The following modules appear to be missing ['_sysconfigdata']

songbird songbird at
Wed Jan 9 15:39:54 EST 2019

Grant Edwards wrote:
> That said, I've recently switched from py2exe to cx_freeze.  However,
> even that isn't simple enough for my users, and I bundle the output
> from those with Inno Setup.

  i looked at the one and stopped at that because
alas, i have no Windows or MacOS machines to
generate any binaries, though i would guess that
the MacOS may have an easier path to getting
a C compiler installed (but i don't know, my MacOS
person hasn't said anything yet).

  in looking at the Python install for Windows it
looks like i will probably want to do it to make
sure that the paths are set up correctly.  the C
compiler, don't know how easy that might be until 
i do it, which i hate when sitting in someone 
else's house with them hovering.  considering i 
haven't touched Windows since XP and really am 
not an expert these days it should be entertaining.

  my code is all python 3 so that at least should
simplify some things.


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