[Python-mode] python-mode.el 6.0 released

Glenn Linderman v+python at g.nevcal.com
Sun Jul 24 09:16:35 CEST 2011

On 7/23/2011 11:34 PM, Andreas Röhler wrote:
>>> Please write a bug report. Also posting on the emacs-help might be
>>> useful.
>> Thanks for your suggestions here, I know it is out of scope for
>> python-mode. But reporting the bug in emacs 3 years ago, and the
>> deficiencies of that process from a user perspective, do not encourage
>> following the process again...
> Please take in consideration the tremendous work the Emacs 
> core-developers are delivering. Have a look at what you get from it 
> and ask where it's coming from. From my perspective these people 
> deserve our assistance and patience likewise.

Sure, it's a great program.  I've been using it for at least 20 years!  
Unicode didn't exist back then.  This is the first time they've 
delivered a new feature that doesn't work... sadly.  But I can 
understand that converting a program that didn't use Unicode, to use 
Unicode, is a huge effort.  On the other hand, there are lots of bug 
trackers floating around, and the process I found in the documentation 
is severely brain-damaged on Windows.... but... reading on....

> I was hoping there might be some other
>> interface to the process that I overlooked, or which augments the
>> process whose documentation I was able to find, and, with great effort,
>> follow.
>> So, I did write a bug report email for this exact issue, for emacs 23.1,
>> 3 years ago. But I have no way to check its status.
> http://debbugs.gnu.org/

This looks promising :)  I don't need to learn why I didn't find it from 
reading the docs, I guess.  On the other hand, maybe it is new, since I 
last looked.  Seems it is still all email based, and no obvious way to 
add status to the bug via this interface... maybe via email?  Anyway, 
the problem with not opening files containing particular characters in 
their names is reported, and open, so perhaps someday that will get fixed.

The problem with "<packet> is invalid" I cannot find record of in the 
bug tracker, but ...

>  Is there a different
>> interface? The bug report email stuff doesn't work very well on Windows,
>> I had to generate it to a file, and then send the file (or something
>> weird, it has been 3 years since I reported it first, and I've maybe
>> forgotten the details). Where is the best way to send the bug report?
>> That way didn't seem to produce much response, and certainly not a
>> response that I can monitor for status in any way.... and the problem
>> still exists 3 years later. Pretty sad.
>> What is the "emacs-help" and how does one post on it? Is that a
>> newsgroup, an emacs feature, or a web site, or something else?
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-emacs/

It is findable here, as thread:

> Andreas

Anyway, thanks for you help locating the bug tracker, such as it is.  
Happily, I don't actually edit huge numbers of files containing accented 
characters in their names or contents, at least, not the ones that emacs 
doesn't properly handle.   But it is surely painful when I do... and 
even more painful when I try to do it with emacs 23.x.
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