Improvement to imports, what is a better way ?
Paul Bryan
pbryan at
Wed Jan 18 14:29:27 EST 2023
I would suggest allowing each module to define its own imports, don't
import what a module doesn't consume, keep them simple, avoid devising
a common namespace for each, and let tools like isort/black work out
how to order/express them in source files.
On Wed, 2023-01-18 at 10:43 -0800, Dan Kolis wrote:
> This program has lots of files and each is well segregated for a
> concept.
> the top of each as a heap of imports, all identical. Well the very
> top has some one of's
> import os as os
> import sys as sys
> import importlib as importlib
> import datetime as dt
> from tokenize import maybe
> import signal
> from tkinter import filedialog as fd
> from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo
> import tkinter as tk
> from tkinter import ttk
> from tkinter import font
> from PIL import Image as pl
> from PIL import ImageTk as ii
> # Imports part of this program
> import aboutTime as tt # Time dates timestamps and the
> like
> import avMedia as av # Audio and maybe video 'someday'
> well definitely lots of TTS text to speech
> import basicSwitchboard as sc # First switchboard lurking.
> Kickoff to sequence viewers
> import bestNotifications as bn # Alerts, modals and
> notifications of many kinds including TK windows
> import bitBlitting as bb # Help - # A setup window with
> basic facts written into files and the workspace
> import configSetting as cs # A setup window with basic facts
> written into files and the workspace
> import devPeeks as dp # Developments peek assets code
> for adding features and debugging
> import fileIo as io # File reads, writes even some of
> the the pickle and unpickling
> import forFun as ff # Staging area for uncertian
> features, also some dynamic code inclusion
> import fractionScreens as fs # Common window pieces for TK
> windows in sequence viewers
> import genomeDb as gd # IO to from databases external
> files gbk and others sure
> import globalIdeas as gi # Common code for stuff used
> everywhere and definition of share DOT OBJECTS
> import insertableEditors as ie # Text editor(s) and support for
> that, some language issues managed too
> import modalSimple as mo # Modal windows icp seq ssues,
> not used much currently
> import osDependant as od # Operating system dependant
> calls and adaptions
> import pickle as pk # Packaging to and from file
> system for objects especially DOT OBJECTS
> import screenBuilder1 as sb # Screen maker for TKinter and
> TKinter ++ windows
> import selectViewer as sv # Window for picking which
> sequence viewers are enabled
> import sequencesMaintain as sm # Touching up temporal version
> issues of DOT OBJECTS
> import sequencesOverview as so # Working with sequences as macro
> facts, lists, see turn off etc
> import serverHttp1 as sh1 # Servers for HTTP - User Support
> import serverHttp2 as sh2 # Servers for HTTP - Protein
> viewing
> import specialFour as sf # Classes and stuff for viewer
> four, a very complex viewer
> import stagingNow as sn # More stabler new ideas getting
> tried out and moved in
> import taskingFunction as tf # Tasker for real timeish event
> processor calls. Has two versions both work
> import toastMaker as tm # Notifications
> import transFormations as xf # Sequence transFormations from
> mother natures ideas like DNA and RNA
> import unlovedMenus as um # Pretty rarely used ond
> fashioned menus. A while interface is in here that works
> import wayOffline as wo # Code not discarded but just
> studies, etc
> import windowsX as wx # Windows Life ! X11 esp TK not
> MS Windoze ...
> So the file for instance has a duplicate of this.
> I want to be able to call any code by using the two char prefix form
> anywhere. ex: io.get_Sequence( 'abc.fa' )
> this seems weirdly disorderly. when it starts it sort of iterates
> down into objects, backs up etc.
> What's the right way to do this ?
> Thank you
> Dan
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