[Python-mode] merging

Andreas Roehler andreas.roehler at online.de
Thu Jan 8 08:50:58 CET 2009

Hi Beverley,

IMO exists no easy way to merge at all here in general.

Proceeding differs occasionally profoundly; results and
chances are only seen partly (at least for me). So I
wouldn't want to say: drop this form, take another and
rebuild with that.

After all the only useful way I imagine is to regard
form by form starting from an real issue/feature to

So my question would be: Do you see any feature in
python.el, python-mode.el doesn't deliver?


Andreas Röhler

Beverley Eyre wrote:
> I see that the initial emails that Barry and I exchanged are here, but
> not the rest. Briefly, I'm going to take on the task of comparing and
> analyzing python.el (GNU) and python-mode.el (Launchpad) with the idea
> that a merged and better-than-either version can be created, and will
> begin by doing the suggested inventory.
> To get a quick idea of the size of the task, I wrote a script that
> figured out how many functions there are and how many have the same name
> in both versions (sans the 'py-' or 'python-' prefix). There are 81
> functions in python-mode.el and 66 functions in python.el, 147 total. Of
> those, only 9 have the same function name:
> py[thon]-
>                backslash-continuation-line-p
>                continuation-line-p
>                current-defun
>                guess-indent(-offset for pm)
>                indent-line
>                 mark-block
>                 next-statement
>                 outdent-p
>                 previous-statement
> I haven't actually looked at them yet, so I don't know if they are
> identical, but in any case, it looks as if there is not a whole lot of
> cross-over.
> Anyway, I'll post more when I've made a little progress. I won't post
> any my analysis here because of the probable size of the files, but I'll
> put them in some easily downloadable spot, like the wiki maybe, and
> anyone interesting in participating in a code review process can get
> them and talk about it here.
> Bev
> Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Jan 1, 2009, at 9:56 PM, Beverley Eyre wrote:
>>>> I'm writing because I am interested in helping merge python.el with
>>>> python-mode.el and your website suggested that I contact you. I'm
>>>> happy that there is someone on Earth besides me who uses emacs to
>>>> edit python code and wants a better mode.
> Hi Beverley,
> I'm psyched to hear you're interested in helping out with this.  I
> think one of the first things to do is to inventory what's different
> between the two modes.  Then we should try to evaluate which mode does
> common tasks better and decide what we'll take from each.  Would you
> be up for that?
> -Barry
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