Select fails when cookie tried to get a numeric value
Νίκος Αλεξόπουλος
nikos.gr33k at
Sun Oct 6 01:20:35 EDT 2013
Στις 6/10/2013 2:36 πμ, ο/η Denis McMahon έγραψε:
> On Sat, 05 Oct 2013 16:38:14 +0300, Νίκος Αλεξόπουλος wrote:
>> [my cookie code is fucked]
> Hi Nick
> I had never used python for www before yesterday. I had never used python
> before about 6 months ago.
> In the last 24 hours I have installed mod-wsgi on my apache web server,
> and written test code that enables me to see the result of all
> environment data, parse the get string, parse post data, set and parse
> cookies, and save session data to a file specific to the cookie data.
> There may be better ways to do some of it, but it works.
> Here is a link to the text of my python file:
> Once you have read through it (there are comments) and understood how it
> handles cookies and session data, you will realise that you can add and
> modify any session data just by adding relevant items to and reading them
> from the session data dictionary. The session data stays on the server,
> the cookie simply identifies the session (and the session data file), and
> hopefully is unique to the user.
> Don't ask me any questions about why I did something the way I did it. I
> did it that way because it works. If anyone knows a different way that
> also works and maybe works better, feel free to discuss it. But Nick,
> don't you dare suggest any change that doesn't work because you think it
> looks better.
> If you don't understand a module function that I've used, read the python
> documentation for it.
> If you think you have a question that is not covered by the above
> statements, feel free to ask me, here, why I wrote a given line number or
> group of line numbers the way I did. However, see the notes above - the
> answer will probably be "because it works that way".
> If you quote the whole file or even large chunks of it here, I am
> finished with trying to help you, ever!
Thank you Denis, i didn't knew about sessions up until i saw you post.
Your code is very advanced for me to read but i will try to "decode it"
I though that if we want to read something from our visitor, something
we want, we have to save it to his browser a cookie, that we later
retrieve within our python script's code.
What "sessions" do more compared to just using cookies?
i use 'cgi', but i noticed you used 'mod-wsgi'.
I want to ask you why you chose the latter? Is the latter better than
the former?
Is it faster? Does it bahave the same way?
I my code works works with cgi, which it does, will the same code works
with mod-wcgi?
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