simple and fast platform independent IPC

Joan Miller peloko45 at
Wed Feb 3 06:31:14 EST 2010

On 3 feb, 10:54, Tim Golden <m... at> wrote:
> [News123<news... at>]
> >>> I wondered what IPC library might be best simplest for following task?
> ...
> >>> xmlrpc seems to be a little heavy for such tasks.
> >>> signals don't allow to exchange data
> >>> a shared memory message queue would probably a good solution, but
> >>> python's Multiprocessing.Queue  seems to require a common parent process
> [Vinay Sajip]
> >> Gabriel's suggestion is very good; if you need something which is a
> >> little more like RPC but still quite lightweight, consider Pyro
> >> (
> [pelok... at]
> > I've read that Pyro is not safe.
> That's a fairly broad thing to say. I've read lots
> of things. What does "is not safe" mean, in any case?
> I assume you've got a valid concern in mind which is
> worth passing on to a would-be user, but what exactly
> is it? FWIW I've used Pyro on and off over the years
> without any problems. Certainly my computer's never
> blown up as a result of using it.
>From its own page:
"Pyro has never been truly designed to provide a secure communication
mechanism, nor has it had a security review or -test by a security

> Obviously Pyro is Python-only so interaction with non-Python
> code would be problematic. But the OP only mentions Python
> scripts so hopefully that wouldn't be an issue...

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