Using Python to automatically boot my computer at a specific time and play a podcast

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at
Sun Jun 16 15:25:15 EDT 2013

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 3:06 PM, C. N. Desrosiers <cndesrosiers at>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm planning to buy a Macbook Air and I want to use it as a sort of alarm.
>  I'd like to write a program that boots my computer at a specific time,
> loads iTunes, and starts playing a podcast.  Is this sort of thing possible
> in Python?
> Thanks in advance.

Since Macs run a version of Unix underneath you can write a cron job to get
things started at a specific time.  I'm not sure about the iTunes
interface.  Have you researched to see if it has and API?  If it does,
likely python could handle that.

> --

Joel Goldstick
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