)
Gabriel Genellina
- [OT] Re: are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Gabriel Genellina
- FileCookieJar has not attribute "_self_load"
Gabriel Genellina
- Finding the full path of an executable
Gabriel Genellina
- Python 2.6's multiprocessing lock not working on second use?
Gabriel Genellina
- multiprocessing question/error
Gabriel Genellina
- Python Startup file
Gabriel Genellina
- FileCookieJar has not attribute "_self_load"
Gabriel Genellina
- import urllib2 fails with Python 2.6.1 on Vista
Gabriel Genellina
- Am I interacting with the database correctly?
Gabriel Genellina
- Am I interacting with the database correctly?
Gabriel Genellina
- Can Python manipulate PE structure or bytes?
Gabriel Genellina
- Can Python manipulate PE structure or bytes?
Gabriel Genellina
- import urllib2 fails with Python 2.6.1 on Vista
Gabriel Genellina
- import urllib2 fails with Python 2.6.1 on Vista
Gabriel Genellina
- Overriding base class methods in the C API
Gabriel Genellina
- tasklet library based on PEP 0342
Gabriel Genellina
- Logging help
Gabriel Genellina
- Logging help
Gabriel Genellina
- Problem with IDLE on windows XP
Gabriel Genellina
- Mechanize hanging
Gabriel Genellina
- One Bug of Python 3.0
Gabriel Genellina
- os.path.getmtime on windows, error: 206 - path or extension too long
Gabriel Genellina
- ossaudiodev problem: sawtooth noise
Gabriel Genellina
- ossaudiodev problem: sawtooth noise
Gabriel Genellina
- Two import questions in Python 3.0
Gabriel Genellina
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Gabriel Genellina
- Web authentication urllib2
Gabriel Genellina
- TEST=`which test` equivalent in python?
Gabriel Genellina
- Regex for Python 2.7
Gabriel Genellina
- RegEx issues
Gabriel Genellina
- String comparision
Gabriel Genellina
- Regex for Python 2.7
Gabriel Genellina
- Counting number of objects
Gabriel Genellina
- Counting number of objects
Gabriel Genellina
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Gabriel Genellina
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Gabriel Genellina
- Python C API (PyObject_CallMethod clear object)
Gabriel Genellina
- Plugin system, RuntimeWarning: Parent module 'ext_abc' not found while handling absolute import
Gabriel Genellina
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Gabriel Genellina
- Python C API (PyObject_CallMethod clear object)
Gabriel Genellina
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Gabriel Genellina
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Gabriel Genellina
- Plugin system, RuntimeWarning: Parent module 'ext_abc' not found while handling absolute import
Gabriel Genellina
- Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (Jan 27)
Gabriel Genellina
- Calling Python-tk code from C/C++
Gabriel Genellina
- len()
Gabriel Genellina
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Gabriel Genellina
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Gabriel Genellina
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Gabriel Genellina
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Gabriel Genellina
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Gabriel Genellina
- errno 22 instead of errno 2
Gabriel Genellina
- Windows PIL installer question
Gabriel Genellina
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
Gabriel Genellina
- Quickbooks
Gabriel Genellina
- date handling problem
Gabriel Genellina
- Results of executing hyperlink in script
Gabriel Genellina
- Tkinter w.pack()?
Gabriel Genellina
- Tkinter w.pack()?
Gabriel Genellina
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Gabriel Genellina
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Gabriel Genellina
- py2exe + SQLite problem
Gabriel Genellina
- Get thread pid
Gabriel Genellina
- Weird invisible arguments issues with Windows
Gabriel Genellina
- slicings: 3 questions
Gabriel Genellina
- ImportError in embedded Python Interpreter
Gabriel Genellina
- error on building 2.6.1. (_ctypes)
Gabriel Genellina
- 'Address already in use' ... with TCPServer
Gabriel Genellina
- ImportError in embedded Python Interpreter
Gabriel Genellina
- 'Address already in use' ... with TCPServer
Gabriel Genellina
- 'Address already in use' ... with TCPServer
Gabriel Genellina
- py2exe + SQLite problem
Gabriel Genellina
- 'Address already in use' ... with TCPServer
Gabriel Genellina
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Gabriel Genellina
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Gabriel Genellina
- ImportError in embedded Python Interpreter
Gabriel Genellina
- Want to write a script to do the batch conversion from domain name to IP.
Gabriel Genellina
- relpath problem on windows
Gabriel Genellina
- error on building 2.6.1. (_ctypes)
Gabriel Genellina
- Number of bits/sizeof int
Gabriel Genellina
- import reassignment different at module and function scope
Gabriel Genellina
- How to manipulate a contents of file as record structures
Gabriel Genellina
- Empty string is False right?
Gabriel Genellina
- Why do operators and methods of built-in types differ
Gabriel Genellina
- py2exe + SQLite problem
Gabriel Genellina
- Why do operators and methods of built-in types differ
Gabriel Genellina
- Import Replacement
Gabriel Genellina
- Mathematica 7 compares to other languages
Jerry Gerrone
- USB in python
Muriel de Souza Godoi
- is python Object oriented??
Muriel de Souza Godoi
- Process crash with no reason
Tim Golden
- errno 22 instead of errno 2
Tim Golden
- Weird invisible arguments issues with Windows
Tim Golden
- parsing text from a file
Tim Golden
- Spring Python 1.0.0 (RC1) is released
- bubblefishymon
Andy Goldschmidt
- what's the point of rpython?
Luis M. González
- optimizing large dictionaries
Luis M. González
- *Advanced* Python book?
Luis M. González
- what's the point of rpython?
Luis M. González
- is python Object oriented??
Luis M. González
- nth root
Dan Goodman
- nth root
Dan Goodman
- nth root
Dan Goodman
- 2to3 used in the Shootout
Isaac Gouy
- Why not Ruby?
Tim Greer
- Why not Ruby?
Tim Greer
- Why not Ruby?
Tim Greer
- Why not Ruby?
Tim Greer
- syntax color lang source code in blogs or website
Tim Greer
- Function Application is not Currying
Tim Greer
- Function Application is not Currying
Tim Greer
- Reminder: Calgary Python User Group - 1st Meeting tomorrow - Wed Jan 14
- Problem with IDLE on windows XP
Grimes, George
- Problem with IDLE on windows XP
Grimes, George
- ctype problem
- Python 3.0 urllib.parse.parse_qs results in TypeError
Andy Grove
- Python 3.0 urllib.parse.parse_qs results in TypeError
Andy Grove
- cgi.FieldStorage hanging with Python 3.0 (but works with 2.5.1)
Andy Grove
- deleting a method
Filip Gruszczyński
- deleting a method
Filip Gruszczyński
- Tree views - Best design practices
Filip Gruszczyński
- Tree views - Best design practices
Filip Gruszczyński
- Tree views - Best design practices
Filip Gruszczyński
- Tree views - Best design practices
Filip Gruszczyński
- Tree views - Best design practices
Filip Gruszczyński
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Thomas Guettler
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Thomas Guettler
- Force exception on attribute write access only one object
Thomas Guettler
- Force exception on attribute write access only one object
Thomas Guettler
- Start Python at client side from web app
Thomas Guettler
- Start Python at client side from web app
Thomas Guettler
- Start Python at client side from web app
Thomas Guettler
- Start Python at client side from web app
Thomas Guettler
- Start Python at client side from web app
Thomas Guettler
- WebDAV client module
Vincent Gulinao
- WebDAV client module
Vincent Gulinao
- psycopg2 weirdness
Neha Gupta
- English-like Python
The Music Guy
- Pythonic way to handle coordinates
The Music Guy
- English-like Python
The Music Guy
- uninstall before upgrade?
The Music Guy
- Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)
Tim H
- Odd syntactic NON-error?
Alaric Haag
- Odd syntactic NON-error?
Alaric Haag
- how to remove 'FFFD' character
Carsten Haese
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Carsten Haese
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Carsten Haese
- Reuse of DB-API 2.0 cursors for multiple queries?
Carsten Haese
- Lazy List Generator Problem
Mark Hahnenberg
- Why not Ruby?
Stanisław Halik
- errno 22 instead of errno 2
Mark Hammond
- image recogniton?
Li Han
- image recogniton?
Li Han
- Where to host a (Python) project?
Roy H. Han
- Byte oriented data types in python
Stephen Hansen
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Stephen Hansen
- Byte oriented data types in python
Stephen Hansen
- Byte oriented data types in python
Stephen Hansen
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Stephen Hansen
- Exec woes
Stephen Hansen
- is python Object oriented??
Stephen Hansen
- is there a shorter way to write this
Stephen Hansen
- is there a shorter way to write this
Stephen Hansen
- is python Object oriented??
Stephen Hansen
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
Stephen Hansen
- A replacement to closures in python?
Stephen Hansen
- Empty string is False right?
Stephen Hansen
- is python Object oriented??
Stephen Hansen
- Python Doc 2.6 vs 2.5--A Matter of Format?
Stephen Hansen
- persistent TCP connection in python using socketserver
Stephen Hansen
- Which SOAP module?
Pierre Hanser
- dynamic module import?
Lawson Hanson
- Jerry Pournelle gives award to Python and Guido for 2008
Richard Hanson
- [ANN] TZMud 0.8
Lee Harr
- OCaml, Language syntax, and Proof Systems
Jon Harrop
- Function Application is not Currying
Jon Harrop
- can someone tell me why this doesn't work please python 3
Michael Hartl
- lazy evaluation is sometimes too lazy... help please.
Michael Hartl
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Michael Hartl
- Is there anyway Vpython and pyODE can be made to work with newer versions of Python 2.6.1 etc. without a lot of changes to source code?
Casey Hawthorne
- type conversion
Christian Heimes
- How to declare python ints in C extensions?
Christian Heimes
- Detecting a GUI session
Christian Heimes
- redirecting stderr back..
Christian Heimes
- redirecting stderr back..
Christian Heimes
- Problem with -3 switch
Christian Heimes
- Problem with -3 switch
Christian Heimes
- Compressed vs uncompressed eggs
Christian Heimes
- trying to modify locals() dictionary
Christian Heimes
- Problem with -3 switch
Christian Heimes
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
Christian Heimes
- optimizing large dictionaries
Christian Heimes
- optimizing large dictionaries
Christian Heimes
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
Christian Heimes
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Christian Heimes
- ABCs, functions, and __call__ (Python3)
Christian Heimes
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Christian Heimes
- Where to place imports
Christian Heimes
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Christian Heimes
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Christian Heimes
- Exec woes
Christian Heimes
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
Christian Heimes
- Swapping values of two variables
Christian Heimes
- Get thread pid
Christian Heimes
- is python Object oriented??
Christian Heimes
- Why do operators and methods of built-in types differ
Christian Heimes
- is python Object oriented??
Christian Heimes
- Extending Python with C or C++
Thomas Heller
- Extending Python with C or C++
Thomas Heller
- py2exe + SQLite problem
Thomas Heller
- Python Crashes
Martin P. Hellwig
- braces fixed '#{' and '#}'
Martin P. Hellwig
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Martin P. Hellwig
- struct unpack to pre-allocated array?
Rich Henry
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
Gary Herron
- What is ''r'' in python?
Gary Herron
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Gary Herron
- is python Object oriented??
Gary Herron
- Rounding to the nearest 5
Gary Herron
- Import Replacement
Gary Herron
- Alphametric fun with Python
Raymond Hettinger
- Alphametric fun with Python
Raymond Hettinger
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Raymond Hettinger
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Raymond Hettinger
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Raymond Hettinger
- Python + IDLE under Linux Suse 11.0
Rene Heymans
- Is there a best linux distro for a python hobbyist?
Lex Hider
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
Aaron Hill
- string split
Jerry Hill
- Weird behaviour re: Python on Windows
Jerry Hill
- sftp with no password from python
Mike Hjorleifsson
- linked list with cycle structure
David Hláčik
- linked list with cycle structure
David Hláčik
- linked list with cycle structure
David Hláčik
- Why do operators and methods of built-in types differ
Csaba Hoch
- Why do operators and methods of built-in types differ
Csaba Hoch
- Finding the full path of an executable
Michael Hoffman
- Finding the full path of an executable
Michael Hoffman
- If your were going to program a game...
Steve Holden
- Parsing Excel spreadsheets
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- Is there a better algorithm?
Steve Holden
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Steve Holden
- list iteration if statement
Steve Holden
- list iteration if statement
Steve Holden
- list iteration if statement
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- deleting a method
Steve Holden
- Using PythonPath under Windows Vista.
Steve Holden
- Using PythonPath under Windows Vista.
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- Python callback functions and static methods
Steve Holden
- threading a 10 lines out of a file
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- threading a 10 lines out of a file
Steve Holden
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- pg_result_status() alternative?
Steve Holden
- Multiprocessing takes higher execution time
Steve Holden
- An idea of how to identify Israeli owned software companies
Steve Holden
- Importing modules
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- An idea of how to identify Israeli owned software companies
Steve Holden
- Python Community Service Awards
Steve Holden
- Reading C# serialized objects into Python?
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- "python -3" not working as expected
Steve Holden
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
Steve Holden
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Steve Holden
- Best practice in organize classes into modules
Steve Holden
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Steve Holden
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Steve Holden
- Line completion with custom commands
Steve Holden
- Line completion with custom commands
Steve Holden
- why cannot assign to function call
Steve Holden
- Guaranteeing an n-byte data type?
Steve Holden
- Problem with -3 switch
Steve Holden
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
Steve Holden
- urlopen exception
Steve Holden
- urlopen exception
Steve Holden
- Regex for unicode letter characters
Steve Holden
- Regex for unicode letter characters
Steve Holden
- Python strings and coding conventions
Steve Holden
- Problem with -3 switch
Steve Holden
- Is negative seek() from EOF of a GzipFile supported on Python 2.5.2 ?
Steve Holden
- Object help
Steve Holden
- hlep: a text search and rename question
Steve Holden
- redirecting stderr back..
Steve Holden
- ActiveState Python Together with "Regular" Python) ((DLE)
Steve Holden
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Steve Holden
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Steve Holden
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
Steve Holden
- python3.0 MySQLdb
Steve Holden
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Steve Holden
- Problem with -3 switch
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?
Steve Holden
- [ANN] The Python Papers Volume 3 Issue 3
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- Extracting real-domain-name (without sub-domains) from a given URL
Steve Holden
- Relative performance of comparable regular expressions
Steve Holden
- Problems in Using C-API for Unicode handling
Steve Holden
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Steve Holden
- Ethernet packet size python
Steve Holden
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Steve Holden
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Steve Holden
- initialising a class by name
Steve Holden
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
Steve Holden
- Why this code is working?
Steve Holden
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
Steve Holden
- point class help
Steve Holden
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- Skull Socks (was Re: Convention vs. fascism)
Steve Holden
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Steve Holden
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Steve Holden
- braces fixed '#{' and '#}'
Steve Holden
- How to print lambda result ?
Steve Holden
- Problem with 3.0 Install on Windows
Steve Holden
- How to write a simple shell loop in python?
Steve Holden
- reading file to list
Steve Holden
- quick beginners List comprehension question
Steve Holden
- Python Style Question
Steve Holden
- A different kind of interface
Steve Holden
- pep 8 constants
Steve Holden
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Steve Holden
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Steve Holden
- what gives with
Steve Holden
- Adding a field to a 'foreign' object from the outside
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- Where to place imports
Steve Holden
- writing pickle function
Steve Holden
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Steve Holden
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Steve Holden
- writing pickle function
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Steve Holden
- strange error whilst porting to 2.6
Steve Holden
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Steve Holden
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Steve Holden
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Steve Holden
- Web authentication urllib2
Steve Holden
- Web authentication urllib2
Steve Holden
- Web authentication urllib2
Steve Holden
- understanding nested lists?
Steve Holden
- practical limits of urlopen()
Steve Holden
- What is intvar?
Steve Holden
- Doc for extended call syntax; was: Re: unzip array of arrays?
Steve Holden
- RegEx issues
Steve Holden
- *.python.org broken?
Steve Holden
- Byte oriented data types in python
Steve Holden
- Counting number of objects
Steve Holden
- Monitor a FTP site for arrival of new/updated files
Steve Holden
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Steve Holden
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Steve Holden
- Counting number of objects
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Steve Holden
- USB in python
Steve Holden
- USB in python
Steve Holden
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Steve Holden
- Method returning an Iterable Object
Steve Holden
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Steve Holden
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Steve Holden
- print formating for matrix/table
Steve Holden
- optparse with numpy.array?
Steve Holden
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Steve Holden
- optparse question
Steve Holden
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Steve Holden
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Steve Holden
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Steve Holden
- Addition of multiprocessing ill-advised?
Steve Holden
- need help
Steve Holden
- bigint to timestamp
Steve Holden
- Addition of multiprocessing ill-advised?
Steve Holden
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Steve Holden
- Tkinter w.pack()?
Steve Holden
- is python Object oriented??
Steve Holden
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
Steve Holden
- Adding a positive number and a negative number
Steve Holden
- is python Object oriented??
Steve Holden
- nth root
Steve Holden
- Empty string is False right?
Steve Holden
- Tkinter w.pack()?
Steve Holden
- parse/slice/...
Albert Hopkins
- How do you write to the printer ?
Albert Hopkins
- Looking for an efficient Python script to download and save a .zip file programmatically
Albert Hopkins
- trying to modify locals() dictionary
Albert Hopkins
- exec in a nested function yields an error
Albert Hopkins
- basic python list/dict/key question/issues..
Albert Hopkins
- Read binary file and dump data in
Albert Hopkins
- pep 8 constants
Albert Hopkins
- How to declare python ints in C extensions?
Tony Houghton
- How to declare python ints in C extensions?
Tony Houghton
- One Bug of Python 3.0
Wayne Huang
- Weird invisible arguments issues with Windows
Chris Hulan
- Can't understand what python wants from me
Chris Hulan
- strange thing after call PyObject_CallMethod
Bug Hunter
- Is there a better algorithm?
Gerhard Häring
- pg_result_status() alternative?
Gerhard Häring
- Python Apache Handler
Gerhard Häring
- Encrypted Logging in python
Gerhard Häring
- PyQt4 on Windows ?
Gerhard Häring
- Is there anyway Vpython and pyODE can be made to work with newer versions of Python 2.6.1 etc. without a lot of changes to source code?
Gerhard Häring
- Python threading
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- USB in python
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- pep 8 constants
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- Idea to support public/private.
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- Idea to support public/private.
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- USB in python
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- How do I get my python program to get the root password ?
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- understanding nested lists?
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- USB in python
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- Understanding descriptors
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- new.instancemethod questions
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- libsudo ?
Brian Allen Vanderburg II
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Michael Iatrou
- Monitor a FTP site for arrival of new/updated files
Michael Iatrou
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
Ivan Illarionov
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
Ivan Illarionov
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
Ivan Illarionov
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
Ivan Illarionov
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Ivan Illarionov
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
Ivan Illarionov
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
Alan G Isaac
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
Alan G Isaac
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
Alan G Isaac
- tuple methods: documentation missing
Alan G Isaac
- tuple methods: documentation missing
Alan G Isaac
- tuple methods: documentation missing
Alan G Isaac
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Alan G Isaac
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Alan G Isaac
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Alan G Isaac
- string formatting documentation
Alan G Isaac
- string formatting documentation
Alan G Isaac
- string formatting documentation
Alan G Isaac
- string formatting documentation
Alan G Isaac
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Alan G Isaac
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Alan G Isaac
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
Alan G Isaac
- print formating for matrix/table
Alan G Isaac
- slicings: 3 questions
Alan G Isaac
- slicings: 3 questions
Alan G Isaac
- slicings: 3 questions
Alan G Isaac
- slicings: 3 questions
Alan G Isaac
- naming and binding (subtle Python 3 change)
Alan G Isaac
- naming and binding (subtle Python 3 change)
Alan G Isaac
- SSL certificate parsing?
Taras Ivashchenko
- Why not Ruby?
- My last working day of 2007
- My last working day of 2007
- why cannot assign to function call
Rhodri James
- why cannot assign to function call
Rhodri James
- How to store passwords?
Rhodri James
- why cannot assign to function call
Rhodri James
- Detecting open files and forcing closure
Rhodri James
- why cannot assign to function call
Rhodri James
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Rhodri James
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Rhodri James
- problem calling method
Rhodri James
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Rhodri James
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Rhodri James
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Rhodri James
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Rhodri James
- reading file to list
Rhodri James
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
Rhodri James
- Two questions about style and some simple math
Rhodri James
- Two questions about style and some simple math
Rhodri James
- reading file to list
Rhodri James
- pep 8 constants
Rhodri James
- what's the point of rpython?
Rhodri James
- what's the point of rpython?
Rhodri James
- reading file to list
Rhodri James
- what's the point of rpython?
Rhodri James
- reading file to list
Rhodri James
- reading file to list
Rhodri James
- unzip array of arrays?
Rhodri James
- What is intvar?
Rhodri James
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Rhodri James
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Rhodri James
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Rhodri James
- Exec woes
Rhodri James
- Exec woes
Rhodri James
- parsing text from a file
Wes James
- reading file to list
William James
- Mathematica 7 compares to other languages
William James
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Kangkook Jee
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
Kangkook Jee
- Is there some methods like 'datareader' in MySQLdb for handling mass data
- Is there some methods like 'datareader' in MySQLdb for handling mass data
- ftp seems to get a delayed reaction.
- Regex Generator From Multiple Files
- math module for Decimals
Fredrik Johansson
- math module for Decimals
Fredrik Johansson
- Guaranteeing an n-byte data type?
Evan Jones
- Guaranteeing an n-byte data type?
Evan Jones
- Python callback functions and static methods
- strange dict issue
Gary M. Josack
- can someone tell me why this doesn't work please python 3
Gary M. Josack
- can someone tell me why this doesn't work please python 3
Gary M. Josack
- Socket issues
Gary M. Josack
- English-like Python
Abah Joseph
- optimizing large dictionaries
Matthias Julius
- template inheritance
Alex K
- Receiving Output from os.system command
- Receiving Output from os.system command
- Beginner Question
- Overloading Methods
- Overloading Methods
- Beating a Timeout
- Beating a Timeout
- Beating a Timeout
- Mechanize hanging
- Python Style Question
- Ethernet packet size python
- Ethernet packet size python
- Open Source survey
Hendrik Kaju
- Desktop/File management support on MS Windows
Thorsten Kampe
- Traceback in Logging
Thorsten Kampe
- "python -3" not working as expected
Thorsten Kampe
- "python -3" not working as expected
Thorsten Kampe
- "python -3" not working as expected
Thorsten Kampe
- process command line parameter
Thorsten Kampe
- Cartesian Product of two lists (itertools)
Thorsten Kampe
- optparse question
Thorsten Kampe
- optparse question
Thorsten Kampe
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Thorsten Kampe
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Thorsten Kampe
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Thorsten Kampe
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Thorsten Kampe
- optparse question
Thorsten Kampe
- Swapping values of two variables
Eric Kang
- Adding a positive number and a negative number
Eric Kang
- Attaching a live interpreter to a script?
- can someone tell me why this doesn't work please python 3
Ben Kaplan
- Why not Ruby?
Benjamin Kaplan
- If your were going to program a game...
Benjamin Kaplan
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Benjamin Kaplan
- some question about python2.6 and python3k
Benjamin Kaplan
- python is great
Benjamin Kaplan
- del behavior
Benjamin Kaplan
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
Benjamin Kaplan
- why cannot assign to function call
Benjamin Kaplan
- Work with Open Office
Benjamin Kaplan
- string split
Benjamin Kaplan
- why cannot assign to function call
Benjamin Kaplan
- strange dict issue
Benjamin Kaplan
- Attaching a live interpreter to a script?
Benjamin Kaplan
- Why this code is working?
Benjamin Kaplan
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Benjamin Kaplan
- pep 8 constants
Benjamin Kaplan
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Benjamin Kaplan
- newbie OOP question (what's the analogue to java interfaces in Python?)
Benjamin Kaplan
- Beginner Question
Benjamin Kaplan
- Trouble writing txt
Benjamin Kaplan
- pep 8 constants
Benjamin Kaplan
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Benjamin Kaplan
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Benjamin Kaplan
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Benjamin Kaplan
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Benjamin Kaplan
Benjamin Kaplan
- TEST=`which test` equivalent in python?
Benjamin Kaplan
- Possible to slice a string with unpacked tuple?
Benjamin Kaplan
- I'm a python addict !
Benjamin Kaplan
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Benjamin Kaplan
- Anoying unicode / str conversion problem
Benjamin Kaplan
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Benjamin Kaplan
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Benjamin Kaplan
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Benjamin Kaplan
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Benjamin Kaplan
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Benjamin Kaplan
- UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 10442: character maps to <undefined>
Benjamin Kaplan
- UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 10442: character maps to <undefined>
Benjamin Kaplan
- UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 10442: character maps to <undefined>
Benjamin Kaplan
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Denis Kasak
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Denis Kasak
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Wolfgang Keller
- FW: python import sys.path
Kelly, Brian
- A different kind of interface
Vic Kelson
- strange behavior of math.sqrt() in new 3.0 version
Eric Kemp
- Problem building Python 2.5.2 curses module on HP/UX 11.11
Mike Kent
- type conversion
Robert Kern
- type conversion
Robert Kern
- Code coverage to Python code
Robert Kern
- linked list with cycle structure
Robert Kern
- Unexpected scientific notation
Robert Kern
- mmap only supports string
Robert Kern
- Printed Documentation
Robert Kern
- redirecting stderr back..
Robert Kern
- Python strings and coding conventions
Robert Kern
- efficient interval containment lookup
Robert Kern
- LGPL license for Qt 4.5
Robert Kern
- list subsetting
Robert Kern
- unzip array of arrays?
Robert Kern
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Robert Kern
- Is (-1 ==True) True or False? Neither
Robert Kern
- I'm a python addict !
Robert Kern
- Is (-1 ==True) True or False? Neither
Robert Kern
- optparse with numpy.array?
Robert Kern
- print formating for matrix/table
Robert Kern
- optparse question
Robert Kern
- print formating for matrix/table
Robert Kern
- print formating for matrix/table
Robert Kern
- optparse with numpy.array?
Robert Kern
- optparse with numpy.array?
Robert Kern
- change syntax coloring in IDLE
Robert Kern
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Robert Kern
- Profiling Python Apps on Mac?
Robert Kern
- slicings: 3 questions
Robert Kern
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
Robert Kern
- nth root
Robert Kern
- Newbie Question: Can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'
Robert Kern
- install modules for specific python version
Robert Kern
- help me python
Robert Kern
- Can't understand what python wants from me
Oleksiy Khilkevich
- If your were going to program a game...
J Kenneth King
- Is there a better algorithm?
J Kenneth King
- Is there a better algorithm?
J Kenneth King
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
J Kenneth King
- image recogniton?
J Kenneth King
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
J Kenneth King
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
J Kenneth King
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
J Kenneth King
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
J Kenneth King
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
J Kenneth King
- Two questions about style and some simple math
J Kenneth King
- Pyro deadlock
J Kenneth King
- I'm a python addict !
J Kenneth King
- I'm a python addict !
J Kenneth King
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
J Kenneth King
- Python DateTime Manipulation
- Default __nonzero__ impl doesn't throw a TypeError exception
Sergey Kishchenko
- Default __nonzero__ impl doesn't throw a TypeError exception
Sergey Kishchenko
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Akira Kitada
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Akira Kitada
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Akira Kitada
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Akira Kitada
- *.python.org broken?
Akira Kitada
- image recogniton?
Almar Klein
- VTK in python
Almar Klein
- OpenGL in TK
Almar Klein
- Returning a string
- Returning a string
- Returning a string
- Returning a string
- Problem with Nose testing until forking process
Jan Koprowski
- [Help] The pywinauto Can't select the MDI's menu using the MenuItems() which return [].
- idle 3.0 unicode
Pavel Kosina
- idle 3.0 unicode
Pavel Kosina
- patch
Pavel Kosina
- patch
Pavel Kosina
- Is there a better algorithm?
- Is there a better algorithm?
- Traceback in Logging
- Traceback in Logging
- Traceback in Logging
- Python logging rollover
- Counting number of objects
- Counting number of objects
- pyAA for Python2.5
- pyAA for Python2.5
- pyAA for Python2.5
- Swapping values of two variables
- initialising a class by name
- initialising a class by name
- initialising a class by name
- initialising a class by name
- initialising a class by name
- initialising a class by name
- initialising a class by name
- confused about publishing more than one class in twisted server.
- listdir reports [Error 1006] The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid
Per Olav Kroka
- Why not Ruby?
Marek Kubica
- Where Find Activestate Python 2.5?
Marek Kubica
- calling an external program and capturing the output
Marek Kubica
- More mod_wsgi weirdness: process restarts on redirect
Joshua Kugler
- Python-list Digest, Vol 64, Issue 644
M Kumar
- is python Object oriented??
M Kumar
- is python Object oriented??
M Kumar
- image recogniton?
Furkan Kuru
- Function Application is not Currying
Kaz Kylheku
- Nonblocking keyboard input in python Idle windows
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Cameron Laird
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Cameron Laird
- Python Application Server
Cameron Laird
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Cameron Laird
- How to execute a hyperlink?
Cameron Laird
- Results of executing hyperlink in script
Cameron Laird
- Python 3 isinstance
Lambert, David W (S&T)
- Python 3 isinstance
Lambert, David W (S&T)
- Python 3 isinstance
Lambert, David W (S&T)
- Python 3 isinstance
Lambert, David W (S&T)
- Memory debugging tool for Python/C API?
Robert Latest
- Python tricks
Robert Latest
- Python tricks
Robert Latest
- Reading the first MB of a binary file
Max Leason
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- calling an external program and capturing the output
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- reading file to list
Xah Lee
- OCaml, Language syntax, and Proof Systems
Xah Lee
- OCaml, Language syntax, and Proof Systems
Xah Lee
- OCaml, Language syntax, and Proof Systems
Xah Lee
- syntax color lang source code in blogs or website
Xah Lee
- OCaml, Language syntax, and Proof Systems
Xah Lee
- OCaml, Language syntax, and Proof Systems
Xah Lee
- Function Application is not Currying
Xah Lee
- how to update python on gnu emacs?
Wang Lei
- how to update python on gnu emacs?
Wang Lei
- compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [Python-Dev] compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [Python-Dev] compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [Python-Dev] compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [Python-Dev] compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- [Python-Dev] compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- pyjamas 0.4p1 release
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- report on building of python 2.5.2 under msys under wine on linux.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- report on building of python 2.5.2 under msys under wine on linux.
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- libmsi.a import library from wine, and header files available (entirely free software), available for python-win32 builds under msys+wine
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton
- Py3 - converting bytes to ascii
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- Py3 - converting bytes to ascii
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- Method returning an Iterable Object
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- Method returning an Iterable Object
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- Method returning an Iterable Object
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 10442: character maps to <undefined>
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 10442: character maps to <undefined>
Anjanesh Lekshminarayanan
- string split
- string split
- string split
- string split
- creating a datetime.datetime from an XML xs:dateTime
M.-A. Lemburg
- python is great
M.-A. Lemburg
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
M.-A. Lemburg
- python is great
M.-A. Lemburg
- How to get millisec/fractional seconds out of a time object ?
M.-A. Lemburg
- How to start a transaction?
M.-A. Lemburg
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
M.-A. Lemburg
- Securing a database
M.-A. Lemburg
- date handling problem
M.-A. Lemburg
- ANN: eGenix mx Base Distribution 3.1.2
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- ANN: eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution 0.8.0-0.9.8j-1
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- multiprocessing question/error
Eduardo Lenz
- dynamic module import?
Eduardo Lenz
- multiprocessing question/error
Eduardo Lenz
- dynamic module import?
Eduardo Lenz
- multiprocessing question/error
Eduardo Lenz
- A different kind of interface
Eduardo Lenz
- Using PythonPath under Windows Vista.
Andrew Lewis
- type conversion
- Is there a better algorithm?
- Is there a better algorithm?
- why cannot assign to function call
- why o/p is different ???
- ulimit stack size and python threads
Greg Lindahl
- ulimit stack size and python threads
Greg Lindahl
- ulimit stack size and python threads
Greg Lindahl
- ulimit stack size and python threads
Greg Lindahl
- ulimit stack size and python threads
Greg Lindahl
- length of a tuple or a list containing only one element
Glenn Linderman
- errno 22 instead of errno 2
Glenn Linderman
- Tutorial on working with Excel files in Python (without COM and cross platform!) at PyConUS 2009
Glenn Linderman
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
BJörn Lindqvist
- PyQt4 on Windows ?
- How do I get my python program to get the root password ?
- I'm a python addict !
- libsudo ?
- Why doesn't this work in Eclipse ? (Simple pexpect code that works in bash)
- len()
Ori Livneh
- python for flash drives
Thomas Lord
- Python training in Colorado, January 27-30
Mark Lutz
- strange thing after call PyObject_CallMethod
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Memory debugging tool for Python/C API?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Problem building Python 2.5.2 curses module on HP/UX 11.11
"Martin v. Löwis"
- del behavior 2
"Martin v. Löwis"
- del behavior 2
"Martin v. Löwis"
- How to store passwords?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- [Python-Dev] compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
"Martin v. Löwis"
- ulimit stack size and python threads
"Martin v. Löwis"
- ulimit stack size and python threads
"Martin v. Löwis"
- ulimit stack size and python threads
"Martin v. Löwis"
- ulimit stack size and python threads
"Martin v. Löwis"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Why can't I store a DLL in a module library Zip file?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
"Martin v. Löwis"
- python3.0 MySQLdb
"Martin v. Löwis"
- python3.0 MySQLdb
"Martin v. Löwis"
- python3.0 MySQLdb
"Martin v. Löwis"
- UnicodeError for join()
"Martin v. Löwis"
- UnicodeError for join()
"Martin v. Löwis"
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
"Martin v. Löwis"
- tp_base, ob_type, and tp_bases
"Martin v. Löwis"
- s=ascii(hexlify(urandom(10)))
"Martin v. Löwis"
- s=ascii(hexlify(urandom(10)))
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Incorrect title case?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- s=ascii(hexlify(urandom(10)))
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Dealing with large memory under linux or How to Build 64bit Python
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Byte oriented data types in python
"Martin v. Löwis"
- MaxInt on Vista-64bit?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Byte oriented data types in python
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Byte oriented data types in python
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Byte oriented data types in python
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Byte oriented data types in python
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Byte oriented data types in python
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Byte oriented data types in python
"Martin v. Löwis"
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
"Martin v. Löwis"
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
"Martin v. Löwis"
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
"Martin v. Löwis"
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
"Martin v. Löwis"
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
"Martin v. Löwis"
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Python 3.0, 'Hello' < 42
"Martin v. Löwis"
- python 2.6 wininst problem
"Martin v. Löwis"
- Python Doc 2.6 vs 2.5--A Matter of Format?
"Martin v. Löwis"
- is python Object oriented??
- is python Object oriented??
- General direction
- How to find the beginning of last line of a big text file ?
- why cannot assign to function call
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
- list iteration if statement
- list iteration if statement
- deleting a method
- Python callback functions and static methods
- Regex Generator From Multiple Files
- How to get millisec/fractional seconds out of a time object ?
- [Mechanize.ClientForm] double reading from urllib2.urlopen
- del behavior 2
- del behavior
- How to store passwords?
- Regular Expressions...
- [SPAM] Re: How do you write to the printer ?
- parallel and/or synchronous start/run/stop on multiple boxes
- Tree views - Best design practices
- Tree views - Best design practices
- ulimit stack size and python threads
- ulimit stack size and python threads
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
- Guaranteeing an n-byte data type?
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- download timeout vs. socket timeout
- Detecting open files and forcing closure
- Mocking `from foo import *` functions
- Regex for unicode letter characters
- Regex for unicode letter characters
- Python strings and coding conventions
- Slow network?
- Slow network?
- Converting from PyUnicodeObject to char * without calling C API
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
- change only the nth occurrence of a pattern in a string
- Python 3 isinstance
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
- reverse dict lookup & Relation class
- Python 3 isinstance
- Python 3 isinstance
- Injecting a global into a defined function??
- Executing global code
- Ordering of urlencoded tuples incorrect
- English-like Python
- Client Socket Connection to Java server
- Start multiple listening servers in one file
- Incorrect title case?
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
- reading file to list
- python3.0 base64 error
- Incorrect title case?
- pep 8 constants
- Regexp
- Regular expression that skips single line comments?
- function to find the modification date of the project
- Two questions about style and some simple math
- file write collision consideration
- Overloading Methods
- English-like Python
- English-like Python
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- quick beginners List comprehension question
- quick beginners List comprehension question
- is this pythonic?
- Beating a Timeout
- is this pythonic?
- what's the point of rpython?
- list subsetting
- what's the point of rpython?
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
- Parsing a string into a datetime object
- RegEx issues
- Regex for Python 2.7
- Possible to slice a string with unpacked tuple?
- why is this invalid b = a += b ?
- Regex for Python 2.7
- I'm a python addict !
- IDLE/Python on Asus EEE PC
- Reading the first MB of a binary file
- Efficient multi-slicing technique?
- AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open_workbook'
- creating a pattern using a previous match and a count of the number of '('s in it
- regular expression, help
- file date/time on windows
- Terminating a Python program that uses multi-process, multi-threading
- Results of executing hyperlink in script
- file date/time on windows
- Function Application is not Currying
- Weird invisible arguments issues with Windows
- parsing text from a file
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
- Rounding to the nearest 5
- Swapping values of two variables
- Adding a positive number and a negative number
- Swapping values of two variables
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
- nth root
- Injecting a global into a defined function??
Cong Ma
- Injecting a global into a defined function??
Cong Ma
- import urllib2 fails with Python 2.6.1 on Vista
Scott MacDonald
- import urllib2 fails with Python 2.6.1 on Vista
Scott MacDonald
- import urllib2 fails with Python 2.6.1 on Vista
Scott MacDonald
- import urllib2 fails with Python 2.6.1 on Vista
Scott MacDonald
- syntax color lang source code in blogs or website
Cliff MacGillivray
- Simple CGI-XMLRPC failure
Mike MacHenry
- Simple CGI-XMLRPC failure
Mike MacHenry
- ulimit stack size and python threads
Andrew MacIntyre
- folder extraction
John Machin
- initialization in python
John Machin
- similar words index?
John Machin
- Triple quoted string in exec function ?
John Machin
- FW: python import sys.path
John Machin
- Parsing Excel spreadsheets
John Machin
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
John Machin
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
John Machin
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
John Machin
- AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lstrip'
John Machin
- replacement for __file__ in compiled exe
John Machin
- __builtin__ quote
John Machin
- string length problem?
John Machin
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
John Machin
- "python -3" not working as expected
John Machin
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
John Machin
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
John Machin
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
John Machin
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
John Machin
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
John Machin
- Problem with -3 switch
John Machin
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
John Machin
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
John Machin
- "python -3" not working as expected
John Machin
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
John Machin
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
John Machin
- Python strings and coding conventions
John Machin
- Python strings and coding conventions
John Machin
- Where Find Activestate Python 2.5?
John Machin
- Object help
John Machin
- Problem with -3 switch
John Machin
- ActiveState Python Together with "Regular" Python) ((DLE)
John Machin
- ActiveState Python Together with "Regular" Python) ((DLE)
John Machin
- Problem with -3 switch
John Machin
- Problem with -3 switch
John Machin
- Problem with -3 switch
John Machin
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
John Machin
- Python tricks
John Machin
- Problem with -3 switch
John Machin
- read a password protected xls file
John Machin
- Relative performance of comparable regular expressions
John Machin
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
John Machin
- Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?
John Machin
- Python 3.0 urllib.parse.parse_qs results in TypeError
John Machin
- Python 3.0 urllib.parse.parse_qs results in TypeError
John Machin
- read string in bits
John Machin
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
John Machin
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
John Machin
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
John Machin
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
John Machin
- Python 3 isinstance
John Machin
- 2to3 Help?
John Machin
- List/Set/Dict..
John Machin
- Python 3 isinstance
John Machin
- Py3 - converting bytes to ascii
John Machin
- Ordering of urlencoded tuples incorrect
John Machin
- Incorrect title case?
John Machin
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
John Machin
- Incorrect title case?
John Machin
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
John Machin
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
John Machin
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
John Machin
- How to use *.py modules instead of *.pyc?
John Machin
- string formatting documentation
John Machin
- Two questions about style and some simple math
John Machin
- s=str(binary)
John Machin
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
John Machin
- s=str(binary)
John Machin
- Problem with 3.0 Install on Windows
John Machin
- Python 2.4 vs 2.5 - Unicode error
John Machin
- Python 3.0 urllib.parse.parse_qs results in TypeError
John Machin
- Python 2.4 vs 2.5 - Unicode error
John Machin
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
John Machin
- RegEx issues
John Machin
- Regex for Python 2.7
John Machin
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
John Machin
- Byte oriented data types in python
John Machin
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
John Machin
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
John Machin
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
John Machin
- Byte oriented data types in python
John Machin
- AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'open_workbook'
John Machin
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
John Machin
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
John Machin
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
John Machin
- optparse question
John Machin
- optparse question
John Machin
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
John Machin
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
John Machin
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
John Machin
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
John Machin
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
John Machin
- bigint to timestamp
John Machin
- bigint to timestamp
John Machin
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
John Machin
- UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 10442: character maps to <undefined>
John Machin
- parsing text from a file
John Machin
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
John Machin
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
John Machin
- UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 10442: character maps to <undefined>
John Machin
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
John Machin
- parsing text from a file
John Machin
- search speed
John Machin
- problem with program - debugging leading nowhere
John Machin
- accessing elements of a tuple
John Machin
- Adding a positive number and a negative number
John Machin
- Number of bits/sizeof int
John Machin
- Empty string is False right?
John Machin
- Empty string is False right?
John Machin
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
John Machin
- install modules for specific python version
John Machin
- help me python
John Machin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Line completion with custom commands
Marco Mariani
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
Marco Mariani
- English-like Python
Marco Mariani
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Marco Mariani
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Marco Mariani
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Marco Mariani
- Importing modules
Marco Mariani
- ORM recommendation when using "live"/predefined DB?
Marco Mariani
- Parsing a string into a datetime object
- Parsing a string into a datetime object
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
- Where to host a (Python) project?
- Where to host a (Python) project?
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- why cannot assign to function call
Derek Martin
- Python 3.0 nonlocal statement
- point class help
- the name of a method
- optimizing large dictionaries
- what's the point of rpython?
- optparse question
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
José Matos
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
José Matos
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
José Matos
- Pyro deadlock
- python is great
James Matthews
- template inheritance
James Matthews
- sftp with no password from python
Jorge Mazzonelli
- 'Address already in use' ... with TCPServer
Mabooka-Mabooka Mbe-Mbe
- Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL
Bill McClain
- Why not Ruby?
Ryan McCoskrie
- Free place to host python files?
Casey McGinty
- Memoizing and WeakValueDictionary
Paul McGuire
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Paul McGuire
- Importing modules
Paul McGuire
- Creating new instances of subclasses.
Paul McGuire
- Creating new instances of subclasses.
Paul McGuire
- optimizing large dictionaries
Paul McGuire
- I'm a python addict !
Paul McGuire
- I'm a python addict !
Paul McGuire
- I'm a python addict !
Paul McGuire
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
Paul McGuire
- type conversion
Hamish McKenzie
- type conversion
Hamish McKenzie
- Generator metadata/attributes
Jeff McNeil
- Egg deinstallation
Jeff McNeil
- Simple CGI-XMLRPC failure
Jeff McNeil
- Simple CGI-XMLRPC failure
Jeff McNeil
- tp_base, ob_type, and tp_bases
Jeff McNeil
- tp_base, ob_type, and tp_bases
Jeff McNeil
- tp_base, ob_type, and tp_bases
Jeff McNeil
- Socket issues
Jeff McNeil
- tp_base, ob_type, and tp_bases
Jeff McNeil
- *Advanced* Python book?
Jeff McNeil
- Doubts related to subprocess.Popen()
Jeff McNeil
- Trouble writing txt
Jeff McNeil
- list subsetting
Jeff McNeil
- Executing previous stack frame
Jeff McNeil
- really slow gzip decompress, why?
Jeff McNeil
- really slow gzip decompress, why?
Jeff McNeil
- How to execute a hyperlink?
Jeff McNeil
- Want to write a script to do the batch conversion from domain name to IP.
Jeff McNeil
- Unexpected scientific notation
Paul McNett
- Unexpected scientific notation
Paul McNett
- Unexpected scientific notation
Paul McNett
- Replying to list messages
Paul McNett
- Replying to list messages
Paul McNett
- Unexpected scientific notation
Paul McNett
- Unexpected scientific notation
Paul McNett
- Multiprocessing takes higher execution time
Sibtey Mehdi
- Multiprocessing takes higher execution time
Sibtey Mehdi
- Multiprocessing takes higher execution time
Sibtey Mehdi
- Python return values
- Importing modules
- why cannot assign to function call
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
- Standard IPC for Python?
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Why this code is working?
- Standard IPC for Python?
- new.instancemethod questions
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Chris Mellon
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
Chris Mellon
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
Chris Mellon
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
Chris Mellon
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Chris Mellon
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
Chris Mellon
- Slow network?
Chris Mellon
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Chris Mellon
- A Twisted Design Decision
Chris Mellon
- list iteration if statement
- Port of python stdlib to other languages.
- Oh! The people of all over the world!
- An idea of how to identify Israeli owned software companies
- An idea of how to identify Israeli owned software companies
- Python strings and coding conventions
- Python strings and coding conventions
- Python strings and coding conventions
- Python strings and coding conventions
- Two questions about style and some simple math
- Cartesian Product of two lists (itertools)
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
- nth root
- nth root
- quick beginners List comprehension question
Dr Mephesto
- Easy-to-use Python GUI
Stef Mientki
- Triple quoted string in exec function ?
Stef Mientki
- is there something like a module decorator ?
Stef Mientki
- is there something like a module decorator ?
Stef Mientki
- is there something like a module decorator ?
Stef Mientki
- A different kind of interface
Stef Mientki
- why is this invalid b = a += b ?
Stef Mientki
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
Stef Mientki
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
Stef Mientki
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
Stef Mientki
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
Stef Mientki
- what's the point of rpython?
- Is this a bug in Python or something I do not understand.
- Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
- Rounding to the nearest 5
- pep 8 constants
Brendan Miller
- pep 8 constants
Brendan Miller
- what's the point of rpython?
Brendan Miller
- what's the point of rpython?
Brendan Miller
- braces fixed '#{' and '#}'
Brendan Miller
- what's the point of rpython?
Brendan Miller
- pep 8 constants
Brendan Miller
- what's the point of rpython?
Brendan Miller
- what's the point of rpython?
Brendan Miller
- what's the point of rpython?
Brendan Miller
- what's the point of rpython?
Brendan Miller
- what's the point of rpython?
Brendan Miller
- import reassignment different at module and function scope
Brendan Miller
- install modules for specific python version
Brendan Miller
- greenlets and how they can be used
James Mills
- structuring a package?
James Mills
- Code coverage to Python code
James Mills
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
James Mills
- greenlets and how they can be used
James Mills
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
James Mills
- socket send help
James Mills
- socket send help
James Mills
- Is there a best linux distro for a python hobbyist?
James Mills
- Regular Expressions...
James Mills
- An idea of how to identify Israeli owned software companies
James Mills
- Regular Expressions...
James Mills
- multiprocessing vs thread performance
James Mills
- subclassing multiprocessing.Process
James Mills
- parallel and/or synchronous start/run/stop on multiple boxes
James Mills
- asynchronous events with multithreading and multiprocessing with circuits
James Mills
- asynchronous events with multithreading and multiprocessing with circuits
James Mills
- parallel and/or synchronous start/run/stop on multiple boxes
James Mills
- frontend + backend style application design
James Mills
- Multiprocessing takes higher execution time
James Mills
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
James Mills
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
James Mills
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
James Mills
- Best practice in organize classes into modules
James Mills
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
James Mills
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
James Mills
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
James Mills
- Object help
James Mills
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
James Mills
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
James Mills
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
James Mills
- Object help
James Mills
- Standard IPC for Python?
James Mills
- Standard IPC for Python?
James Mills
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
James Mills
- Programming friction
James Mills
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- problem calling method
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- pep 8 constants
James Mills
- Python Crashes
James Mills
- Python 3 isinstance
James Mills
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
James Mills
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
James Mills
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
James Mills
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
James Mills
- process/thread instances and attributes
James Mills
- Python 3 isinstance
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- 2to3 Help?
James Mills
- 2to3 Help?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- 2to3 Help?
James Mills
- why o/p is different ???
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- process/thread instances and attributes
James Mills
- process/thread instances and attributes
James Mills
- spam on the list - how are things now?
James Mills
- Injecting a global into a defined function??
James Mills
- Injecting a global into a defined function??
James Mills
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
James Mills
- English-like Python
James Mills
- multiprocessing vs. distributed processing
James Mills
- [Python-Dev] multiprocessing vs. distributed processing
James Mills
- problem in implementing multiprocessing
James Mills
- multiprocessing vs. distributed processing
James Mills
- process/thread instances and attributes
James Mills
- Event Handling and Signal-Slot Mechanism
James Mills
- problem in implementing multiprocessing
James Mills
- Event Handling and Signal-Slot Mechanism
James Mills
- function to find the modification date of the project
James Mills
- function to find the modification date of the project
James Mills
- function to find the modification date of the project
James Mills
- function to find the modification date of the project
James Mills
- defining class functions
James Mills
- ifconfig in python
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- ifconfig in python
James Mills
- function to find the modification date of the project
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- How to write a simple shell loop in python?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- list subsetting
James Mills
- Formal specification and proof (was : Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?)
James Mills
- Adding a field to a 'foreign' object from the outside
James Mills
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
James Mills
- optparse question
James Mills
- Method returning an Iterable Object
James Mills
- shutil module (directory input)
James Mills
- optparse with numpy.array?
James Mills
- optparse with numpy.array?
James Mills
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
James Mills
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
James Mills
- Addition of multiprocessing ill-advised? (was: Python 3.0.1)
James Mills
- Python Application Server
James Mills
- Python Application Server
James Mills
- Addition of multiprocessing ill-advised? (was: Python 3.0.1)
James Mills
- Function Application is not Currying
James Mills
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
James Mills
- Searching a file for multiple strings (PS)
Shawn Milochik
- Package / Module Hierarchy question
Torsten Mohr
- structuring a package?
Torsten Mohr
- structuring a package?
Torsten Mohr
- Plugin system, RuntimeWarning: Parent module 'ext_abc' not found while handling absolute import
Torsten Mohr
- Plugin system, RuntimeWarning: Parent module 'ext_abc' not found while handling absolute import
Torsten Mohr
- Parsing Excel spreadsheets
Joshua Moore
- Any news on when some libraries will be ported to Python 3.0?
Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality
- Bad hack fix around a bizarre problem...
Just Another Victim of the Ambient Morality
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Catherine Moroney
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Catherine Moroney
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Catherine Moroney
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Catherine Moroney
- A different kind of interface
Doug Morse
- Looking for an efficient Python script to download and save a .zip file programmatically
- Importing modules
- Importing modules
- Importing modules
- problem with special characters in filename
Murali Murali
- Need script to download file from a server using python script
Murali Murali
- Anoying unicode / str conversion problem
Hans Müller
- Anoying unicode / str conversion problem
Hans Müller
- drive a desktop app from python?
Srinivasa NL
- quick beginners List comprehension question
Srinivasa NL
- Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up
Laszlo Nagy
- Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up
Laszlo Nagy
- Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up
Laszlo Nagy
- Bug in python [was: Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up]
Laszlo Nagy
- Slow network?
Laszlo Nagy
- Slow network?
Laszlo Nagy
- Slow network?
Laszlo Nagy
- Slow network?
Laszlo Nagy
- Slow network?
Laszlo Nagy
- Standard IPC for Python?
Laszlo Nagy
- Standard IPC for Python?
Laszlo Nagy
- Standard IPC for Python?
Laszlo Nagy
- Standard IPC for Python?
Laszlo Nagy
- Standard IPC for Python?
Laszlo Nagy
- Standard IPC for Python?
Laszlo Nagy
- Standard IPC for Python?
Laszlo Nagy
- Slow Queue.queue? (was: slow network)
Laszlo Nagy
- Slow Queue.queue? (was: slow network)
Laszlo Nagy
- process/thread instances and attributes
Laszlo Nagy
- Slow Queue.queue? (was: slow network)
Laszlo Nagy
- Dynamic Loading Modules
Laszlo Nagy
- socket.unbind or socket.unlisten? - socket.error: (48, 'Address already in use')
Laszlo Nagy
- is python Object oriented??
Laszlo Nagy
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Marco Nawijn
- Empty string is False right?
Bernd Nawothnig
- Chart libs for python
Mir Nazim
- python is great
Nomen Nescio
- My last working day of 2007
- How to store passwords?
- free download - breve 2.7.2 : a 3D Simulation Environment for Multi-Agent Simulations and Artificial Life
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Hrvoje Niksic
- Why GIL?
Hrvoje Niksic
- Why GIL?
Hrvoje Niksic
- Parsing a string into a datetime object
Hrvoje Niksic
- multiprocessing vs. distributed processing
Jesse Noller
- process/thread instances and attributes
Jesse Noller
- Python 2.6's multiprocessing lock not working on second use?
Jesse Noller
- Python 2.6's multiprocessing lock not working on second use?
Jesse Noller
- malloc (error code=12)
Jesse Noller
- Addition of multiprocessing ill-advised? (was: Python 3.0.1)
Jesse Noller
- Addition of multiprocessing ill-advised? (was: Python 3.0.1)
Jesse Noller
- Addition of multiprocessing ill-advised?
Jesse Noller
- Terminating a Python program that uses multi-process, multi-threading
Jesse Noller
- Where to host a (Python) project?
Jesse Noller
- Integrating awk in Python
Alfons Nonell-Canals
- IDLE spinning beach ball on OS X 10.3.9 Panther
Tommy Nordgren
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Matt Nordhoff
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Matt Nordhoff
- How to print lambda result ?
Tim Northover
- SSL certificate parsing?
Python Nutter
- Integrating awk in Python
Python Nutter
- Jython 2.5 Beta1 Released!
Matthew Nuzum
- why cannot assign to function call
John O'Hagan
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
John O'Hagan
- Open Source Software in the Government
Alvin ONeal
- ANN: new snapshot of the eric4 Pylons plugin released
Detlev Offenbach
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Phillip B Oldham
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Phillip B Oldham
- ORM recommendation when using "live"/predefined DB?
Phillip B Oldham
- select.select and socket.setblocking
Bryan Olson
- Testing if an index is in a slice
Bryan Olson
- socket send help
Bryan Olson
- Doubt on creating threads
Bryan Olson
- Testing if an index is in a slice
Bryan Olson
- socket send help
Bryan Olson
- socket send help
Bryan Olson
- socket.error 24: too many open files
Bryan Olson
- Start Python at client side from web app
Bryan Olson
- Securing a database
Bryan Olson
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Bryan Olson
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Bryan Olson
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Bryan Olson
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Bryan Olson
- Securing a database
Bryan Olson
- Doc for extended call syntax; was: Re: unzip array of arrays?
Bryan Olson
- Doc for extended call syntax; was: Re: unzip array of arrays?
Bryan Olson
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Bryan Olson
- Embedding Python with non-filesystem code source?
Ryan Oltman
- How to store passwords?
- How to store passwords?
- A SSH error during put operation
- Empty string is False right?
AJ Ostergaard
- Empty string is False right?
AJ Ostergaard
- Empty string is False right?
AJ Ostergaard
- Python-list Digest, Vol 64, Issue 697
AJ Ostergaard
- Tkinter - problem closing window
Peter Otten
- string length problem?
Peter Otten
- Force exception on attribute write access only one object
Peter Otten
- Force exception on attribute write access only one object
Peter Otten
- Why this code is working?
Peter Otten
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
Peter Otten
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Peter Otten
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Peter Otten
- Executing global code
Peter Otten
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Peter Otten
- I don't understand this syntax error
Peter Otten
- Regexp
Peter Otten
- is this pythonic?
Peter Otten
- writing pickle function
Peter Otten
- writing pickle function
Peter Otten
- Stalled ticket in Python bug tracker
Peter Otten
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Peter Otten
- Anoying unicode / str conversion problem
Peter Otten
- optparse question
Peter Otten
- Best/better way? (histogram)
Peter Otten
- Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL
Peter Otten
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Peter Otten
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Peter Otten
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Russ P.
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- I'm a python addict !
Russ P.
- I'm a python addict !
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Russ P.
- Function Application is not Currying
Russ P.
- Portable (Linux/Mac/Win) way to get network interfaces names and their addresses?
Alessio Pace
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
Fred Pacquier
- A different kind of interface
Eduardo O. Padoan
- A different kind of interface
Eduardo O. Padoan
- Why not Ruby?
Tamas K Papp
- ftp seems to get a delayed reaction.
Antoon Pardon
- ftp seems to get a delayed reaction.
Antoon Pardon
- ftp seems to get a delayed reaction.
Antoon Pardon
- change only the nth occurrence of a pattern in a string
Antoon Pardon
- I don't understand this syntax error
Antoon Pardon
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Antoon Pardon
- optparse question
- optparse question
- optparse question
- optparse question
- optparse question
- len()
- ossaudiodev problem: sawtooth noise
Peter Pearson
- is this pythonic?
Peter Pearson
- ossaudiodev problem: sawtooth noise
Peter Pearson
- Securing a database
Peter Pearson
- ossaudiodev problem: sawtooth noise
Peter Pearson
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Lou Pecora
- quick beginners List comprehension question
Lou Pecora
- listdir reports [Error 1006] The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid
- Embedding Python. But not so easy.
- "python -3" not working as expected
Benjamin Peterson
- what gives with
Benjamin Peterson
- pep 8 constants
Benjamin Peterson
- what gives with
Benjamin Peterson
- Stalled ticket in Python bug tracker
Benjamin Peterson
- strange error whilst porting to 2.6
Benjamin Peterson
- strange error whilst porting to 2.6
Benjamin Peterson
- Porting 3.0 to 2.6 - from __future__ import super missing?
Benjamin Peterson
- Porting 3.0 to 2.6 - from __future__ import super missing?
Benjamin Peterson
- Can webbrowser module get source code?
Benjamin Peterson
- Possible to slice a string with unpacked tuple?
Benjamin Peterson
- UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 10442: character maps to <undefined>
Benjamin Peterson
- importlib: what is it, and why is it important?
Benjamin Peterson
- progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80
Roumen Petrov
- About SCons Re: progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80
Roumen Petrov
- Previous PyCon Videos, anyone?
- accessing elements of a tuple
Ian Pilcher
- select.select and socket.setblocking
Saju Pillai
- How to declare python ints in C extensions?
Saju Pillai
- Dynamic Loading Modules
Riley Porter
- Tkinter w.pack()?
John Posner
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Divya Prakash
- Ordering attributes for dynamically generated class
David Pratt
- Ordering attributes for dynamically generated class
David Pratt
- Ordering attributes for dynamically generated class
David Pratt
- Regex Generator From Multiple Files
James Pruitt
- Diff Across Multiple Files
James Pruitt
- Import Replacement
James Pruitt
- Import Replacement
James Pruitt
- lazy evaluation is sometimes too lazy... help please.
Ken Pu
- Weird behaviour re: Python on Windows
Kevin Jing Qiu
- Weird behaviour re: Python on Windows
Kevin Jing Qiu
- file write collision consideration
- file write collision consideration
- Profiling Python Apps on Mac?
- Profiling Python Apps on Mac?
- English-like Python
Benjamin J. Racine
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Benjamin J. Racine
- Rounding to the nearest 5
Benjamin J. Racine
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Aleksandar Radulovic
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Aleksandar Radulovic
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Aleksandar Radulovic
- Sloooooowwwww WSGI restart
Aleksandar Radulovic
- Python tricks
- Python tricks
- How to manipulate a contents of file as record structures
CK Raju
- How to manipulate a contents of file as record structures
CK Raju
- Library for extracting new content from email reply messages?
Bernard Rankin
- Python Package Managment
Bernard Rankin
- Best/better way? (histogram)
Bernard Rankin
- Best/better way? (histogram)
Bernard Rankin
- small python-cgi wiki?
Bernard Rankin
- Python Package Managment
Bernard Rankin
- error on building 2.6.1. (_ctypes)
Bernard Rankin
- error on building 2.6.1. (_ctypes)
Bernard Rankin
- Difference between Python 2.2.2 and Python 2.5
- Difference between Python 2.2.2 and Python 2.5
- Byte oriented data types in python
- Byte oriented data types in python
- Byte oriented data types in python
- If your were going to program a game...
Chris Rebert
- Is this a bug in Python or something I do not understand.
Chris Rebert
- ResponseNotReady exception
Chris Rebert
- [email/quoprimime.py] AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lstrip'
Chris Rebert
- Python callback functions and static methods
Chris Rebert
- __builtin__ quote
Chris Rebert
- __builtin__ quote
Chris Rebert
- subclassing 'list'
Chris Rebert
- How to get millisec/fractional seconds out of a time object ?
Chris Rebert
- message of Exception
Chris Rebert
- What is ''r'' in python?
Chris Rebert
- listdir reports [Error 1006] The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid
Chris Rebert
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
Chris Rebert
- del behavior
Chris Rebert
- del behavior 2
Chris Rebert
- del behavior
Chris Rebert
- del behavior
Chris Rebert
- How to deepcopy a list of user defined lists?
Chris Rebert
- Force exception on attribute write access only one object
Chris Rebert
- Default __nonzero__ impl doesn't throw a TypeError exception
Chris Rebert
- figuring week of the day....
Chris Rebert
- Best practice in organize classes into modules
Chris Rebert
- Problem with -3 switch
Chris Rebert
- Where's Psyco now?
Chris Rebert
- spawning pyhon apps...
Chris Rebert
- spawning pyhon apps...
Chris Rebert
- Looking for an efficient Python script to download and save a .zip file programmatically
Chris Rebert
- urlopen exception
Chris Rebert
- import relative (with a directory)
Chris Rebert
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Chris Rebert
- Object help
Chris Rebert
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Chris Rebert
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Chris Rebert
- Object help
Chris Rebert
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Chris Rebert
- Extracting real-domain-name (without sub-domains) from a given URL
Chris Rebert
- Relative performance of comparable regular expressions
Chris Rebert
- Read binary file and dump data in
Chris Rebert
- initialising a class by name
Chris Rebert
- read string in bits
Chris Rebert
- initialising a class by name
Chris Rebert
- initialising a class by name
Chris Rebert
- initialising a class by name
Chris Rebert
- reverse dict lookup & Relation class
Chris Rebert
- Python DateTime Manipulation
Chris Rebert
- Import functions in current namespace
Chris Rebert
- Beginner: Data type conversion question
Chris Rebert
- English-like Python
Chris Rebert
- Class decorator with argument
Chris Rebert
- dynamic module import?
Chris Rebert
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
Chris Rebert
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
Chris Rebert
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Chris Rebert
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Chris Rebert
- How to use *.py modules instead of *.pyc?
Chris Rebert
- How to use *.py modules instead of *.pyc?
Chris Rebert
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Chris Rebert
- Can I run an operation on an object's attribute when reading?
Chris Rebert
- Logging help
Chris Rebert
- Overloading Methods
Chris Rebert
- Overloading Methods
Chris Rebert
- unzip array of arrays?
Chris Rebert
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Chris Rebert
- What is intvar?
Chris Rebert
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Chris Rebert
- Executing WinXP commands using os module
Chris Rebert
- Need script to download file from a server using python script
Chris Rebert
- writing pickle function
Chris Rebert
- Parsing XML: SAX, DOM, Expat, or Something Else?
Chris Rebert
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Chris Rebert
- unzip array of arrays?
Chris Rebert
- Function arguments
Chris Rebert
- Function arguments
Chris Rebert
- Web services
Chris Rebert
- Exec woes
Chris Rebert
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
Chris Rebert
- Python-list Digest, Vol 64, Issue 644
Chris Rebert
- is python Object oriented??
Chris Rebert
- slicings: 3 questions
Chris Rebert
- Can't understand what python wants from me
Chris Rebert
- is python Object oriented??
Chris Rebert
- is python Object oriented??
Chris Rebert
- is python Object oriented??
Chris Rebert
- Want to write a script to do the batch conversion from domain name to IP.
Chris Rebert
- import reassignment different at module and function scope
Chris Rebert
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
- Videocapture in python
Terry Reedy
- initialization in python
Terry Reedy
- Pass by reference
Terry Reedy
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
Terry Reedy
- If your were going to program a game...
Terry Reedy
- Extending Python with C or C++
Terry Reedy
- [email/quoprimime.py] AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'lstrip'
Terry Reedy
- why cannot assign to function call
Terry Reedy
- message of Exception
Terry Reedy
- Creating new instances of subclasses.
Terry Reedy
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Terry Reedy
- linked list with cycle structure
Terry Reedy
- why cannot assign to function call
Terry Reedy
- why cannot assign to function call
Terry Reedy
- Work with Open Office
Terry Reedy
- Tree views - Best design practices
Terry Reedy
- Default __nonzero__ impl doesn't throw a TypeError exception
Terry Reedy
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Terry Reedy
- How to deepcopy a list of user defined lists?
Terry Reedy
- Replying to list messages
Terry Reedy
- "python -3" not working as expected
Terry Reedy
- Default __nonzero__ impl doesn't throw a TypeError exception
Terry Reedy
- Object help
Terry Reedy
- Bug in python [was: Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up]
Terry Reedy
- Bug in python [was: Fatal Python error: ceval: tstate mix-up]
Terry Reedy
- Problems in Using C-API for Unicode handling
Terry Reedy
- Standard IPC for Python?
Terry Reedy
- Could you suggest optimisations ?
Terry Reedy
- [OT] Re: are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Terry Reedy
- Extracting real-domain-name (without sub-domains) from a given URL
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)
Terry Reedy
- SOAPpy under Python 2.6
Terry Reedy
- Python 3 isinstance
Terry Reedy
- Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)
Terry Reedy
- 2to3 Help?
Terry Reedy
- Python 3 isinstance
Terry Reedy
- Python Crashes
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Injecting a global into a defined function??
Terry Reedy
- Executing global code
Terry Reedy
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Terry Reedy
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Terry Reedy
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Alphametric fun with Python
Terry Reedy
- Python Style Guide Questions
Terry Reedy
- English-like Python
Terry Reedy
- problem in implementing multiprocessing
Terry Reedy
- Library for extracting new content from email reply messages?
Terry Reedy
- Beginner: Data type conversion question
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Injecting a global into a defined function??
Terry Reedy
- spam on the list - how are things now?
Terry Reedy
- Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)
Terry Reedy
- Alphametric fun with Python
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Integrating awk in Python
Terry Reedy
- mimetypes oddity
Terry Reedy
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
Terry Reedy
- tuple methods: documentation missing
Terry Reedy
- Class decorator with argument
Terry Reedy
- Differences between class and function decorator
Terry Reedy
- Beginner: Data type conversion question
Terry Reedy
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Terry Reedy
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Terry Reedy
- python3.0 base64 error
Terry Reedy
- Jerry Pournelle gives award to Python and Guido for 2008
Terry Reedy
- tp_base, ob_type, and tp_bases
Terry Reedy
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Terry Reedy
- Incorrect title case?
Terry Reedy
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Terry Reedy
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Terry Reedy
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Terry Reedy
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Terry Reedy
- string formatting documentation
Terry Reedy
- Beginner Question
Terry Reedy
- tasklet library based on PEP 0342
Terry Reedy
- python resource management
Terry Reedy
- function to find the modification date of the project
Terry Reedy
- English-like Python
Terry Reedy
- How to print lambda result ?
Terry Reedy
- How to print lambda result ?
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- reading file to list
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80
Terry Reedy
- quick beginners List comprehension question
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Dictionary : items()
Terry Reedy
- Python Style Question
Terry Reedy
- pep 8 constants
Terry Reedy
- A different kind of interface
Terry Reedy
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Terry Reedy
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Terry Reedy
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Terry Reedy
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Terry Reedy
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Terry Reedy
- unzip array of arrays?
Terry Reedy
- seeking to improve Python skills
Terry Reedy
- Need script to download file from a server using python script
Terry Reedy
- Stalled ticket in Python bug tracker
Terry Reedy
- I'm a python addict !
Terry Reedy
- why is this invalid b = a += b ?
Terry Reedy
- Is (-1 ==True) True or False? Neither
Terry Reedy
- Is (-1 ==True) True or False? Neither
Terry Reedy
- Possible to slice a string with unpacked tuple?
Terry Reedy
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
Terry Reedy
- Cartesian Product of two lists (itertools)
Terry Reedy
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Terry Reedy
- Python
Terry Reedy
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Terry Reedy
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Terry Reedy
- Method returning an Iterable Object
Terry Reedy
- Python 3.0, 'Hello' < 42
Terry Reedy
- is python Object oriented??
Terry Reedy
- How does one view the source of function defined in the interpreter?
Terry Reedy
- Spam making a comeback??
Terry Reedy
- naming and binding (subtle Python 3 change)
Terry Reedy
- Using equals operator without changing reference pointer
Terry Reedy
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
Terry Reedy
- What's new in 3.0 about threading?
Terry Reedy
- Encoding Title mail
Andrea Reginato
- Encoding Title mail
Andrea Reginato
- Why not Ruby?
Gerry Reno
- Distutils, bdist_XXX, rpmbuild issues
Gerry Reno
- Distutils, bdist_XXX, rpmbuild issues
Gerry Reno
- Newbie Question: Can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'
Paulo Repreza
- Newbie Question: Can't multiply sequence by non-int of type 'str'
Paulo Repreza
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
- Python 3 isinstance
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- what's the point of rpython?
- what's the point of rpython?
- what's the point of rpython?
- what's the point of rpython?
- what's the point of rpython?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
- *.python.org broken?
Carlos Ribeiro
- #python IRC help - my internet provider is banned!
Jason Ribeiro
- initialising a class by name
Willi Richert
- Integrating awk in Python
Willi Richert
- what's the point of rpython?
Ross Ridge
- what's the point of rpython?
Ross Ridge
- what's the point of rpython?
Ross Ridge
- what's the point of rpython?
Ross Ridge
- progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80
Ross Ridge
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Ross Ridge
- Why not Ruby?
Richard Riley
- Why not Ruby?
Richard Riley
- Why not Ruby?
Richard Riley
- Why not Ruby?
Richard Riley
- Why not Ruby?
Richard Riley
- Why not Ruby?
Richard Riley
- Why not Ruby?
Richard Riley
- Videocapture in python
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Why not Ruby?
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- why cannot assign to function call
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Returning a string
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Take the first n items of an iterator
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- why cannot assign to function call
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- why cannot assign to function call
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Tkinter - problem closing window
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- why cannot assign to function call
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- del behavior 2
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- An idea of how to identify Israeli owned software companies
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- "python -3" not working as expected
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- string split
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Where's Psyco now?
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Python strings and coding conventions
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Encoding Title mail
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Beginner: Data type conversion question
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Python Style Guide Questions - Contd.
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- A different kind of interface
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- A different kind of interface
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Reading the first MB of a binary file
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
- OCaml, Language syntax, and Proof Systems
Joe Riopel
- Detecting open files and forcing closure
Andrew Robert
- Detecting open files and forcing closure
Andrew Robert
- why cannot assign to function call
Tim Roberts
- Videocapture in python
Tim Roberts
- win32gui
Tim Roberts
- win32gui
Tim Roberts
- Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?
Tim Roberts
- braces fixed '#{' and '#}'
Tim Roberts
- USB in python
Tim Roberts
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Tim Roberts
- nth root
Tim Roberts
- nth root
Tim Roberts
- nth root
Tim Roberts
- ssl module - how can I accept SSLv3 and TLSv1 protocols only?
Giampaolo Rodola'
- ssl module - how can I accept SSLv3 and TLSv1 protocols only?
Giampaolo Rodola'
- download timeout vs. socket timeout
Giampaolo Rodola'
- download timeout vs. socket timeout
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Totally confused by the str/bytes/unicode differences introduced in Pythyon 3.x
Giampaolo Rodola'
- vb2py status?
Giampaolo Rodola'
- [ANN] Python FTP Server library (pyftpdlib) 0.5.1 released
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Monitor a FTP site for arrival of new/updated files
Giampaolo Rodola'
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
Giampaolo Rodola'
- 'Address already in use' ... with TCPServer
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Where to host a (Python) project?
Giampaolo Rodola'
- Tkinter - problem closing window
- Python subprocess question
- Python subprocess question
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
- Where's Psyco now?
- Unbinding Tkinter default bindings for Listbox
- Unbinding Tkinter default bindings for Listbox
- Unbinding Tkinter default bindings for Listbox
- Unbinding Tkinter default bindings for Listbox
- basic python list/dict/key question/issues..
- Why this code is working?
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Diez B. Roggisch
- Returning a string
Diez B. Roggisch
- Returning a string
Diez B. Roggisch
- Returning a string
Diez B. Roggisch
- Port of python stdlib to other languages.
Diez B. Roggisch
- fetch image
Diez B. Roggisch
- linked list with cycle structure
Diez B. Roggisch
- Importing modules
Diez B. Roggisch
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
Diez B. Roggisch
- Reading C# serialized objects into Python?
Diez B. Roggisch
- Tree views - Best design practices
Diez B. Roggisch
- linked list with cycle structure
Diez B. Roggisch
- Tree views - Best design practices
Diez B. Roggisch
- Bad hack fix around a bizarre problem...
Diez B. Roggisch
- template inheritance
Diez B. Roggisch
- Egg deinstallation
Diez B. Roggisch
- Compressed vs uncompressed eggs
Diez B. Roggisch
- Simple CGI-XMLRPC failure
Diez B. Roggisch
- debugging ignored exceptions at cleanup
Diez B. Roggisch
- Standard IPC for Python?
Diez B. Roggisch
Diez B. Roggisch
- Why this code is working?
Diez B. Roggisch
- os system command not found
Diez B. Roggisch
- General direction
Diez B. Roggisch
- the name of a method
Diez B. Roggisch
- is there something like a module decorator ?
Diez B. Roggisch
- Python and threads
Diez B. Roggisch
- calling an external program and capturing the output
Diez B. Roggisch
- uninstall before upgrade?
Diez B. Roggisch
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Diez B. Roggisch
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Diez B. Roggisch
- WSGI question: reading headers before message body has been read
Diez B. Roggisch
- Python Style Guide Questions - Contd.
Diez B. Roggisch
- Regexp
Diez B. Roggisch
- Regexp
Diez B. Roggisch
- How to start a transaction?
Diez B. Roggisch
- Doubts related to subprocess.Popen()
Diez B. Roggisch
- Embedding Python. But not so easy.
Diez B. Roggisch
- How to get first/last day of the previous month?
Diez B. Roggisch
- SetUp functions for multiple test cases
Diez B. Roggisch
- Locking blockl to a people on a similar group / naming locks
Diez B. Roggisch
- Start Python at client side from web app
Diez B. Roggisch
- Start Python at client side from web app
Diez B. Roggisch
- quick beginners List comprehension question
Diez B. Roggisch
- Start Python at client side from web app
Diez B. Roggisch
- quick beginners List comprehension question
Diez B. Roggisch
- USB in python
Diez B. Roggisch
- Start Python at client side from web app
Diez B. Roggisch
- USB in python
Diez B. Roggisch
- Adding a field to a 'foreign' object from the outside
Diez B. Roggisch
- USB in python
Diez B. Roggisch
- Securing a database
Diez B. Roggisch
- problem with special characters in filename
Diez B. Roggisch
- problem with special characters in filename
Diez B. Roggisch
- Securing a database
Diez B. Roggisch
- Where to place imports
Diez B. Roggisch
- Where to place imports
Diez B. Roggisch
- Where to place imports
Diez B. Roggisch
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Diez B. Roggisch
- [MacOS] Multiple versions of a module
Diez B. Roggisch
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Diez B. Roggisch
- super behavior
Diez B. Roggisch
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Diez B. Roggisch
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Diez B. Roggisch
- Function arguments
Diez B. Roggisch
- really slow gzip decompress, why?
Diez B. Roggisch
- Receiving data from USB
Diez B. Roggisch
- dicts,instances,containers, slotted instances, et cetera.
Diez B. Roggisch
- dicts,instances,containers, slotted instances, et cetera.
Diez B. Roggisch
- search speed
Diez B. Roggisch
- Empty string is False right?
Diez B. Roggisch
- Python 2.4 vs 2.5 - Unicode error
Wolfgang Rohdewald
- Why not Ruby?
Tomasz Rola
- pygccxml xml output file
- Read binary file and dump data in
Santiago Romero
- Read binary file and dump data in
Santiago Romero
- select.select and socket.setblocking
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Is there a better algorithm?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- why cannot assign to function call
Hendrik van Rooyen
- image recogniton?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- having problems with a multi-conditional while statement
Hendrik van Rooyen
- why cannot assign to function call
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- read string in bits
Hendrik van Rooyen
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Convention vs. fascism
Hendrik van Rooyen
- spam on the list - how are things now?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Convention vs. fascism [OT]
Hendrik van Rooyen
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- socket.unbind or socket.unlisten? - socket.error: (48, 'Addressalready in use')
Hendrik van Rooyen
- socket.unbind or socket.unlisten? - socket.error: (48, 'Address already in use')
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Exec woes
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Exec woes
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Exec woes
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Hendrik van Rooyen
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
- formatted 'time' data in calculations
- English-like Python
John Roth
- Why not Ruby?
Tim Rowe
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Tim Rowe
- English-like Python
Tim Rowe
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Tim Rowe
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Tim Rowe
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Tim Rowe
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Tim Rowe
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Tim Rowe
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Tim Rowe
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Tim Rowe
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Tim Rowe
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Tim Rowe
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
Tim Rowe
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Tim Rowe
- is python Object oriented??
Tim Rowe
- search speed
Tim Rowe
- search speed
Tim Rowe
- Why not Ruby?
Paul Rubin
- Why not Ruby?
Paul Rubin
- Why not Ruby?
Paul Rubin
- Is there a better algorithm?
Paul Rubin
- urlopen exception
Paul Rubin
- why cannot assign to function call
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Python tricks
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- optimizing large dictionaries
Paul Rubin
- [python3.0] s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
Paul Rubin
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
Paul Rubin
- English-like Python
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Python 3: range objects cannot be sliced
Paul Rubin
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Paul Rubin
- *Advanced* Python book?
Paul Rubin
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Start Python at client side from web app
Paul Rubin
- Locking blockl to a people on a similar group / naming locks
Paul Rubin
- Locking blockl to a people on a similar group / naming locks
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- list subsetting
Paul Rubin
- list subsetting
Paul Rubin
- Start Python at client side from web app
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- what's the point of rpython?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Dictionary : items()
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Seeking pure Python AES/RSA library compatible with OpenSSL
Paul Rubin
- Start Python at client side from web app
Paul Rubin
- Formal specification and proof (was : Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?)
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Paul Rubin
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
Paul Rubin
- Why not Ruby?
Jason Rumney
- Extending Python with C or C++
- Extending Python with C or C++
- I'm a python addict !
Lie Ryan
- USB in python
Lie Ryan
- USB in python
Lie Ryan
- practical limits of urlopen()
Lie Ryan
- HTTPSConnection: client certificate auth
Mailing List SVR
- accessing elements of a tuple
Matthew Sacks
- accessing elements of a tuple
Matthew Sacks
- accessing elements of a tuple
Matthew Sacks
- problem with program - debugging leading nowhere
Matthew Sacks
- problem with program - debugging leading nowhere
Matthew Sacks
- Python 2.6's multiprocessing lock not working on second use?
Frédéric Sagnes
- Python 2.6's multiprocessing lock not working on second use?
Frédéric Sagnes
- Python 2.6's multiprocessing lock not working on second use?
Frédéric Sagnes
- Python logging question
Vinay Sajip
- AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DatagramHandler' (ubuntu-8.10, python 2.5.2)
Vinay Sajip
- Traceback in Logging
Vinay Sajip
- Traceback in Logging
Vinay Sajip
- Traceback in Logging
Vinay Sajip
- Logging help
Vinay Sajip
- Logging help
Vinay Sajip
- Logging help
Vinay Sajip
- Preserving file permissions with distutils
George Sakkis
- No Module Named MySQLdb Error
- spawning pyhon apps...
Jason Scheirer
- spawning pyhon apps...
Jason Scheirer
- spawning pyhon apps...
Jason Scheirer
- the name of a method
Jason Scheirer
- <var> is None vs. <var> == None
Jason Scheirer
- If your were going to program a game...
Kay Schluehr
- Code coverage to Python code
Kay Schluehr
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Kay Schluehr
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Kay Schluehr
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Kay Schluehr
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
Kay Schluehr
- import relative (with a directory)
Kay Schluehr
- English-like Python
Kay Schluehr
- what's the point of rpython?
Kay Schluehr
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Kay Schluehr
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Kay Schluehr
- Two import questions in Python 3.0
Kay Schluehr
- Two import questions in Python 3.0
Kay Schluehr
- What's the business with the asterisk?
Kay Schluehr
- Two import questions in Python 3.0
Kay Schluehr
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Kay Schluehr
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Kay Schluehr
- is python Object oriented??
Kay Schluehr
- SetUp functions for multiple test cases
Georg Schmid
- SetUp functions for multiple test cases
Georg Schmid
- Which SOAP module?
Ralf Schoenian
- Extending Python with C or C++
Ralf Schoenian
- Empty string is False right?
Ralf Schoenian
- Import functions in current namespace
Markus Schreyer
- Import functions in current namespace
Markus Schreyer
- How to execute a hyperlink?
Roel Schroeven
- similar words index?
Jochen Schulz
- Why not Ruby?
Randal L. Schwartz
- Python Apache Handler
- how to update python on gnu emacs?
John Seales
- some question about python2.6 and python3k
Ken Seehart
- Python Apache Handler
Sells, Fred
- How to declare python ints in C extensions?
Philip Semanchuk
- pep-8 vs. external interfaces?
Philip Semanchuk
- having problems with a multi-conditional while statement
Philip Semanchuk
- mac osx how to use a specific python environment
Philip Semanchuk
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
Philip Semanchuk
- Python Imaging Library and textmate
Philip Semanchuk
- Python Imaging Library and textmate
Philip Semanchuk
- if-else statement
Philip Semanchuk
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Philip Semanchuk
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Philip Semanchuk
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Philip Semanchuk
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Philip Semanchuk
- Standard IPC for Python?
Philip Semanchuk
- Standard IPC for Python?
Philip Semanchuk
- Standard IPC for Python?
Philip Semanchuk
- Standard IPC for Python?
Philip Semanchuk
- Standard IPC for Python?
Philip Semanchuk
- Standard IPC for Python?
Philip Semanchuk
- Standard IPC for Python?
Philip Semanchuk
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
Philip Semanchuk
- Standard IPC for Python?
Philip Semanchuk
- Python Crashes
Philip Semanchuk
- Problem using python C API
Philip Semanchuk
- psycopg2 weirdness
Philip Semanchuk
- python resource management
Philip Semanchuk
- Doubts related to subprocess.Popen()
Philip Semanchuk
- quick beginners List comprehension question
Philip Semanchuk
- quick beginners List comprehension question
Philip Semanchuk
- The First Law Of comp.lang.python Dynamics
Philip Semanchuk
- *.python.org broken?
Philip Semanchuk
- Why is it faster the second time ?
Philip Semanchuk
- Process crash with no reason
Philip Semanchuk
- Process crash with no reason
Philip Semanchuk
- Process crash with no reason
Philip Semanchuk
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Philip Semanchuk
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Philip Semanchuk
- Process crash with no reason
Philip Semanchuk
- Profiling Python Apps on Mac?
Philip Semanchuk
- parallel and/or synchronous start/run/stop on multiple boxes
- Looking for an efficient Python script to download and save a .zip file programmatically
David Shi
- Mocking `from foo import *` functions
- Mocking `from foo import *` functions
- os system command not found
Daniel da Silva
- Unreasonable memory usage under linux with a simple loop
Michele Simionato
- Unreasonable memory usage under linux with a simple loop
Michele Simionato
- debugging ignored exceptions at cleanup
Michele Simionato
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- *Advanced* Python book?
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Michele Simionato
- dicts,instances,containers, slotted instances, et cetera.
Michele Simionato
- Where to host a (Python) project?
Michele Simionato
- Regular Expressions...
Cameron Simpson
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Cameron Simpson
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
Cameron Simpson
- spam on the list - how are things now?
Cameron Simpson
- process command line parameter
Cameron Simpson
- deleting a method
Manish Sinha
- pygtkspell-help
S.Selvam Siva
- Extracting real-domain-name (without sub-domains) from a given URL
S.Selvam Siva
- Extracting real-domain-name (without sub-domains) from a given URL
S.Selvam Siva
- python resource management
S.Selvam Siva
- python resource management
S.Selvam Siva
- python resource management
S.Selvam Siva
- String comparision
S.Selvam Siva
- String comparision
S.Selvam Siva
- date handling problem
S.Selvam Siva
- date handling problem
S.Selvam Siva
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
Ben Sizer
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
Ben Sizer
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
Ben Sizer
- 'Import sys' succeeds in C++ embedded code, but module is not fully visible
Ben Sizer
- yacc statement recognition
- Python Startup file
Gary Smith
- Auto Logon to site and get page
John Smith
- Attaching a live interpreter to a script?
Julian Smith
- read string in bits
Mark Smith
- read string in bits
Mark Smith
- Wx broken?
Mark Smith
- select.select and socket.setblocking
Roy Smith
- Which SOAP module?
Roy Smith
- Which SOAP module?
Roy Smith
- pep-8 vs. external interfaces?
Roy Smith
- Code coverage to Python code
Roy Smith
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Roy Smith
- socket.error 24: too many open files
Roy Smith
- Python strings and coding conventions
Roy Smith
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Roy Smith
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Roy Smith
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Roy Smith
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Roy Smith
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Roy Smith
- braces fixed '#{' and '#}'
Roy Smith
- braces fixed '#{' and '#}'
Roy Smith
- SetUp functions for multiple test cases
Roy Smith
- RegEx issues
Roy Smith
- del behavior
Eric Snow
- del behavior 2
Eric Snow
- del behavior
Eric Snow
- del behavior
Eric Snow
- del behavior 2
Eric Snow
- del behavior 2
Eric Snow
- os.fork and pty.fork
Eric Snow
- del behavior 2
Eric Snow
- del behavior 2
Eric Snow
- using PIL for PCA analysis
Jan Erik Solem
- strange dict issue
Ferdinand Sousa
- Python-list Digest, Vol 64, Issue 617
Ferdinand Sousa
- Problem with 3.0 Install on Windows
Saul Spatz
- How to write a simple shell loop in python?
Saul Spatz
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Alex van der Spek
- eval('07') works, eval('08') fails, why?
Alex van der Spek
- Reading C# serialized objects into Python?
Alex van der Spek
- IDLE/Python on Asus EEE PC
Alex van der Spek
- Two questions about style and some simple math
- #python IRC help - my internet provider is banned!
Mildew Spores
- Code coverage to Python code
David Stanek
- About PyOpenGL
Cousin Stanley
- *.python.org broken?
Cousin Stanley
- issue
Patrick Steiger
- Getting OSError, Could someone suggest?
Patrick Steiger
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Patrick Steiger
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Patrick Steiger
- reading stdout from a running win32 process
Jules Stevenson
- read pipe information on a running (popen) process
Jules Stevenson
- read pipe information on a running (popen) process
Jules Stevenson
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
James Stroud
- __builtin__ quote
James Stroud
- __builtin__ quote
James Stroud
- subclassing 'list'
James Stroud
- Oh! The people of all over the world!
James Stroud
- How to store passwords?
James Stroud
- How to store passwords?
James Stroud
- How to store passwords?
James Stroud
- Regular Expressions...
James Stroud
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
James Stroud
- Is it ok to type check a boolean argument?
James Stroud
- Generator metadata/attributes
James Stroud
- drive a desktop app from python?
James Stroud
- hlep: a text search and rename question
James Stroud
- hlep: a text search and rename question
James Stroud
- Unbinding Tkinter default bindings for Listbox
James Stroud
- Unbinding Tkinter default bindings for Listbox
James Stroud
- Unbinding Tkinter default bindings for Listbox
James Stroud
- Unbinding Tkinter default bindings for Listbox
James Stroud
- Unexpected behavior with dictionary keys containment and a user-defined class
James Stroud
- Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)
James Stroud
- General direction
James Stroud
- lazy evaluation is sometimes too lazy... help please.
James Stroud
- Pythonic way to handle coordinates
James Stroud
- dynamic module import?
James Stroud
- defining class functions
James Stroud
- Start Python at client side from web app
James Stroud
- Start Python at client side from web app
James Stroud
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
James Stroud
- dicts,instances,containers, slotted instances, et cetera.
James Stroud
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- python is great
Joe Strout
- If your were going to program a game...
Joe Strout
- python is great
Joe Strout
- image recogniton?
Joe Strout
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- why cannot assign to function call
Joe Strout
- function to find the modification date of the project
Joe Strout
- function to find the modification date of the project
Joe Strout
- function to find the modification date of the project
Joe Strout
- function to find the modification date of the project
Joe Strout
- English-like Python
Joe Strout
- English-like Python
Joe Strout
- English-like Python
Joe Strout
- English-like Python
Joe Strout
- English-like Python
Joe Strout
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Joe Strout
- Ldap Extended Operation python
Michael Ströder
- Common path all PyObjects take on destruction?
Ryan Stutsman
- Re: Can´t Surf Python Pages in Windoze
Victor Subervi
- Re: Can´t Surf Python Pages in Windoze
Victor Subervi
- Tkinter - problem closing window
Djames Suhanko
- Tkinter - problem closing window
Djames Suhanko
- Get thread pid
Ove Svensson
- Experiment: Church lists in Python
Ertugrul Söylemez
- trying to modify locals() dictionary
- exec in a nested function yields an error
- is this pythonic?
- is this pythonic?
- is this pythonic?
- super behavior
- is there a shorter way to write this
Andreas Tawn
- is there a way to determine a relative path to the script?
- is there a way to determine a relative path to the script?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- __init__.py and package help
- __init__.py and package help
- replacement for __file__ in compiled exe
- __init__.py and package help
- replacement for __file__ in compiled exe
- Client Socket Connection to Java server
- is there a way to determine a relative path to the script?
- An idea of how to identify Israeli owned software companies
- Request For (gozerbot) Testers
Bart Thate
- socket.error 24: too many open files
- Overloading Methods
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
- win32gui
- NorthwestPythonDay, 31 Jan 2009
James Thiele
- reading file to list
André Thieme
- reading file to list
André Thieme
- reading file to list
André Thieme
- Pickling classes (not class instances)
Nicolas M. Thiéry
- threading in PyQt vs threading in standard library
Phil Thompson
- What is ''r'' in python?
Christopher Thunes
- Why not Ruby?
Kenneth Tilton
- Why not Ruby?
Kenneth Tilton
- nth root
- unzip array of arrays?
- unzip array of arrays?
- len()
- idle 3.0 unicode
Mark Tolonen
- Nubie question: how to not pass "self" in call to seek() function ?
Mark Tolonen
- Is negative seek() from EOF of a GzipFile supported on Python 2.5.2 ?
Mark Tolonen
- ctype problem
Mark Tolonen
- RegEx issues
Mark Tolonen
- Work with Open Office
Michael Torrie
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
Michael Torrie
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
Michael Torrie
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
Michael Torrie
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Michael Torrie
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
Michael Torrie
- is python Object oriented??
Michael Torrie
- is python Object oriented??
Michael Torrie
- is python Object oriented??
Michael Torrie
- is python Object oriented??
Michael Torrie
- is python Object oriented??
Michael Torrie
- is python Object oriented??
Michael Torrie
- is python Object oriented??
Michael Torrie
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Sandro Tosi
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Sandro Tosi
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Sandro Tosi
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Sandro Tosi
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Sandro Tosi
- What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?
Sandro Tosi
- Pexpect and telnet not communicating properly
George Trojan
- vb2py status?
Vito De Tullio
- vb2py status?
Vito De Tullio
- Why can't I store a DLL in a module library Zip file?
- Weird invisible arguments issues with Windows
- Weird invisible arguments issues with Windows
- Parent module not loaded error
Ståle Undheim
- Parent module not loaded error
Ståle Undheim
- Parent module not loaded error
Ståle Undheim
- Scheduled Tasks - SetFlags
Roger Upole
- output problem
- output problem
- LGPL license for Qt 4.5
Ville Vainio
- How to run Python in Windows w/o popping a DOS box?
Geert Vancompernolle
- Python 2.4 vs 2.5 - Unicode error
Gaurav Veda
- Python 2.4 vs 2.5 - Unicode error
Gaurav Veda
- Python 2.4 vs 2.5 - Unicode error
Gaurav Veda
- Client Socket Connection to Java server
- Where's Psyco now?
- What is ''r'' in python?
Harish Vishwanath
- is python Object oriented??
Hung Vo
- is python Object oriented??
Hung Vo
- is python Object oriented??
Hung Vo
- is python Object oriented??
Hung Vo
- Start multiple listening servers in one file
Thomas W
- Why not Ruby?
Andreas Waldenburger
- Is there a better algorithm?
Andreas Waldenburger
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Andreas Waldenburger
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Andreas Waldenburger
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
Andreas Waldenburger
- I'm a python addict !
Andreas Waldenburger
- Counting number of objects
Andreas Waldenburger
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Andreas Waldenburger
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Andreas Waldenburger
- Counting number of objects
Andreas Waldenburger
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Andreas Waldenburger
- Method returning an Iterable Object
Andreas Waldenburger
- Method returning an Iterable Object
Andreas Waldenburger
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
Andreas Waldenburger
- len()
Andreas Waldenburger
- is python Object oriented??
Andreas Waldenburger
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
Kevin Walzer
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
Kevin Walzer
- Find all available Tkinter cursor names?
Kevin Walzer
- Find all available Tkinter cursor names?
Kevin Walzer
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
Kevin Walzer
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
Peter Wang
- TKinter and multiprocessing in GNU/Linux/X
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
- Object help
Jervis Whitley
- Programming friction
Jervis Whitley
- optimizing large dictionaries
Jervis Whitley
- Python DateTime Manipulation
Jervis Whitley
- list subsetting
Jervis Whitley
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
Jervis Whitley
- search speed
Jervis Whitley
- problem with program - debugging leading nowhere
Jervis Whitley
- problem with program - debugging leading nowhere
Jervis Whitley
- Why not Ruby?
Raymond Wiker
- Switching user in a SSH connection
Tino Wildenhain
- ACL in python
Tino Wildenhain
- Ideas to optimize this getitem/eval call?
Tino Wildenhain
- image recogniton?
Tino Wildenhain
- reading file to list
Tino Wildenhain
- reading file to list
Tino Wildenhain
- psycopg2 weirdness
Tino Wildenhain
- How to print lambda result ?
Tino Wildenhain
- How to print lambda result ?
Tino Wildenhain
- USB in python
Tino Wildenhain
- USB in python
Tino Wildenhain
- Results of executing hyperlink in script
Tino Wildenhain
- is python Object oriented??
Tino Wildenhain
- Where to host a (Python) project?
Colin J. Williams
- About PyOpenGL
Rob Williscroft
- Python 3.0 nonlocal statement
Rob Williscroft
- Generator metadata/attributes
Rob Williscroft
- Generator metadata/attributes
Rob Williscroft
- Mocking `from foo import *` functions
Rob Williscroft
- Mocking `from foo import *` functions
Rob Williscroft
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Rob Williscroft
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Rob Williscroft
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
Rob Williscroft
- Python 3: exec arg 1
Rob Williscroft
- list subsetting
Rob Williscroft
- Start Python at client side from web app
Rob Williscroft
- Start Python at client side from web app
Rob Williscroft
- Start Python at client side from web app
Rob Williscroft
- Start Python at client side from web app
Rob Williscroft
- pyAA for Python2.5
Rob Williscroft
- pyAA for Python2.5
Rob Williscroft
- Tutorial on working with Excel files in Python (without COM and cross platform!) at PyConUS 2009
Chris Withers
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
Matthew Woodcraft
- greenlets and how they can be used
Mark Wooding
- Rich Comparisons Gotcha
Mark Wooding
- Rich Comparisons Gotcha
Mark Wooding
- Rich Comparisons Gotcha
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- Rich Comparisons Gotcha
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- Rich Comparisons Gotcha
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- spawning pyhon apps...
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- why cannot assign to function call
Mark Wooding
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Mark Wooding
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
Mark Wooding
- tp_base, ob_type, and tp_bases
Mark Wooding
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Mark Wooding
- ifconfig in python
Mark Wooding
- ifconfig in python
Mark Wooding
- Doubts related to subprocess.Popen()
Mark Wooding
- Doubts related to subprocess.Popen()
Mark Wooding
- ifconfig in python
Mark Wooding
- ifconfig in python
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Doc for extended call syntax; was: Re: unzip array of arrays?
Mark Wooding
- Pythonic list/tuple/dict layout?
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Cartesian Product of two lists (itertools)
Mark Wooding
- Counting number of objects
Mark Wooding
- ob_type in shared memory
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Mark Wooding
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
Mark Wooding
- Doc for extended call syntax; was: Re: unzip array of arrays?
Mark Wooding
- socket.unbind or socket.unlisten? - socket.error: (48, 'Address already in use')
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
Mark Wooding
- Pexpect and telnet not communicating properly
Mark Wooding
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Mark Wooding
- How to get atexit hooks to run in the presence of execv?
Mark Wooding
- __builtin__ quote
Steven Woody
- __builtin__ quote
Steven Woody
- message of Exception
Steven Woody
- message of Exception
Steven Woody
- message of Exception
Steven Woody
- frontend + backend style application design
Steven Woody
- Best practice in organize classes into modules
Steven Woody
- Best practice in organize classes into modules
Steven Woody
- Best practice in organize classes into modules
Steven Woody
- threading in PyQt vs threading in standard library
Steven Woody
- threading in PyQt vs threading in standard library
Steven Woody
- Best practice in organize classes into modules
Steven Woody
- File layout in development stage
Steven Woody
- Event Handling and Signal-Slot Mechanism
Steven Woody
- Event Handling and Signal-Slot Mechanism
Steven Woody
- Event Handling and Signal-Slot Mechanism
Steven Woody
- search speed
Justin Wyer
- Why not Ruby?
Peter Wyzl
- pg_result_status() alternative?
Qian Xu
- string length problem?
Qian Xu
- string length problem?
Qian Xu
- pg_result_status() alternative?
Qian Xu
- pg_result_status() alternative?
Qian Xu
- some question about python2.6 and python3k
Michael Yang
- Pydev 1.4.2 Released
Fabio Zadrozny
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Fabio Zadrozny
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Fabio Zadrozny
- Why doesn't eval of generator expression work with locals?
Fabio Zadrozny
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
Luis Zarrabeitia
- socket and thread
- psycopg2 weirdness
Yang Zhang
- Want to write a script to do the batch conversion from domain name to IP.
Hongyi Zhao
- Want to write a script to do the batch conversion from domain name to IP.
Hongyi Zhao
- Want to write a script to do the batch conversion from domain name to IP.
Hongyi Zhao
- Want to write a script to do the batch conversion from domain name to IP.
Hongyi Zhao
- Problem on pylab - matplotlib_examples_0.98.3
Metal Zong
- Python subprocess question
Alexi Zuo
- Where to place imports
John [H2O]
- Where to place imports
John [H2O]
- smtplib.SMTP throw : 'Socket error: 10053 software caused connection abort'
- smtplib.SMTP throw : 'Socket error: 10053 software caused connection abort'
- Problems in Using C-API for Unicode handling
- Problems in Using C-API for Unicode handling
- Python 3.0 urllib.parse.parse_qs results in TypeError
- Parsing XML: SAX, DOM, Expat, or Something Else?
- Testing if an index is in a slice
- Testing if an index is in a slice
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
- urllib2 - 403 that _should_ not occur.
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
- Where to host a (Python) project?
- nth root
- urllib2 httplib.BadStatusLine exception while opening a page on an Oracle HTTP Server
- urllib2 httplib.BadStatusLine exception while opening a page on an Oracle HTTP Server
- urllib2 httplib.BadStatusLine exception while opening a page on an Oracle HTTP Server
- subclassing 'list'
- subclassing 'list'
- multiprocessing and SIGINT
- multiprocessing and SIGINT
- Terminating a Python program that uses multi-process, multi-threading
- Terminating a Python program that uses multi-process, multi-threading
- ctypes with Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6B *.dll (Windows XP), passing of integer and real values
- ctypes with Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6B *.dll (Windows XP), passing of integer and real values
- ctypes with Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6B *.dll (Windows XP), passing of integer and real values
- If your were going to program a game...
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- why o/p is different ???
- 2to3 Help?
- 2to3 Help?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Lazy List Generator Problem
- vb2py status?
- English-like Python
- lazy evaluation is sometimes too lazy... help please.
- what's the point of rpython?
- dynamic module import?
- what's the point of rpython?
- dynamic module import?
- dynamic module import?
- reading file to list
- How to print lambda result ?
- How to print lambda result ?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- reading file to list
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- is this pythonic?
- Importing modules
- is this pythonic?
- is this pythonic?
- is this pythonic?
- Why this code is working?
- How to execute a hyperlink?
- Function Application is not Currying
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
- search speed
- is python Object oriented??
- is python Object oriented??
- Python3
- Python3
- Python3
- issue
- search speed
- search speed
- To: Julian Snitow
SabbySF at aol.com
- Python Imaging Library and textmate
bilgin arslan
- Python Imaging Library and textmate
bilgin arslan
- Trouble writing txt
bilgin arslan
- ResponseNotReady exception
- ResponseNotReady exception
- fetch image
- urlopen exception
- why o/p is different ???
- why o/p is different ???
- process command line parameter
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
- Parallel package hierarchies/directories
- Parallel package hierarchies/directories
- Adding a field to a 'foreign' object from the outside
- vb2py status?
- Possible to slice a string with unpacked tuple?
python at bdurham.com
- Possible to slice a string with unpacked tuple?
python at bdurham.com
- Possible to slice a string with unpacked tuple?
python at bdurham.com
- Possible to slice a string with unpacked tuple?
python at bdurham.com
- Efficient multi-slicing technique?
python at bdurham.com
- Monitor a FTP site for arrival of new/updated files
python at bdurham.com
- Monitor a FTP site for arrival of new/updated files
python at bdurham.com
- Efficient multi-slicing technique?
python at bdurham.com
- Iterating through a file significantly slower when file has big buffer
python at bdurham.com
- CORRECTION: Re: Iterating through a file significantly slower when file has big buffer
python at bdurham.com
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
python at bdurham.com
- Need help with os.system in linux
akshay bhat
- python processes and Visual Studio
- python processes and Visual Studio
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
rdmurray at bitdance.com
- Importing modules
rdmurray at bitdance.com
- SimpleXMLRPCServer question
rdmurray at bitdance.com
- More mod_wsgi weirdness: process restarts on redirect
rdmurray at bitdance.com
- search speed
rdmurray at bitdance.com
- glob.fnmatch (was "search speed")
rdmurray at bitdance.com
- SimpleXMLRPCServer question
rdmurray at bitdance.com
- list subsetting
- significant release for SIMPL project's Python extension
- Python Application Server
- Calling Python-tk code from C/C++
- Function arguments
- Function arguments
- Function arguments
- efficient interval containment lookup
- efficient interval containment lookup
- Parsing Excel spreadsheets
- Parsing Excel spreadsheets
- executing multiple functions in background simultaneously
- SetUp functions for multiple test cases
- spawning pyhon apps...
- spawning pyhon apps...
- spawning pyhon apps...
- parsing javascript generated files...
- basic python list/dict/key question/issues..
- List/Set/Dict..
- ifconfig in python
- ifconfig in python
- does exec ignore the locals parameter?
- Windows Python install vs. MSI extract question
- Windows PIL installer question
- os system command not found
- os system command not found
- os system command not found
- ABCs, functions, and __call__ (Python3)
andrew cooke
- *Advanced* Python book?
andrew cooke
- ABCs, functions, and __call__ (Python3)
andrew cooke
- Pythonic way to handle coordinates
andrew cooke
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
andrew cooke
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
andrew cooke
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
andrew cooke
- what's the point of rpython?
andrew cooke
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
andrew cooke
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
andrew cooke
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
andrew cooke
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
andrew cooke
- Relax Syntax for Augmented Arithmetic?
andrew cooke
- function argument dependent on another function argument?
andrew cooke
- Porting 3.0 to 2.6 - from __future__ import super missing?
andrew cooke
- Porting 3.0 to 2.6 - from __future__ import super missing?
andrew cooke
- Porting 3.0 to 2.6 - from __future__ import super missing?
andrew cooke
- SimpleXMLRPCServer question
andrew cooke
- Where to host a (Python) project?
andrew cooke
- Why do operators and methods of built-in types differ
andrew cooke
- Why do operators and methods of built-in types differ
andrew cooke
- Where to host a (Python) project?
andrew cooke
- Where to host a (Python) project?
andrew cooke
- Where to host a (Python) project?
andrew cooke
- help me python
andrew cooke
- list subsetting
- list subsetting
- frequency analysis without numpy
- frequency analysis without numpy
- Problem using python C API
shi dingan
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
- Getting around immutable default arguments for recursion
- Printed Documentation
- Where Find Activestate Python 2.5?
W. eWatson
- Where Find Activestate Python 2.5?
W. eWatson
- ActiveState Python Together with "Regular" Python) ((DLE)
W. eWatson
- ActiveState Python Together with "Regular" Python) ((DLE)
W. eWatson
- ActiveState Python Together with "Regular" Python) ((DLE)
W. eWatson
- What is intvar?
W. eWatson
- What is intvar?
W. eWatson
- What is intvar?
W. eWatson
- What is intvar?
W. eWatson
- What is intvar? [Python Docs]
W. eWatson
- Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL
W. eWatson
- Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL
W. eWatson
- Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL
W. eWatson
- Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL
W. eWatson
- Tkinter w.pack()?
W. eWatson
- Tkinter w.pack()?
W. eWatson
- Tkinter w.pack()?
W. eWatson
- Tkinter w.pack()?
W. eWatson
- Tkinter w.pack()?
W. eWatson
- Tkinter w.pack()?
W. eWatson
- Tkinter w.pack()?
W. eWatson
- Python Doc 2.6 vs 2.5--A Matter of Format?
W. eWatson
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
- A java hobbyist programmer learning python
- LGPL license for Qt 4.5
- relpath problem on windows
- Where to host a (Python) project?
- receive and react to MIDI input
- receive and react to MIDI input
- receive and react to MIDI input
- receive and react to MIDI input
- receive and react to MIDI input
- ctypes to customize MSN now playing status
- If your were going to program a game...
- Chart libs for python
- mod_pylite?
- mod_pylite?
- mod_pylite?
- Creating an application for Linux
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
- Printed Documentation
- Printed Documentation
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
- Egg deinstallation
- LGPL license for Qt 4.5
- Need help with os.system in linux
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
- small python-cgi wiki?
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
- Recommendation for a small web framework like Perl's CGI::Application to run as CGI?
- importlib: what is it, and why is it important?
- Workshop "Medical Imaging Systems" within EUROMEDIA 2009 – Announce & Call for Papers
tavares at fe.up.pt
- Symposium “Image Processing and Visualization in Solid Mechanics Processes” within the ESMC2009 Conference – Announce & Call for Papers
tavares at fe.up.pt
- Beginner: Data type conversion question
- Beginner: Data type conversion question
- Beginner: Data type conversion question
- Beginner: Data type conversion question
- SimpleXMLRPCServer question
- SimpleXMLRPCServer question
- Printed Documentation
- Printed Documentation
- Problem using python C API
marcglec at free.fr
- Ideas to optimize this getitem/eval call?
mario g
- multiprocessing BaseManager doesn't clean up net connections?
- can someone tell me why this doesn't work please python 3
- is there a shorter way to write this
- patch
- python3.0 MySQLdb
- python3.0 MySQLdb
- python3.0 MySQLdb
- i want to join developer group
- python3.0 MySQLdb
- [python3.0] s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
- except sqlite3.Error as e:
- except sqlite3.Error as e:
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
- s = sha1(random()).hexdigest()
- s=ascii(hexlify(urandom(10)))
- s=ascii(hexlify(urandom(10)))
- s=ascii(hexlify(urandom(10)))
- s=ascii(hexlify(urandom(10)))
- bin = FieldStorage(fp=environ['wsgi.input'], environ=environ)
- s=str(binary)
- s=str(binary)
- s=str(binary)
- s=str(binary)
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
- Regexp
- Regexp
- python and gloox
- ifconfig in python
RasikaSrinivasan at gmail.com
- Generator metadata/attributes
acooke.org at gmail.com
- Generator metadata/attributes
acooke.org at gmail.com
- Interpreter & Thread state & Frame structures.
alessiogiovanni.baroni at gmail.com
- help me python
aolsuppo at gmail.com
- Embedding Python and program path
arve.knudsen at gmail.com
- Receiving data from USB
barithegreat at gmail.com
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
bieffe62 at gmail.com
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
bieffe62 at gmail.com
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
bieffe62 at gmail.com
- Slow Queue.queue? (was: slow network)
bieffe62 at gmail.com
- Client Socket Connection to Java server
bieffe62 at gmail.com
- Module/Library That is Able To Use Cookies + Proxies?
blackcapsoftware at gmail.com
- having problems with a multi-conditional while statement
bowman.joseph at gmail.com
- having problems with a multi-conditional while statement
bowman.joseph at gmail.com
- tasklet library based on PEP 0342
charlie137 at gmail.com
- tasklet library based on PEP 0342
charlie137 at gmail.com
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
coutinhotiago at gmail.com
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
coutinhotiago at gmail.com
- Is this a bug in Python or something I do not understand.
davidalvi at gmail.com
- Standard IPC for Python?
drobinow at gmail.com
- Standard IPC for Python?
drobinow at gmail.com
- LGPL license for Qt 4.5
drobinow at gmail.com
- How to use *.py modules instead of *.pyc?
dsblizzard at gmail.com
- Importing modules
e4me4m at gmail.com
- problem with special characters in filename
fizzotti at gmail.com
- Process crash with no reason
gil.shinar at gmail.com
- Process crash with no reason
gil.shinar at gmail.com
- Process crash with no reason
gil.shinar at gmail.com
- Process crash with no reason
gil.shinar at gmail.com
- Process crash with no reason
gil.shinar at gmail.com
- i want to join developer group
gkcdri at gmail.com
- simple turn-based multiplayer game via TCP server/client
greywine at gmail.com
- File buffer flush issue in multi-process in Windows
javen72 at gmail.com
- File buffer flush issue in multi-process in Windows
javen72 at gmail.com
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
joseph.a.marlin at gmail.com
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
joseph.a.marlin at gmail.com
- pythonic chew toyz (a column, by K. Urner) v.1 n.1
kirby.urner at gmail.com
- pythonic chew toyz (a column, by K. Urner) v.1 n.1
kirby.urner at gmail.com
- Videocapture in python
koranthala at gmail.com
- initialization in python
koranthala at gmail.com
- initialization in python
koranthala at gmail.com
- Videocapture in python
koranthala at gmail.com
- initialization in python
koranthala at gmail.com
- Python logging question
koranthala at gmail.com
- Python logging question
koranthala at gmail.com
- Doubt on creating threads
koranthala at gmail.com
- Doubt on creating threads
koranthala at gmail.com
- Python return values
koranthala at gmail.com
- Encrypted Logging in python
koranthala at gmail.com
- Encrypted Logging in python
koranthala at gmail.com
- Python strings and coding conventions
koranthala at gmail.com
- Python strings and coding conventions
koranthala at gmail.com
koranthala at gmail.com
koranthala at gmail.com
- Securing a database
kt83313 at gmail.com
- Securing a database
kt83313 at gmail.com
- Securing a database
kt83313 at gmail.com
- Securing a database
kt83313 at gmail.com
lilanidhaval at gmail.com
- Jabber xml-rpc
makkalot at gmail.com
- 2to3 Help?
marco.m.petersen at gmail.com
- 2to3 Help?
marco.m.petersen at gmail.com
- 2to3 Help?
marco.m.petersen at gmail.com
- 2to3 Help?
marco.m.petersen at gmail.com
- 2to3 Help?
marco.m.petersen at gmail.com
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
mark.seagoe at gmail.com
- Can't understand what python wants from me
mark.seagoe at gmail.com
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
mark.seagoe at gmail.com
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
mark.seagoe at gmail.com
- verilog like class w/ bitslicing & int/long classtype
mark.seagoe at gmail.com
- Using equals operator without changing reference pointer
mark.seagoe at gmail.com
- Using equals operator without changing reference pointer
mark.seagoe at gmail.com
- persistent TCP connection in python using socketserver
markobrien85 at gmail.com
- persistent TCP connection in python using socketserver
markobrien85 at gmail.com
- Regular expression that skips single line comments?
martinjamesevans at gmail.com
- Regular expression that skips single line comments?
martinjamesevans at gmail.com
- Using couchdb to build a EMAIL messaging solution with threaded inline replies
mobiledreamers at gmail.com
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
msrachel.e at gmail.com
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
msrachel.e at gmail.com
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
msrachel.e at gmail.com
- Noob question
nanoeyes at gmail.com
- Seeking pure Python AES/RSA library compatible with OpenSSL
novosibirsk at gmail.com
- Seeking pure Python AES/RSA library compatible with OpenSSL
novosibirsk at gmail.com
- dicts,instances,containers, slotted instances, et cetera.
ocschwar at gmail.com
- dicts,instances,containers, slotted instances, et cetera.
ocschwar at gmail.com
- dicts,instances,containers, slotted instances, et cetera.
ocschwar at gmail.com
- writing pickle function
perfreem at gmail.com
- scatterhist and resizing figures
perfreem at gmail.com
- how to optimize object creation/reading from file?
perfreem at gmail.com
- how to optimize object creation/reading from file?
perfreem at gmail.com
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
perfreem at gmail.com
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
perfreem at gmail.com
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
perfreem at gmail.com
- writing large dictionaries to file using cPickle
perfreem at gmail.com
- problem calling method
pieterprovoost at gmail.com
- problem calling method
pieterprovoost at gmail.com
- Dealing with large memory under linux or How to Build 64bit Python
proteusguy at gmail.com
- Python Developer needed for Greenwich, CT assignment
ronaldjweiss at gmail.com
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
s0suk3 at gmail.com
- Can Python manipulate PE structure or bytes?
seaworthyjeremy at gmail.com
- Mathematica 7 compares to other languages
soul.mirror1 at gmail.com
- *.python.org broken?
tgvaughan at gmail.com
- *.python.org broken?
tgvaughan at gmail.com
- *.python.org broken?
tgvaughan at gmail.com
- is python Object oriented??
thmpsn.m.k at gmail.com
- is python Object oriented??
thmpsn.m.k at gmail.com
- is python Object oriented??
thmpsn.m.k at gmail.com
- f.seek() unwanted output
thomasvangurp at gmail.com
- f.seek() unwanted output
thomasvangurp at gmail.com
- [Mechanize.ClientForm] double reading from urllib2.urlopen
tiktak.hodiki at gmail.com
- Python 3.0, 'Hello' < 42
towitowi at gmail.com
- About PyOpenGL
truelixin at gmail.com
- About PyOpenGL
truelixin at gmail.com
- How to set a cookie using Cookie Module
tryg.olson at gmail.com
- How to set a cookie using Cookie Module
tryg.olson at gmail.com
- How to set a cookie using Cookie Module
tryg.olson at gmail.com
- How to Delete a Cookie?
tryg.olson at gmail.com
- How to Delete a Cookie?
tryg.olson at gmail.com
- Dynamic methods and lambda functions
unineuro at gmail.com
- Python stack and heap
vedrandekovic at gmail.com
- Start two threads in same time
vedrandekovic at gmail.com
- Python and threads
vedrandekovic at gmail.com
- drive a desktop app from python?
zugnush at gmail.com
- *.python.org broken?
- Testing if an index is in a slice
mmanns at gmx.net
- Testing if an index is in a slice
mmanns at gmx.net
- Testing if an index is in a slice
mmanns at gmx.net
- Ordering of urlencoded tuples incorrect
benlucas99 at googlemail.com
- Ordering of urlencoded tuples incorrect
benlucas99 at googlemail.com
- Looking for a generic Python script to turn xml into a dataset/array
davidgshi at googlemail.com
- Mod_python, jsonrpc and sessions
p3dda.adam at googlemail.com
- Mod_python, jsonrpc and sessions
p3dda.adam at googlemail.com
- mod_python: delay in files changing after alteration
psaffrey at googlemail.com
- mod_python: delay in files changing after alteration
psaffrey at googlemail.com
- subprocess.Popen stalls
psaffrey at googlemail.com
- subprocess.Popen stalls
psaffrey at googlemail.com
- read a password protected xls file
thomas.steffen75 at googlemail.com
- the name of a method
thomas.steffen75 at googlemail.com
- Swapping values of two variables
tony.clarke5 at googlemail.com
- Swapping values of two variables
tony.clarke5 at googlemail.com
- Videocapture in python
alex goretoy
- Creating an application for Linux
alex goretoy
- Pass by reference
alex goretoy
- list iteration if statement
alex goretoy
- Pass by reference
alex goretoy
- Pass by reference
alex goretoy
- list iteration if statement
alex goretoy
- list iteration if statement
alex goretoy
- list iteration if statement
alex goretoy
- Is there a better algorithm?
alex goretoy
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
alex goretoy
- simple turn-based multiplayer game via TCP server/client
alex goretoy
- math module for Decimals
alex goretoy
- math module for Decimals
alex goretoy
- deleting a method
alex goretoy
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
alex goretoy
- Python training in Colorado, January 27-30
alex goretoy
- Package / Module Hierarchy question
alex goretoy
- threading a 10 lines out of a file
alex goretoy
- threading a 10 lines out of a file
alex goretoy
- math module for Decimals
alex goretoy
- Python training in Colorado, January 27-30
alex goretoy
- threading a 10 lines out of a file
alex goretoy
- threading a 10 lines out of a file
alex goretoy
- multiprocessing vs thread performance
alex goretoy
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
alex goretoy
- Is there a best linux distro for a python hobbyist?
alex goretoy
- Measuring bytes of packet sent from python application
alex goretoy
- Is there a better algorithm?
alex goretoy
- math module for Decimals
alex goretoy
- python is great
alex goretoy
- urlopen exception
alex goretoy
- urlopen exception
alex goretoy
- File layout in development stage
alex goretoy
- error: cannot invoke setopt() - perform() is currently running
alex goretoy
- error: cannot invoke setopt() - perform() is currently running
alex goretoy
- error: cannot invoke setopt() - perform() is currently running
alex goretoy
- ifconfig in python
alex goretoy
- Searching a file for multiple strings
- Python and Nagios
- Line completion with custom commands
- Line completion with custom commands
- Line completion with custom commands
- Class behaving like a static class
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
- MySQLdb LIKE '%%%s%%' problem
- reflection as in Java: how to create an instance from a classname
- reflection as in Java: how to create an instance from a classname
- reflection as in Java: how to create an instance from a classname
- Memoizing and WeakValueDictionary
hsoft at hardcoded.net
- Mocking `from foo import *` functions
hsoft at hardcoded.net
- Mocking `from foo import *` functions
hsoft at hardcoded.net
- English-like Python
- error C3861: 'Py_InitModule'
duprez at hinet.net.au
- error C3861: 'Py_InitModule'
duprez at hinet.net.au
- Rounding to the nearest 5
todpose at hotmail.com
- cx_Oracle issues
- PyQt, Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread?
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
- Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?
- Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?
- Ternary operator and tuple unpacking -- What am I missing ?
- DrPython and py2exe
- need help
juvy j
- need help
juvy j
- need help
juvy j
- FTP example going through a FTP Proxy
- FTP example going through a FTP Proxy
- FTP example going through a FTP Proxy
- FTP example going through a FTP Proxy
- Why is it faster the second time ?
- If your were going to program a game...
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
- unable to print Unicode characters in Python 3
- Python and CUDO
fredrik kant
- Object help
- Object help
- Object help
- Programming friction
- Scheduled Tasks - SetFlags
- IDLE spinning beach ball on OS X 10.3.9 Panther
- shutil module (directory input)
- Python Crashes
- Python Crashes
- Python Style Guide Questions
- Python Style Guide Questions
- Start two threads in same time
- Start two threads in same time
- Python Style Guide Questions - Contd.
- Logging help
- Logging help
- Logging help
- Dictionary : items()
- Logging help
- Logging help
- A Twisted Design Decision
- A Twisted Design Decision
- A Twisted Design Decision
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
- A Twisted Design Decision
- A Twisted Design Decision
- A Twisted Design Decision
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
- self-aware list of objects able to sense constituent member alterations?
- mac osx how to use a specific python environment
marco kuhn
- OpenOpt 0.21 (free optimization framework)
- [Twisted-web] ANN: Twisted 8.2 released
- f.seek() unwanted output
pruebauno at latinmail.com
- Any news on when some libraries will be ported to Python 3.0?
pruebauno at latinmail.com
- Encrypted Logging in python
pruebauno at latinmail.com
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
pruebauno at latinmail.com
- optimizing large dictionaries
pruebauno at latinmail.com
- is this pythonic?
pruebauno at latinmail.com
- is this pythonic?
pruebauno at latinmail.com
- is this pythonic?
pruebauno at latinmail.com
- SOAPpy under Python 2.6
leith at leithalweapon.geek.nz
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
- Creating an application for Linux
- Creating an application for Linux
- compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
- compiling python2.5 on linux under wine
- Mod_python, jsonrpc and sessions
- sftp with no password from python
- sftp with no password from python
- Web services
- similar words index?
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Is there a better algorithm?
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Reverse order of bit in repeating seqence of byte string
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Regular Expressions...
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- if-else statement
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Alphametric fun with Python
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Alphametric fun with Python
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- optimizing large dictionaries
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Alphametric fun with Python
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Simple image manipulation question
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- list subsetting
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- A different kind of interface
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- A different kind of interface
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- A different kind of interface
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- A different kind of interface
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
- file date/time on windows
- file date/time on windows
- Get thread pid
- Get thread pid
- Ideas to optimize this getitem/eval call?
- Ideas to optimize this getitem/eval call?
- Ideas to optimize this getitem/eval call?
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
- win32com.client / Trendlines
- win32com.client / Trendlines
- How does one view the source of function defined in the interpreter?
- [ANN] The Python Papers Volume 3 Issue 3
mauriceling at acm.org
- [ANN] The Python Papers Source Codes (Volume 1)
mauriceling at acm.org
- creating a pattern using a previous match and a count of the number of '('s in it
- Free-test russian xxx site
- Free-test russian xxx site
- Free-test russian xxx site
- Free-test russian xxx site
- python3.0 base64 error
yang michael
- Unreasonable memory usage under linux with a simple loop
- Unreasonable memory usage under linux with a simple loop
- Unreasonable memory usage under linux with a simple loop
- problem in implementing multiprocessing
gopal mishra
- problem in implementing multiprocessing
gopal mishra
- problem in implementing multiprocessing
gopal mishra
- How to get text from a surface
gopal mishra
- How to Delete a Cookie?
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
- Egg deinstallation
- Egg deinstallation
- Compressed vs uncompressed eggs
- subprocess.Popen stalls
- subprocess.Popen stalls
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Integrating awk in Python
- Differences between class and function decorator
- Class decorator with argument
- *Advanced* Python book?
- seeking to improve Python skills
- DrPython and py2exe
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
- DrPython and py2exe
- seeking to improve Python skills
- What's the business with the asterisk?
- unittest, order of test execution
- Building matplotlib from source on windows
- Reuse of DB-API 2.0 cursors for multiple queries?
- Recommended SOAP library?
- Recommended SOAP library?
- Is there a better algorithm?
- os.path.getmtime on windows, error: 206 - path or extension too long
- os.path.getmtime on windows, error: 206 - path or extension too long
- os.path.getmtime on windows, error: 206 - path or extension too long
- os.path.getmtime on windows, error: 206 - path or extension too long
- How to verify whether a process got hanged or still alive.
- How to verify whether a process got hanged or still alive.
- Why not Ruby?
sln at netherlands.com
- Function Application is not Currying
sln at netherlands.com
- minidom, drilling down to a low node in one line?
Matt Brown - nyc
- download timeout vs. socket timeout
- Counter Class -- Bag/Multiset
- OpenOpt 0.21 (free optimization framework)
skip at pobox.com
- mod_pylite?
skip at pobox.com
- Code coverage to Python code
skip at pobox.com
- Python3
skip at pobox.com
- Python3
skip at pobox.com
- My last working day of 2007
skip at pobox.com
- Python training in Colorado, January 27-30
skip at pobox.com
- How to get involved
skip at pobox.com
- image recogniton?
skip at pobox.com
- Traceback in Logging
skip at pobox.com
- Python subprocess question
skip at pobox.com
- parse/slice/...
skip at pobox.com
- python3.0 MySQLdb
skip at pobox.com
- Converting from PyUnicodeObject to char * without calling C API
skip at pobox.com
- Converting from PyUnicodeObject to char * without calling C API
skip at pobox.com
- python3.0 MySQLdb
skip at pobox.com
- mimetypes oddity
skip at pobox.com
- spam on the list - how are things now?
skip at pobox.com
- what's the point of rpython?
skip at pobox.com
- what's the point of rpython?
skip at pobox.com
- what's the point of rpython?
skip at pobox.com
- what's the point of rpython?
skip at pobox.com
- Cannot contact Python webmaster!
skip at pobox.com
- Why GIL? (was Re: what's the point of rpython?)
skip at pobox.com
- Stalled ticket in Python bug tracker
skip at pobox.com
- Stalled ticket in Python bug tracker
skip at pobox.com
- Byte oriented data types in python
skip at pobox.com
- Python
skip at pobox.com
- Spam making a comeback??
skip at pobox.com
- Python
- Executing WinXP commands using os module
- Executing WinXP commands using os module
- Is there a best linux distro for a python hobbyist?
david.lyon at preisshare.net
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
david.lyon at preisshare.net
- New to python, open source Mac OS X IDE?
david.lyon at preisshare.net
- Python Package Managment
david.lyon at preisshare.net
- Hello..General question about TKinter.
Rupp Peter - prupp
- frequency analysis without numpy
philbru at q.com
- Why not Ruby?
- Why not Ruby?
- Why not Ruby?
- Why not Ruby?
- Why not Ruby?
- Why not Ruby?
- type conversion
- Why not Ruby?
- type conversion
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- Why not Ruby?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- type conversion
- Why not Ruby?
- figuring week of the day....
- figuring week of the day....
- python is great
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Why this code is working?
- point class help
- point class help
- point class help
- Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)
- Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)
- Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)
- Possible bug in Tkinter - Python 2.6
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Does Python really follow its philosophy of "Readability counts"?
- Cannot contact Python webmaster!
- Find all available Tkinter cursor names?
- Find all available Tkinter cursor names?
- What is intvar?
- Find all available Tkinter cursor names?
- Suggested improvements for IDLE (non-official)
- Why this code is working?
- *.python.org broken?
- Why this code is working?
- What is intvar?
- Why this code is working?
- IDLE 3000 (suggested improvements)
- Spam making a comeback??
- Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL
- Drawing and Displaying an Image with PIL
- What is intvar? [Python Docs]
- Tkinter w.pack()?
- Tkinter w.pack()?
- Tkinter w.pack()?
- receive and react to MIDI input
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
- search speed
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
- receive and react to MIDI input
- Does the Python community really follow the philospy of "Community Matters?"
- Pipe stdout && stderr to a TkLabel widget
- Pipe stdout && stderr to a TkLabel widget
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
- How many followers of comp.lang.python
- best site for hacking tricks , computer tweaks
debasish ray
- Py2exe issue
- Py2exe issue
- Py2exe issue
- Py2exe issue
- parse/slice/...
- really slow gzip decompress, why?
- Locking blockl to a people on a similar group / naming locks
- redirecting stderr back..
- redirecting stderr back..
- redirecting stderr back..
- redirecting stderr back..
- Python training in Colorado, January 27-30
lutz at rmi.net
- similar words index?
- import relative (with a directory)
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- List comprehension - NameError: name '_[1]' is not defined ?
mario ruggier
- Regex for unicode letter characters
- new.instancemethod questions
- new.instancemethod questions
- new.instancemethod questions
- folder extraction
r.grimm at science-computing.de
- hlep: a text search and rename question
- hlep: a text search and rename question
- hlep: a text search and rename question
- hlep: a text search and rename question
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
- are there some special about '\x1a' symbol
- #python IRC help - my internet provider is banned!
- #python IRC help - my internet provider is banned!
- Invitation for Python at the Southern California Linux Expo
joe at socallinuxexpo.org
- Compile as static library
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6 fails on compiling > Bug report
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6 fails on compiling > Bug report
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6 fails on compiling > Bug report
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6 fails on compiling > Bug report
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6 fails on compiling > Bug report
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6 fails on compiling > Bug report
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python 2.6.1 @executable_path
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- MaxInt on Vista-64bit?
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- MaxInt on Vista-64bit?
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python C API (PyObject_CallMethod clear object)
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python C API (PyObject_CallMethod clear object)
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Python C API (PyObject_CallMethod clear object)
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- ImportError in embedded Python Interpreter
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- ImportError in embedded Python Interpreter
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- ImportError in embedded Python Interpreter
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- ImportError in embedded Python Interpreter
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- ImportError in embedded Python Interpreter
googler.1.webmaster at spamgourmet.com
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- How to deepcopy a list of user defined lists?
srinivasan srinivas
- How to deepcopy a list of user defined lists?
srinivasan srinivas
- Getting OSError, Could someone suggest?
srinivasan srinivas
- Doubts related to subprocess.Popen()
srinivasan srinivas
- Doubts related to subprocess.Popen()
srinivasan srinivas
- Extending Python with C or C++
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
- looking for tips on how to implement "ruby-style" Domain Specific Language in Python
- why cannot assign to function call
- why cannot assign to function call
- python is great
- reading stdout from a running win32 process
- why cannot assign to function call
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
- Standard IPC for Python?
- Standard IPC for Python?
- LGPL license for Qt 4.5
- LGPL license for Qt 4.5
- English-like Python
- frequency analysis without numpy
- frequency analysis without numpy
- Executing previous stack frame
- Executing previous stack frame
- Is (-1 ==True) True or False? Neither
oktaysafak at superonline.com
- About SCons Re: [Python-Dev] progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80
anatoly techtonik
- About SCons Re: progress: compiling python2.5 under msys (specifically but not exclusively under wine) with msvcr80
anatoly techtonik
- is there a way to determine a relative path to the script?
- figuring week of the day....
- figuring week of the day....
dg.google.groups at thesamovar.net
- Is there a best linux distro for a python hobbyist?
member thudfoo
- ctypes with Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6B *.dll (Windows XP), passing of integer and real values
member thudfoo
- python 2.6 wininst problem
- Wx broken?
- Wx broken?
- Wx broken?
- UnicodeError for join()
- UnicodeError for join()
- UnicodeError for join()
- read string in bits
- read string in bits
- Socket issues
- Socket issues
- Socket issues
- No subject
4329402926 at txt.att.net
- braces fixed '#{' and '#}'
- Quickbooks
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- Ideas to optimize this getitem/eval call?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- Noob question: Is all this typecasting normal?
- ResponseNotReady exception
- Port of python stdlib to other languages.
- Port of python stdlib to other languages.
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
- Newby: how to transform text into lines of text
- uninstall before upgrade?
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- how to remove 'FFFD' character
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- distinction between unzipping bytes and unzipping a file
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- BadZipfile "file is not a zip file"
- practical limits of urlopen()
- pygccxml xml output file
- Defer problem
- Twisted Trial - Framework for Test
- The $5 Dollar PayPal Money Making Method
- python is a python
- English-like Python
afriere at yahoo.co.uk
- I'm a python addict !
afriere at yahoo.co.uk
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- Implementing file reading in C/Python
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- why cannot assign to function call
rurpy at yahoo.com
- Python and threads
vedrandekovic at yahoo.com
- Python and threads
vedrandekovic at yahoo.com
- Is (-1 ==True) True or False? Neither
Oktay Şafak
- Is (-1 ==True) True or False? Neither
Oktay Şafak
- Is (-1 ==True) True or False? Neither
Oktay Şafak
- python is great
Дамјан Георгиевски
- State of the art: Tkinter, Tk 8.5, Tix?
Дамјан Георгиевски
- Problem with -3 switch
Дамјан Георгиевски
- redirecting stderr back..
Дамјан Георгиевски
- wsgi silently swallows errors
Дамјан Георгиевски
- ifconfig in python
Дамјан Георгиевски
- A different kind of interface
Дамјан Георгиевски
- v = json.loads("{'test':'test'}")
Дамјан Георгиевски
- USB in python
Дамјан Георгиевски
- Reuse of DB-API 2.0 cursors for multiple queries?
Дамјан Георгиевски
- small python-cgi wiki?
Дамјан Георгиевски
- When does python 3.1, 3.2 version out?
- idle 3.0 unicode
- ask a question about richtextctrl
- What's new in 3.0 about threading?
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 23:39:15 EST 2009
Archived on: Mon Oct 28 06:02:31 EDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).