Improvement to imports, what is a better way ?

Dan Kolis dankolis at
Wed Jan 18 13:43:54 EST 2023

This program has lots of files and each is well segregated for a concept.

the top of each as a heap of imports, all identical. Well the very top has some one of's

import os as                        os
import sys as                       sys
import importlib as                 importlib
import datetime as                  dt
from   tokenize import              maybe
import signal

from   tkinter import filedialog as fd
from   tkinter.messagebox import    showinfo
import tkinter as                   tk  
from   tkinter import               ttk
from   tkinter import               font
from   PIL import Image     as      pl
from   PIL import ImageTk   as      ii

# Imports part of this program 
import aboutTime as         tt      # Time dates timestamps and the like
import avMedia as           av      # Audio and maybe video 'someday' well definitely lots of TTS text to speech
import basicSwitchboard as  sc      # First switchboard lurking. Kickoff to sequence viewers
import bestNotifications as bn      # Alerts, modals and notifications of many kinds including TK windows
import bitBlitting as       bb      # Help - # A setup window with basic facts written into files and the workspace
import configSetting as     cs      # A setup window with basic facts written into files and the workspace
import devPeeks as          dp      # Developments peek assets code for adding features and debugging
import fileIo as            io      # File reads, writes even some of the the pickle and unpickling
import forFun as            ff      # Staging area for uncertian features, also some dynamic code inclusion
import fractionScreens as   fs      # Common window pieces for TK windows in sequence viewers
import genomeDb as          gd      # IO to from databases external files gbk and others sure
import globalIdeas as       gi      # Common code for stuff used everywhere and definition of share DOT OBJECTS
import insertableEditors as ie      # Text editor(s) and support for that, some language issues managed too
import modalSimple as       mo      # Modal windows icp seq ssues, not used much currently
import osDependant as       od      # Operating system dependant calls and adaptions
import pickle as            pk      # Packaging to and from file system for objects especially DOT OBJECTS
import screenBuilder1 as    sb      # Screen maker for TKinter and TKinter ++ windows
import selectViewer as      sv      # Window for picking which sequence viewers are enabled
import sequencesMaintain as sm      # Touching up temporal version issues of DOT OBJECTS
import sequencesOverview as so      # Working with sequences as macro facts, lists, see turn off etc
import serverHttp1 as       sh1     # Servers for HTTP - User Support
import serverHttp2 as       sh2     # Servers for HTTP - Protein viewing
import specialFour as       sf      # Classes and stuff for viewer four, a very complex viewer
import stagingNow as        sn      # More stabler new ideas getting tried out and moved in
import taskingFunction as   tf      # Tasker for real timeish event processor calls. Has two versions both work
import toastMaker as        tm      # Notifications
import transFormations as   xf      # Sequence transFormations from mother natures ideas like DNA and RNA
import unlovedMenus as      um      # Pretty rarely used ond fashioned menus. A while interface is in here that works
import wayOffline as        wo      # Code not discarded but just studies, etc
import windowsX as          wx      # Windows Life ! X11 esp TK not MS Windoze ...

So the file for instance has a duplicate of this.

I want to be able to call any code by using the two char prefix form anywhere. ex: io.get_Sequence(  'abc.fa' )

this seems weirdly disorderly. when it starts it sort of iterates down into objects, backs up etc.

What's the right way to do this ?

Thank you

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