[Python-porting] Fw: lib2to3 and matching of fixers

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Thu Dec 15 00:05:31 CET 2011

2011/12/14 Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk>:
>> Does your fixer us BM_compatible = True? Try setting that to false.
> With BM_compatible = False, the match is indeed made, and my fixer's transform method called. Thanks!
> Is the meaning of the BM_compatible flag, or the overall matching and transformation algorithm, documented somewhere? Most of the fixers I looked at had BM_compatible = True, and I took my cue from the fix_isinstance fixer as it appeared closest to what I was trying to do.

No, unfortunately. The BM matcher is faster, but has weird behavior on
some things (as you can see).


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