[python-uk] Python for Kids

Mamading Ceesay mamading at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 00:23:00 CEST 2005

On 21/10/05, Tim Diggins <subscribed at red56.co.uk> wrote:
> In respect of your idea for  developing a course (I assume for older
> children), have you been in touch with either educational research
> places (like Institute of Education) and/or Game research places (like
> Games Lab at (I think) LMU?

Having checked out the IoE site, I'm not at all certain how open they
are to non-academics.  That having been said, their London Knowledge
Lab seems to be on the right track.

Can't find any info on the LMU Games Lab, but one does appear to exist.

One potential option is the Nesta Futurelab, but their next call for
ideas isn't until Spring 2006.

Wonder when the next PSF grants are going to be announced.

Mamading Ceesay

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