[python-nigeria] I was on Hibernate mode but.........................

Aisha Bello aishabello2050 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 21:14:46 EST 2016

Hello Pythonistas,

Happy New year!!! * A tad bit late:D * I have been swamped with a number of
things and was going to take some time off to focus on my dissertation with
a couple of days left until deadline, but I have just had to come out of
hiding to share some really exciting and Joyful news *whew*

#Publicity #Publicity #Publicity So first of massive shout to Wale Adeagbo
and anyone else behind all these wonderful Djangogirls Lagos event press
release postings. I just did a random google search of DjangoGirls Lagos
and all these lot popped out and to say It was exhilarating and mind
blowing will be putting it mildly. I am really grateful. Here are some of
the listings we've had so far. There's no such thing as too much publicity
for a worthy cause ;)

Secondly, PyCon Namibia is fast approaching and remember how I said my
proposal for a talk which will center around the Nigerian Python community
got accepted http://na.pycon.org/schedule/talks/aisha.html
So as an Idea; I thought I should quote some of you guys during my
presentation and slides. I think it would be nice to tell the world in our
own voice directly from the Horse's mouth what we think and hope to achieve
for all things Python in Nigeria. So if you want to say anything about the
community and hopes for the future or just anything you would like to say,
please drop a line here or shoot me an email, and I will add it on my
presentation quoting you. I am looking to get 5 different quotes to add to
my presentation.

Finally I just heard about the Women's Technology Empowerment Center in
Ibadan from a fellow Pythonista. Did I mention they do an introductory
Python class as part of the program and use SCRATCH with Raspberry Pi.
#SuperCool. If anyone has any news on anything Python related that is
happening in Nigeria, please do share here. I am hoping this platform also
serves as an information hub to all things python in Nigeria so we can
reach out to these organisations and offer our support as a community as
DjangoGirls is already benefiting from this community. As time goes on when
we set up our official user's group website we will curate all the content
relating to python activities in Nigeria.

Cheers to a SUPERSONIC 2016 and to all the great milestones we will all set
to achieve in this new year both personally and for all things community

Aisha Bello

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