Trouble writing txt
Benjamin Kaplan
benjamin.kaplan at
Wed Jan 21 15:48:37 EST 2009
On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 1:59 PM, bilgin arslan <a.bilgin.a at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to write a list of words to into a text file as two
> colons: word (tab) len(word)
> such as
> standart 8
> I have no trouble writing the words but I couldn't write integers. I
> always get strange characters, such as:
> 㐊娀䄀䴀䄀一ഀ5COCUK
> 㐊䬀䄀䐀䤀一ഀ5EV
> ...
> 㜊夀䄀䴀䄀ഀ4YATSI
> 㔊娀䤀䰀䜀䤀吀ഀ�
Looks like an encoding problem to me.
> (the integers also seem to be incorrect)
> I use the following form inside a loop to produce this
> current = unicode(word)+" "+str(len(word))
> ofile.write(current)
> I know about struct and I tried to used it but somehow I always got a
> blank character instead of an int.
> import struct
> format = "i"
> data = struct.pack(format, 24)
> print data
Struct encodes the data as a string. 24 encoded as a byte string is
represented as 18 00 00 00 (these are hex). All of these values are
unprintable, so you get a blank instead. You're original idea should work
once you get the encoding problem fixed.
> Any ideas?
> I use macosx and eclipse. The code also uses unicode encoding
Unicode is NOT an encoding. It is a standard. You're probably thinking of
the UTF-8 encoding, one of the 5 different "unicode" encodings. This page
does a great job of explaining what Unicode actually is.
Try using ofile.write(current.encode("UTF-8")) and see if that helps.
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