Fwd: About the Python
Thomas Passin
list1 at tompassin.net
Mon Jan 2 12:32:56 EST 2023
Since you have an immediate need to have working installations, I
suggest that you downgrade to an earlier version of Python. V3.11.1 is
new and some binary libraries (such as numpy) may not be working
correctly yet with the latest version. Your students will not need any
of the new features that 3.11 may provide.
On 1/2/2023 12:27 AM, Ramya M wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Ramya M <ramyam at jnnce.ac.in>
> Date: Mon, Jan 2, 2023, 9:58 AM
> Subject: About the Python
> To: <python-list at python.org>
> This is from JNN College of Engineering, Shimoga. we are facing some
> problems while using python. Please can you resolve this issue.
> We are using python 3.11.1 (64 bit) for windows 10. but while installing
> the "numpy and matplotlib" packages we are getting errors. In some cases
> after installation of the above said packages we are getting errors while
> working.
> So, Please can you people resolve this issue as the python labs are going
> on and students are facing some difficulties.
> Thanking you
> Regards
> Ramya M
> Instructor, ECE Dept.
> JNNCE, Shimoga
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