pyjamas 0.7 released
Wolfgang Strobl
news3 at
Wed Apr 28 03:00:11 EDT 2010
lkcl <luke.leighton at>:
>On Apr 25, 9:37 pm, Wolfgang Strobl <ne... at> wrote:
>> Daniel Fetchinson <fetchin... at>:
>> >> for fits and giggles, to show what's possible in only 400
>> >> lines of python, here is a game of asteroids, written by joe rumsey.
>> >> yes, it runs underpyjamas-desktop too.
>> >>
>> >This URL returns a blank page for me on firefox 3.3.5 (linux) with and
>> >without adblock plus.
>> works. (Firefox
>> 3.6.3 with ABP, Chrome 4.1)
> yep. apologies. didn't want to play asteroids, wanted to do a
Sure. :-) But you made a very prominent reference to it. Btw., both and still name 0.6 as
the current version. Shouldn't that be changed to 0.7?
Two weeks ago, I played around with the trunk version, looking for an
working drag&drop example. I didn't find anything, but noticed some
unfinished code in a dnd subdirectory. Are you aware of the fact that
many of the examples just don't work and that there is no way of
telling, other than by trying each one out in turn? I didn't look at
every example again, but AFAIK, this didn't change with 0.7. (Tried with
Python 2.6.4/5 on WinXP/7 with Firefox and Chrome, if that matters).
There are quite some impressive working examples, but the user
experience is somewhat lacking and hampered by stumbling over faulting
examples, IMHO. May I suggest to restrinct some overview page to the
working examples, only?
Given my original motivation for looking into it - may I ask whether
there is a working example for a dnd operation, somewhere? Perhaps I
just didn't find it in the abundance of example code :-) Thanks for
helping and for this great project!
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